Patch for uIP, Linux OS support need this source file
标签: support source Patch Linux
上传时间: 2013-12-16
m序列发生器(简单型码序列发生器-----simple shift register generator)
标签: generator register simple shift
上传时间: 2014-12-01
<===== 关于 GANT 鼠标集 (M) =====> 此“GANT 鼠标集 (M)”包含黄色和蓝色两种颜色主题,每种颜色主题分别有两套鼠标。换句话说,这个鼠标集共提供4套鼠标,分别放在4个文件夹内。 这里,我简单介绍一下每套鼠标,以所在文件夹名来指代: - yellow_normal_24x24:黄色,9个 ani 文件(动态鼠标)和6个 cur 文件(静态鼠标),与预览图中所示一样; - yellow_colorful_24x24:黄色,除“Work in Background.ani”和“Wait.ani”两个鼠标为12色变换之外,其他13个鼠标与上面一套完全相同; - blue_normal_24x24:蓝色,9个 ani 文件和6个 cur 文件; - blue_colorful_24x24:蓝色,除“Work in Background.ani”和“Wait.ani”两个鼠标为12色变换之外,其他13个鼠标与上面一套完全相同。 所有鼠标的尺寸都是 24像素 x 24像素。 感谢 mattahan 准许我使用他的 GANT 图标来制作这几套鼠标! 同时非常感谢 cyberchaos05(,他为我制作了鼠标的预览图。 “GANT 鼠标集 (M)”仅供个人使用,不得用于任何商业目的!
上传时间: 2013-12-20
to show the waveform of audio file and play it on computer Purpose: Familiar with WAV file format and UI design It should have the following functions: Provide a Graphic User Interface for user to browse the file system and select one WAV file Show the waveform of input audio signal Play the selected WAV file Print the parameters of WAV file such as sampling rate, bit-depth, etc
标签: file Familiar computer waveform
上传时间: 2015-05-07
MATLABThe CD-ROM accompanying this book contains MATLAB® m-files (MATLAB language source code) and Simulink® block diagram models for designing, implementing and testing control systems.
标签: MATLAB accompanying MATLABThe contains
上传时间: 2013-11-26
标签: yjlqgctr simlqgyj initial cartoon
上传时间: 2014-02-07
有m台不同的机器,n个不同的工件。每个工件有多道工序,每道工序由指定的机器在固定的时间内完成。一道工序一旦开始处理,就不能中断。每台机器一次只能处理一道工序。一个调度就是决定每台机器上工序的处理顺序,使得机器完成所有工件的时间最短。具体的,该问题就是要求在满足(1)、(2)两个约束条件的前提下,确定每台机器上工序的顺序,使加工的时间跨度(从开始加工到全部工件都加工完所需要的时间)达到最小。其中,(1)表示工件约束条件:对每个工件而言,机器对它的加工路线是事先确定的;(2)表示机器约束条件:对每台机器而言,一次只能对一道工序进行加工。 任给一个输入实例,能输出最短时间以及每台机器上工序的加工顺序。 能设计出一个用户界面。
标签: 机器
上传时间: 2014-11-10
the file contain many matlab signal source code and many example .
标签: many contain example matlab
上传时间: 2014-01-20
用CY7C63723设计的鼠标固件程序 chip.c - include file that defines CY7C63723 constants - combi.c - main source file - combi.hex - Intel hex file for programming a CY7C63723 microcontroller - combi.lst - output listing from c-compiler for use with the CYDB debugger - macros.h - defines macros used in combi.c - ps2defs.h - defines PS/2 interface constants - usb_desc.h - defines the USB descriptors - usbdefs.h - defines USB interface constants
标签: C63723 63723 CY7 constants
上传时间: 2014-02-15
The tar file contains the following files: ptfsf.c: heart of the perfect TFSF code ptfsf.h: header file for same ptfsf-demo.c: FDTD code which demonstrates use of perfect TFSF code. Essentially this program used to generate results shown in the paper ptfsf-file-maker.c: code to generate an incident-field file using the "perfect" incident fields ptfsf-demo-file.c: FDTD code which uses the perfect incident fields stored in a file fdtdgen.h: defines macros used in much of my code Makefile: simple make-file to compile programs Also include are some simple script files to run the programs with reasonable values. The code assumes a two-dimensional computational domain with TMz polarization (i.e., non-zero field Ez, Hx, and Hy). The program is currently written so that the incident field always strikes the lower-left corner of the total-field region first. (If you want a different corner, that should be a fairly simple tweak to the code, but for now you ll have to make that tweak yourself.)
标签: ptfsf following the contains
上传时间: 2013-11-28