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  • 电能计量和安全性的智能电网

    Abstract: It may sound trite, but it is definitely true: the smart grid has the potential to completely transform the energyindustry. However, smart meters and grid management alone will not ensure the success of the smart grid. Unliketraditional IT networks, smart grids require consideration of energy measurement and security. To completely optimize thistechnology, smart grid designs must focus on energy measurement and security. This tutorial considers the benefits ofboth energy measurement and security and how they make machine-to-machine networks different from traditional IT.

    标签: 电能计量 安全性 智能电网

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 智能电网安全保护

    Abstract: Stuxnet, a sophisticated virus that damaged Iran's nuclear capability, should be an eye openerfor the world. We can choose to learn something very narrow (how to combat the Stuxnet virus) or wecan choose to focus on the larger goal of thwarting the next type of creative cyber attack. Unfortunately,critical industrial infrastructure is not currently designed with security as a key goal, leaving open multipleavenues for an educated and funded attacker to create massive problems. This tutorial outlines somebasic concepts that engineers and product definers should consider to make sure their new projects stayahead of future threats.

    标签: 智能电网 安全保护

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • 智能电表和智能电网手册

    Abstract: Investment in smart meters and smart grid end equipment continues to grow worldwide as countriestry to make their electric delivery systems more efficient. However, as critical as the electric deliveryinfrastructure is, it is normally not secured and thus subject to attack. This article describes the concept oflife-cycle security—the idea that embedded equipment in the smart grid must have security designed into theentire life of the product, even back to the contract manufacturer. We also talk about how life-cycle securityapplies to embedded equipment in the smart grid. Potential threats are discussed, as are potential solutionsto mitigate the risks posed by those threats.

    标签: 智能电表 智能电网

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • FP6291

    DC/DC 升压IC:The FP6291 is a current mode boost DC-DC converter. Its PWM circuitry with built-in 0.25 Ω power MOSFET make this regulator highly power efficient. The internal compensation network also minimizes as much as 6 external component counts. The non-inverting input of error amplifier connects to a 0.6V precision reference voltage and internal soft-start function can reduce the inrush current. The FP6291 is available in the SOT23-6L package and provides space-saving PCB for the application fields.

    标签: 6291 FP

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • DN1014同步降压型控制器在汽车应用中的电池寿命延长

      Battery powered applications that have a signifi cantamount of time in standby mode, require electrical circuitsto operate with a low quiescent current to preserve batterylife. The LTC3835 synchronous step-down controlleris an excellent solution with its ultralow quiescent current(80μA). Other features make it uniquely qualifi ed tosatisfy the needs of automotive applications. A wide 4Vto 36V input voltage range protects the supply againsthigh input voltage transients and is compatible with lowvoltage cold crank conditions. The constant frequencycurrent-mode architecture with high-side inductor current

    标签: 1014 DN 同步降压型 控制器

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • DN445微型模块LED驱动器

      Once relegated to the hinterlands of low cost indicatorlights, the LED is again in the spotlight of the lightingworld. LED lighting is now ubiquitous, from car headlightsto USB-powered lava lamps. Car headlights exemplifyapplications that capitalize on the LED’s clear advantages—unwavering high quality light output, tough-assteelrobustness, inherent high effi ciency—while a USBlava lamp exemplifi es applications where only LEDs work.Despite these clear advantages, their requirement forregulated voltage and current make LED driver circuitsmore complex than the venerable light bulb, but some newdevices are closing the gap. For instance, the LTM®8040μModule™ LED driver integrates all the driver circuitryinto a single package, allowing designers to refocus theirtime and effort on the details of lighting design criticalto a product’s success.

    标签: 445 LED DN 微型模块

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • 利用高压看门狗定时器加强汽车安全系统

      Abstract: As electronic systems take over many of the mechanical functions in a car—ranging from engine timing to steering andbraking—there is a growing concern about fault tolerance. There should not be a single point of failure that would prevent a car fromat least "limping" off the road or making it to the nearest service station. Redundant systems, watchdog timers, and other controlcircuits are used to reroute signals and perform other functions that ensure that a vehicle can safely make it off the road when afailure occurs.

    标签: 看门狗定时器 汽车安全系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • 基于IR2101最大功率跟踪逆变器的设计

    为解决直流逆变交流的问题,有效地利用能源,让电源输出最大功率,设计了高性能的基于IR2101最大功率跟踪逆变器,并以SPMC75F2413A单片机作为主控制器。高电压、高速功率的MOSFET或IGBT驱动器IR2101采用高度集成的电平转换技术,同时上管采用外部自举电容上电,能够稳定高效地驱动MOS管。该逆变器可以实现DC/AC的转换,最大功率点的跟踪等功能。实际测试结果表明,该逆变器系统具有跟踪能力强,稳定性高,反应灵敏等特点,该逆变器不仅可应用于普通的电源逆变系统,而且可应用于光伏并网发电的逆变系统,具有广泛的市场前景。 Abstract:  To solve the problem of DC-AC inverter, and to utilize solar energy more efficiently, the design of maximum power point tracking inverter based on IR2101 was achieved with a high-performance, which can make the system output power maximum. SPMC75F2413A was adopted as main controller. IR2101 is a high voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT driver. It adopted highly integrated voltage level transforming technology, and an external bootstrap capacitor was used, which could drive MOS tube efficiently and stably. Many functions are achieved in the system, such as DC/AC conversion, maximun power point tracking, etc. The actual test result shows that the inverter system has characteristics of strong tracking ability, high stability and reacting quickly. The design can not only be used in ordinary power inverter system, but also be used in photovoltaic power inverter system. The design has certain marketing prospects

    标签: 2101 IR 最大功率跟踪 逆变器

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • 数字电源学习资料

    Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission.

    标签: 数字电源

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • 基于89C52的二极管特性测试器的设计

      利用单片机具有的智能程序控制的特点,设计了基于STC89C52单片机的"二极管特性测试器",可对二极管一般特性进行快速测试。通过稳定线性电流源给二极管加载恒定电流,然后由高精度模数转换器测试其压降,以此为基础可判断二极管好坏、检测二极管极性和测试二极管伏安特性等,避免了用万用表测试只能测得极性而不知其特性这一缺点。可用于电子设计制作过程中对二极管进行快速测试,以确定被测二极管是否满足电路的设计要求。   Abstract:   By making good use of the intelligent control function of the Micro Controller Unit (MCU), the diode trait tester was designed based on the STC89C52,which could be used to test the trait of a diode rapidly. By loading constant current to diode through the stable linear current source, and measuring the voltage drop of the diode by high-precision analogue-to-digital converter (ADC), it can judge whether the diode is good or not, distinguish the polarity of the diode, and test the trait that the diode, which can avoid the fault of using a multimeter can only measure the polarity but not the trait. This device can be used to test the trait of a diode quickly,and to make sure that whether a diode can be used in the electronic design or not.

    标签: 89C52 二极管 特性测试器

    上传时间: 2013-11-13
