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  • Short description: GUI Ant-Miner is a tool for extracting classification rules from data. It is an u

    Short description: GUI Ant-Miner is a tool for extracting classification rules from data. It is an updated version of a data mININg algorithm called Ant-Miner (Ant Colony-based Data Miner), which was proposed in 2002 by Parpinelli, Lopes and Freitas. GUI Ant-Miner differs from the original algorithm as follows: It has a friendly graphical user interface, makes possible the use of ant populations within the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) concept, data input file is standardized with the well-known Weka system, and runs on virtually any operating system since it is written in Java.

    标签: classification description extracting Ant-Miner

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • Pattern Analysis is the process of fi nding general relations in a set of data, and forms the

    Pattern Analysis is the process of fi nding general relations in a set of data, and forms the core of many disciplines, from neural networks to so-called syn- tactical pattern recognition, from statistical pattern recognition to machine learning and data mININg. Applications of pattern analysis range from bioin- formatics to document retrieval.

    标签: the relations Analysis Pattern

    上传时间: 2017-09-07


  • rost cm

    ROST Content mININg软件,知识处理与内容挖掘软件,主要用于语义网络挖掘,研究性软件,功能很强大

    标签: 分词 内容分析

    上传时间: 2015-04-07


  • Data+Processing+in+Smart+Cities

    Smart Grids provide many benefits for society. Reliability, observability across the energy distribution system and the exchange of information between devices are just some of the features that make Smart Grids so attractive. One of the main products of a Smart Grid is to data. The amount of data available nowadays increases fast and carries several kinds of information. Smart metres allow engineers to perform multiple measurements and analyse such data. For example, information about consumption, power quality and digital protection, among others, can be extracted. However, the main challenge in extracting information from data arises from the data quality. In fact, many sectors of the society can benefit from such data. Hence, this information needs to be properly stored and readily available. In this chapter, we will address the main concepts involving Technology Information, Data mININg, Big Data and clustering for deploying information on Smart Grids.

    标签: Processing Cities Smart Data in

    上传时间: 2020-05-23


  • Data+Processing+in+Smart+Cities

    Smart Grids provide many benefits for society. Reliability, observability across the energy distribution system and the exchange of information between devices are just some of the features that make Smart Grids so attractive. One of the main products of a Smart Grid is to data. The amount of data available nowadays increases fast and carries several kinds of information. Smart metres allow engineers to perform multiple measurements and analyse such data. For example, information about consumption, power quality and digital protection, among others, can be extracted. However, the main challenge in extracting information from data arises from the data quality. In fact, many sectors of the society can benefit from such data. Hence, this information needs to be properly stored and readily available. In this chapter, we will address the main concepts involving Technology Information, Data mININg, Big Data and clustering for deploying information on Smart Grids.

    标签: Processing Cities Smart Data

    上传时间: 2020-05-25


  • Data Warehousing and Data mININg

    W abooklikethistogether,manypeoplewhoneverhope to see their namesinprint get involved and provide alot of help. I wouldliketogivecreditwherecreditisdueandacknowledgethose people here. Firstandforemost,atleasthalfofthecreditforthisbookneedstogotomy wife,BrigitteKilger-Mattison. Brigittewasresponsible for editingall the mate- rial, creating all the graphics, and coordinating all the efforts of everyone else involvedinthisproject.Thisbookcouldnothavebeencompletedwithouther painstaking attention to detail, her dedication, and her loyalty.

    标签: Data Warehousing mININg and

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • ROSTCM使用说明(老版)

    ROST Content mININg软件简称ROST CM软件,即内容挖掘分析软件。它是由武汉大学沈阳教授及其团队研发的,专门用来进行文本内容处理的一-款软件。ROSTCM软件具有分词处理、高频词提取、情感分析、语义网络分析、流量分析、可视化分析等一系列功能,一经推出便受到社会和学界的广泛关注。截至目前已有众多学者、科研人员和学生等群体纷纷使用这一分析工具展开了相应研究。

    标签: ROSTCM

    上传时间: 2021-12-26
