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  • LS7266R1在电子式万能材料试验机中的应用

    针对材料试验机等设备中要求测量或控制材料拉伸或压缩的位移,一般采用光电轴角编码器检测位置信号,输出正交编码脉冲信号。若采用其他方法检测位置信号,必然导致电路设计复杂,可靠性降低。因此,提出一种基于LS7266R1的电子式万能材料试验机设计方案。给出了试验机中的控制器工作原理,LS7266R1与单片机的接口硬件设计,以及主程序软件流程图。巧妙地把力量传感器,位移传感器等机械运动状态的压力或拉力以及位置坐标,变成了电压信号和电脉冲数字信号,供A/D测量和LS7266R1计数,从而实现了独立完成材料试验控制或通过PC机串口命令完成材料试验控制。 Abstract:  Aiming at the requirement that the displacement of the tension and compression always be tested and controlled in the equipement such as material testing machine. The position signal was tested by photoelectric axial angle coder. Therefore, the paper proposes the design of electronic universal testing machine design based on LS7266R1. If the position signal detected by other methods, will inevitably lead to the circuit design complexity, reliability decreased. The work theory of the controller, the hardware interface design between LS7266R1 and single chip, and the flow chart of main program, are presented in this paper. The signal of the compression or tension power and displacement at working, which tested by power sensor and displacement sensor especially, is changed into electric voltage and electric pulse numerical signals. And these signals can be tested by A/D and counted by LS7266R1. Finally the test of the material properties can be controlled by itself, or controlled by the COM command of PC.

    标签: 7266R 7266 LS R1

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • 开放式汇编器系统的设计

    汇编器在微处理器的验证和应用中举足轻重,如何设计通用的汇编器一直是研究的热点之一。本文提出了一种开放式的汇编器系统设计思想,在汇编语言与机器语言间插入中间代码CMDL(code mapping description language)语言,打破汇编语言与机器语言的直接映射关系,由此建立起一套描述汇编语言与机器语言的开放式映射体系。基于此开放式映射体系开发了一套汇编器系统,具有较高层次上的通用性和可移植性。【关键词】指令集,CMDL,汇编器,开放式 Design of Retargetable Assembler System Liu Ling Feng Wen Nan Wang Ying Chun Jiang An Ping Ji Li Jiu IME of Peking University, 100871【摘要】An assembler plays a very important role in the field of microprocessor verifications and applications, thus how to build a retargetable assembler system has been a hotspot in this field for long time. This paper presents a new method about the retargetable assembler system design.It provides a kind of language CMDL, code mapping description language. During the process of assembling, assembler languages are firstly translated to CMDL, and then mapped to the machine codes. In an other word, CMDL is inserted between assembler languages and machine codes during the translation procedure. As a medium code, CMDL has a lot of features, such as high extraction, strong descript capabilities. It can describe almost all attributes of assembler languages. By breaking the direct mapping relationship between assembler languages and machine codes, the complexities of machine codes are hided to the users, therefore, the new retargetable assembler system has higher retargetable level by converting the mapping from assembler languages and machine codes to assembler languages and CMDL, and implementationof it becomes easier. Based on the new mapping system structure, a retargetable assemblersystem is developed. It proved the whole system has good retargetability and implantability.【关键词】instruction set, symbol table, assembler, lexical analysis, retargetability

    标签: 开放式 汇编器

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • 基于变频调速的水平连铸机拉坯辊速度控制系统

    基于变频调速的水平连铸机拉坯辊速度控制系统Frequency Inverter Based Drawing RollerS peedC ontrolSy stem ofHorizontal Continuous Casting MachineA 伟刘冲旅巴(南 华 大 学电气工程学院,衡阳421001)摘要拉坯辊速度控制是水平连铸工艺的关键技术之一,采用变频器实现水平连铸机拉坯辊速度程序控制,由信号发生装置给变频器提供程控信号。现场应用表明该控制系统速度响应快,控制精度高,满足了水平连铸生产的需要。关键词水平连铸拉坯辊速度程序控制变频器Absh'act Speedc ontorlof dr awingor leris on eo fth ek eyte chnologiesfo rho rizontalco ntinuousca stingm achine.Fo rth ispu rpose,fr equencyco nverterisad optedfo rdr awingor lersp eedp rogrammablec ontorlof ho rizontalco ntinuousca stingm achine,th ep rogrammableco ntorlsi gnalto fr equencyc onverteris provided场a signal generator. The results of application show that the response of system is rapid and the control accuracy is high enough to meet thedemand of production of horizontal continuous casting.Keywords Horizontalco ntinuousc asting Drawingor ler Speedp rogrammablec ontrol Ferquencyin verter 随着 现 代 化工业生产对钢材需求量的日益增加,连铸生产能力已经成为衡量一个国家冶金工业发展水平的重要指标之一。近十几年来,水平连铸由于具有投资少、铸坯直、见效快等多方面的优点,国内许多钢铁企业利用水平连铸机来浇铸特种合金钢,发挥了其独特的优势并取得了较好的经济效益〔1,2)0采用 水 平 连铸机浇铸特种合金钢时,由于拉坯机是水平连铸系统中的关键设备之一,拉坯机及其控制性能的好坏直接影响着连铸坯的质量,因此,连铸的拉坯技术便成为整个水平连铸技术的核心。由于钢的冶炼过程是在高温下进行的,钢水温度的变化又容易影响铸坯的质量和成材率,因此,如何能在高温环境下控制好与铸坯速度相关的参数(拉、推程量,中停时间和拉坯频率等)对于确保连铸作业的进一步高效化,延长系统的连续作业时间十分关键。因此,拉坯辊速度控制技术是连铸生产过程控制领域中的关键技术之- [31

    标签: 变频调速 水平连铸机 速度控制

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • 采用TÜV认证的FPGA开发功能安全系统

    This white paper discusses how market trends, the need for increased productivity, and new legislation have accelerated the use of safety systems in industrial machinery. This TÜV-qualified FPGA design methodology is changing the paradigms of safety designs and will greatly reduce development effort, system complexity, and time to market. This allows FPGA users to design their own customized safety controllers and provides a significant competitive advantage over traditional microcontroller or ASIC-based designs. Introduction The basic motivation of deploying functional safety systems is to ensure safe operation as well as safe behavior in cases of failure. Examples of functional safety systems include train brakes, proximity sensors for hazardous areas around machines such as fast-moving robots, and distributed control systems in process automation equipment such as those used in petrochemical plants. The International Electrotechnical Commission’s standard, IEC 61508: “Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems,” is understood as the standard for designing safety systems for electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) equipment. This standard was developed in the mid-1980s and has been revised several times to cover the technical advances in various industries. In addition, derivative standards have been developed for specific markets and applications that prescribe the particular requirements on functional safety systems in these industry applications. Example applications include process automation (IEC 61511), machine automation (IEC 62061), transportation (railway EN 50128), medical (IEC 62304), automotive (ISO 26262), power generation, distribution, and transportation. 图Figure 1. Local Safety System

    标签: FPGA 安全系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • 基于FPGA+DSP模式的智能相机设计

    针对嵌入式机器视觉系统向独立化、智能化发展的要求,介绍了一种嵌入式视觉系统--智能相机。基于对智能相机体系结构、组成模块和图像采集、传输和处理技术的分析,对国内外的几款智能相机进行比较。综合技术发展现状,提出基于FPGA+DSP模式的硬件平台,并提出智能相机的发展方向。分析结果表明,该系统设计可以实现脱离PC运行,完成图像获取与分析,并作出相应输出。 Abstract:  This paper introduced an embedded vision system-intelligent camera ,which was for embedded machine vision systems to an independent and intelligent development requirements. Intelligent camera architecture, component modules and image acquisition, transmission and processing technology were analyzed. After comparing integrated technology development of several intelligent cameras at home and abroad, the paper proposed the hardware platform based on FPGA+DSP models and made clear direction of development of intelligent cameras. On the analysis of the design, the results indicate that the system can run from the PC independently to complete the image acquisition and analysis and give a corresponding output.

    标签: FPGA DSP 模式 智能相机

    上传时间: 2013-10-24


  • 采用TÜV认证的FPGA开发功能安全系统

    This white paper discusses how market trends, the need for increased productivity, and new legislation have accelerated the use of safety systems in industrial machinery. This TÜV-qualified FPGA design methodology is changing the paradigms of safety designs and will greatly reduce development effort, system complexity, and time to market. This allows FPGA users to design their own customized safety controllers and provides a significant competitive advantage over traditional microcontroller or ASIC-based designs. Introduction The basic motivation of deploying functional safety systems is to ensure safe operation as well as safe behavior in cases of failure. Examples of functional safety systems include train brakes, proximity sensors for hazardous areas around machines such as fast-moving robots, and distributed control systems in process automation equipment such as those used in petrochemical plants. The International Electrotechnical Commission’s standard, IEC 61508: “Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems,” is understood as the standard for designing safety systems for electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) equipment. This standard was developed in the mid-1980s and has been revised several times to cover the technical advances in various industries. In addition, derivative standards have been developed for specific markets and applications that prescribe the particular requirements on functional safety systems in these industry applications. Example applications include process automation (IEC 61511), machine automation (IEC 62061), transportation (railway EN 50128), medical (IEC 62304), automotive (ISO 26262), power generation, distribution, and transportation. 图Figure 1. Local Safety System

    标签: FPGA 安全系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • State Machine Coding Styles for Synthesis

      本文论述了状态机的verilog编码风格,以及不同编码风格的优缺点,Steve Golson's 1994 paper, "State Machine Design Techniques for Verilog and VHDL" [1], is agreat paper on state machine design using Verilog, VHDL and Synopsys tools. Steve's paper alsooffers in-depth background concerning the origin of specific state machine types.This paper, "State Machine Coding Styles for Synthesis," details additional insights into statemachine design including coding style approaches and a few additional tricks.

    标签: Synthesis Machine Coding Styles

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • Design Safe Verilog State Machine(Synplicity)

      One of the strengths of Synplify is the Finite State Machine compiler. This is a powerfulfeature that not only has the ability to automatically detect state machines in the sourcecode, and implement them with either sequential, gray, or one-hot encoding. But alsoperform a reachability analysis to determine all the states that could possibly bereached, and optimize away all states and transition logic that can not be reached.Thus, producing a highly optimal final implementation of the state machine.

    标签: Synplicity Machine Verilog Design

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • 基于FPGA+DSP模式的智能相机设计

    针对嵌入式机器视觉系统向独立化、智能化发展的要求,介绍了一种嵌入式视觉系统--智能相机。基于对智能相机体系结构、组成模块和图像采集、传输和处理技术的分析,对国内外的几款智能相机进行比较。综合技术发展现状,提出基于FPGA+DSP模式的硬件平台,并提出智能相机的发展方向。分析结果表明,该系统设计可以实现脱离PC运行,完成图像获取与分析,并作出相应输出。 Abstract:  This paper introduced an embedded vision system-intelligent camera ,which was for embedded machine vision systems to an independent and intelligent development requirements. Intelligent camera architecture, component modules and image acquisition, transmission and processing technology were analyzed. After comparing integrated technology development of several intelligent cameras at home and abroad, the paper proposed the hardware platform based on FPGA+DSP models and made clear direction of development of intelligent cameras. On the analysis of the design, the results indicate that the system can run from the PC independently to complete the image acquisition and analysis and give a corresponding output.

    标签: FPGA DSP 模式 智能相机

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • Boltzmann Machine Optimization 人工智能人工神经网络源码

    Boltzmann Machine Optimization 人工智能人工神经网络源码

    标签: Optimization Boltzmann Machine 人工智能

    上传时间: 2014-12-07
