main Program using in ARM PlatForm
标签: PlatForm Program using main
上传时间: 2013-12-03
RCPServer.cpp This the main application source file. RCPServer.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally.
标签: RCPServer This file application
上传时间: 2014-01-25
电力系统暂态分析实例 One of the main uses of SimPowerSystems is to simulate transients in electrical circuits
标签: SimPowerSystems electrical transients circuits
上传时间: 2016-07-14
Abstract: This thesis describes the incremental development and main features of a synthetic multi-agent system called UvA Trilearn 2001. UvA Trilearn 2001 is a robotic soccer simulation team that consists of eleven autonomous software agents. It operates in a physical soccer simulation system called soccer server which enables teams of autonomous software agents to play a game of soccer against each other.
标签: incremental development describes synthetic
上传时间: 2016-07-25
这是我学习驱动开发的第一个小程序. 控制LED灯的开和关. 共有两个文件 gpioctl.c 是驱动程序, main.c是LInux下的测试程序.
上传时间: 2014-01-09
Program main BIOS image | | /B - Program Boot Block | | /N - Program NVRAM | | /C - Destroy CMOS checksum | | /E - Program Embedded Controller Block | | /K - Program all non-critical blocks | | /Kn - Program n th non-critical block only(n=0-7) | | /Q - Silent execution | | /REBOOT - Reboot after programming | | /X - Don t Check ROM ID | | /S - Display current system s ROMID | | /Ln - Load CMOS defaults
标签: Program Destroy Block NVRAM
上传时间: 2016-07-26
asterisk系统源代码 程序截获SIGHUP信号来保证语音处理部分正常结束。 正常结束,产生MVMSTATUS变量 main模式: 程序截获SIGHUP信号来保证语音处理部分正常结束。 正常结束,产生MVMSTATUS变量 被hangup或其他异常结束: 检测是否录音模式,是否需要处理文件 利用fork语法产生新进程,处理外部程序(ftp或smtp在处理完成以后根据要求是否删除掉本地文件) 功能约定: 语音播放部分从配置中分析。播放习惯直接检测caller的language类型。 用户可以指定greet和mail存放在不同folder里。 mail部分只保留new和old两个分类。 系统可以检测指定磁盘是否足够存放voicemail。 可以限制留言每条的时间,以及每个人允许有多少条,以及留过以后处理完成是否删除。 提示语音说的内容根据配置文件产生,两单词之间用空格做分割,特别变量用%表示
标签: SIGHUP MVMSTATUS asterisk main
上传时间: 2016-07-29
上传时间: 2016-07-31
一个在MASM环境下开发的键盘模拟钢琴按键的汇编程序,本程序由三个模块组成:八度音程的钢琴程序即 main 通用发声程序soundf,它能利用定时器发出指定频率的声音;还有就是IBM PC AT BIOS中的WAITF子程序,它是一个与处理器无关的时间延迟。
上传时间: 2013-11-25
The main file in this list of programs is "vblast.m". Type "help vblast" on the command line for details.Study the coding by stepping through the program. These programs require around 5000 packets for reasonable plotting accuracy.This has been implemented for a 2x2 system. The reader can program other variations. The program has been tested on MATLAB version 6.0 and above with signal processing toolbox and communication toolbox options.
标签: vblast programs command main
上传时间: 2016-08-24