Abstract—Stable direct and indirect decentralized adaptive radial basis neural network controllers are presented for a class of interconnected nonlinear systems. The feedback and adaptation mechanisms for each subsystem depend only upon local measurements to provide asymptotic tracking of a reference trajectory. Due to the functional approximation capabilities of radial basis neural networks, the dynamics for each subsystem are not required to be linear in a set of unknown coeffi cients as is typically required in decentralized adaptive schemes. In addition, each subsystem is able to adaptively compensate for disturbances and interconnections with unknown bounds.
标签: decentralized controllers Abstract adaptive
上传时间: 2017-08-17
Topics Practices: Programming and Numerical Methods Practice 1: Introduction to C Practice 2: Cycles and functions First part cycles Part Two: Roles Practice 3 - Floating point arithmetic Practice 4 - Search for roots of functions Practice 5 - Numerical Integration Practice 6 - Arrangements and matrices Part One: Arrangements Part II: Matrices Practice 7 - Systems of linear equations Practice 8 - Interpolation Practice 9 - Algorithm Design Techniques
标签: Practice Introduction Programming Practices
上传时间: 2013-12-16
Abstract-In this paper, simple autonomous chaotic circuits coupled by resistors are investigated. By carrying out computer calculations and circuit experiments, irregular self-switching phenomenon of three spatial patterns characterized by the phase states of quasi-synchronization of chaos can be observed from only four simple chaotic circuits. This is the same phenomenon as chaotic wandering of spatial patterns observed very often from systems with a large number of degrees of freedom. Namely, one of spatial-temporal chaos observed from systems of large size can be also generated in the proposed system consisting of only four chaotic circuits. A six subcircuits case and a coupled chaotic circuits networks are also studied, and such systems are confirmed to produce more complicated spatio-temporal phenomena.
标签: investigated Abstract-In autonomous resistors
上传时间: 2014-06-09
Show work of ODE45 function. As the example use lorenz equation. Example show ensemble Puankare and phase picture
标签: Puankare function equation ensemble
上传时间: 2014-10-13
演算法評估 用空間和時間評估演算法效能 時間複雜度(Time Complexity) 空間複雜度(Space Complexity) 效能評估 效能分析(Performance Analysis):事前評估 效能評估(Performance Measurement):效能量測 評估時均假設處理的資料量為n到無窮大
标签: 演算
上传时间: 2015-06-13
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile Application Part (MAP) Specification (3GPP TS 09.02 version 7.9.0 Release 1998)
上传时间: 2015-12-31
常用的数学工具,LINGO是Linear Interactive and General Optimizer的缩写,即“交互式的线性和通用优化求解器”,
标签: 数学
上传时间: 2016-02-12
标签: Iterative Methods Systems Linear Sparse
上传时间: 2016-05-21
Knobs in consumer, appliances, and automotive technologies at lower system cost and power. • Linear and rotational encoders The LDC1312 and LDC1314 are easily configured via • Buttons in home electronics, wearables, an I2C interface. The two-channel LDC1312 is manufacturing, and automotive available in a WSON-12 package and the fourchannel LDC1314 is available in a WQFN-16• Keypads in manufacturing and appliances package.• Slider buttons in consumer products • Metal detection in industrial and automotive
上传时间: 2016-07-22
迴歸分析的基本假設 (一)固定自變項假設(fixed variable) (二)線性關係假設(linear relationship) (三)常態性假設(normality)
标签: 回归分析 主成分分析
上传时间: 2016-10-11