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  • Fundamentals+of+Telecommunications+2nd+ed

    This book is an entry-level text on the technology of telecommunications. It has been crafted with the newcomer in mind. The twenty-one chapters of text have been prepared for high-school graduates who understand algebra, logarithms, and the basic principles of electricity such as Ohm’s law. However, it is appreciated that many readers require support in these areas. Appendices A and B review the essentials of electricity and mathematics up through logarithms. This material was placed in the appendices so as not to distract from the main theme, the technology of telecommunication systems. Another topic that many in the industry find difficult is the use of decibels and derived units. Appendix C provides the reader a basic understanding of decibels and their applications. The only mathematics necessary is an understanding of the powers of ten

    标签: Telecommunications Fundamentals 2nd of ed

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Fundamentals+of+WiMAX+Understanding

    Fundamentals of WiMAX was consciously written to appeal to a broad audience, and to be of value to anyone who is interested in the IEEE 802.16e standards or wireless broadband networks more generally. The book contains cutting-edge tutorials on the technical and theoretical under- pinnings to WiMAX that are not available anywhere else, while also providing high-level over- views that will be informative to the casual reader.

    标签: Understanding Fundamentals WiMAX of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Introduction to Communications Technologies

    Our original effort in writing this book was to create a starting point for those in the business community who did not have a high level of technical expertise but needed to have some understanding of the technical functions of their information and communication technologies (ICT) in a corporate environment. As was true with the first edition of this book, if you are already an engineer, find some other form of pleasure reading—this text is not designed for you!

    标签: Communications Introduction Technologies to

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • LTE-Advanced+and+Next+Generation

    In the nineteenth century, scientists, mathematician, engineers and innovators started investigating electromagnetism. The theory that underpins wireless communications was formed by Maxwell. Early demonstrations took place by Hertz, Tesla and others. Marconi demonstrated the first wireless transmission. Since then, the range of applications has expanded at an immense rate, together with the underpinning technology. The rate of development has been incredible and today the level of technical and commercial maturity is very high. This success would not have been possible without understanding radio- wave propagation. This knowledge enables us to design successful systems and networks, together with waveforms, antennal and transceiver architectures. The radio channel is the cornerstone to the operation of any wireless system.

    标签: LTE-Advanced Generation Next and

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Millimeter+Wave+Communication+Systems

    This book presents millimeter wave communication system design and analysis at the level to produce an understanding of the interaction between a wireless system and its front end so that the overall performance can be predicted. Gigabit wireless commu- nications require a considerable amount of bandwidth, which can be supported by millimeter waves. Millimeter wave technology has come of age, and at the time of writing the standards of IEEE 802.15.3c, WiGig, Wireless HD TM , and the European Computer Manufacturers Association have recently been finalized. 

    标签: Communication Millimeter Systems Wave

    上传时间: 2020-05-28


  • Mobile+Channel+Characteristics

    At the macroscopic level of system layout, the most important issue is path loss. In the older mobile radio systems that are limited by receiver noise, path loss determines SNR and the maximum coverage area. In cellular systems, where the limiting factor is cochannel interference, path loss determines the degree to which transmitters in different cells interfere with each other, and therefore the minimum separation before channels can be reused.

    标签: Characteristics Channel Mobile

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Nanotechnology+Applications

    This is believed to be the first book that takes a view of nanotechnology from a telecommunications and networking perspective. Nanotechnology refers to the manip- ulation of materials at the atomic or molecular level. Nanotechnology is getting a lot of attention of late not only in academic settings and in laboratories around the world, but also in government and venture capitalists’ initiatives. There now is a major drive to commercialize the technology by all sorts of firms, ranging from start- ups to Fortune 100 companies.

    标签: Nanotechnology Applications

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • OFDM+Wireless+LANS

    Before delving into the details of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), relevant background material must be presented first. The purpose of this chapter is to provide the necessary building blocks for the development of OFDM principles. Included in this chapter are reviews of stochastic and random process, discrete-time signals and systems, and the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Tooled with the necessary mathematical foundation, we proceed with an overview of digital communication systems and OFDM communication systems. We conclude the chapter with summaries of the OFDM wireless LAN standards currently in existence and a high-level comparison of single carrier systems versus OFDM.

    标签: Wireless OFDM LANS

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Principles+of+Communication+Systems+Simulation

    This book is a result of the recent rapid advances in two related technologies: com- munications and computers. Over the past few decades, communication systems have increased in complexity to the point where system design and performance analysis can no longer be conducted without a significant level of computer sup- port. Many of the communication systems of fifty years ago were either power or noise limited. A significant degrading effect in many of these systems was thermal noise, which was modeled using the additive Gaussian noise channel. 

    标签: Communication Principles Simulation Systems of

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Probability and Random Processes

    Many good textbooks exist on probability and random processes written at the under- graduate level to the research level. However, there is no one handy and ready book that explains most of the essential topics, such as random variables and most of their frequently used discrete and continuous probability distribution functions; moments, transformation, and convergences of random variables; characteristic and generating functions; estimation theory and the associated orthogonality principle; vector random variables; random processes and their autocovariance and cross-covariance functions; sta- tionarity concepts; and random processes through linear systems and the associated Wiener and Kalman filters. 

    标签: Probability Processes Random and

    上传时间: 2020-05-31
