JAVA多torrent下载程序P2P源码 This is a stripped down version of Manfred Duchrows Programmer\ s Freind class library. No code was changed, only classes irrelevant for Azureus were left out
标签: Programmer Duchrows stripped torrent
上传时间: 2017-03-02
Java企业人事管理系统源码javahr 配置Oracle数据库 在配置Oracle数据库时,请参见以下步骤: (1)请确定数据库已经成功启动; (2)请确认已经存在名称为“PERSONNEL_MANAGE”的用户,如果不存在,请先创建。 (3)将光盘\\TM\\03\\Database\\文件夹中的personnel_manage.dmp文件拷贝到C盘的根目录下; (4)依次单击“开始”→“运行”,在弹出的窗口文本框中输入“cmd”命令,然后单击“确定”按钮,打开DOS命令窗口; (5)在DOS命令窗口输入如下代码: imp PERSONNEL_MANAGE/MWQ@DBSQL file=C:\\personnel_manage.dmp fromuser=PERSONNEL_MANAGE ignore=y commit=y grants=y (6)单击回车键,即可成功导入Oracle数据库了。 说明:第一个“PERSONNEL_MANAGE”为登录数据库的用户名,第二个“MWQ”为登录数据库的密码,“DBSQL”为欲登录的数据库名称。 library. No code was changed, only classes irrelevant for Azureus were left out.
上传时间: 2013-12-28
Very simple USB 1.1 PHY. Includes all the goodies: serial/parallel conversion, bit stuffing/unstuffing, NRZI encoding decoding. Uses a simplified UTMI interface. Currently doesn t do any error checking in the RX section [should probably check for bit unstuffing errors]. Otherwise complete and fully functional. There is currently no test bench available. This core is very simple and is proven in hardware. I see no point of writing a test bench at this time.
标签: conversion Includes parallel stuffing
上传时间: 2017-03-11
LBreakout a breakout-style arcade game for Linux Requirements: X11, SDL[1.0 or better] Installation: 1. type ./configure options: --disable-sound [no sound] --disable-install [no installation play from source directory] [e.g. ./configure --disable-sound --disable-install ] 2. type make 3. become root 4. type make install [only if install is not disabled] 5. type lbreakout to play
标签: breakout-style Requirements LBreakout arcade
上传时间: 2017-03-13
La designaci贸n Modbus Modicon corresponde a una marca registrada por Gould Inc. Como en tantos otros casos, la designaci贸n no corresponde propiamente al est谩ndar de red, incluyendo todos los aspectos desde el nivel f铆sico hasta el de aplicaci贸n, sino a un protocolo de enlace [nivel OSI 2]. Puede, por tanto, implementarse con diversos tipos de conexi贸n f铆sica y cada fabricante suele suministrar un software de aplicaci贸n propio, que permite parametrizar sus producto
标签: corresponde registrada designaci Modicon
上传时间: 2014-12-01
Qt/Embedded的安装(本人亲自安装步骤) 准备源码包 ◆ tmake 1.11 或更高版本;(生成Qt/Embedded应用工程的Makefile文件) ◆ Qt/Embedded 2.3.7 (Qt/Embedded 安装包) ◆ Qt 2.3.2 for X11; (Qt的X11版的安装包, 它将产生x11开发环境所需要的两个工 具) 假设把源码包解压所在/root/build-arm下 1安装tmake 进入tmake-1.11目录 cd /root/build-arm/tmake-1.11 export TMAKEDIR=$PWD/tmake-1.11 export TMAKEPATH=$TMAKEDIR/lib/qws/linux-arm-g++ export PATH=$TMAKEDIR/bin:$PATH 2.安装Qt/X11 2.3.2 cd qt-2.3.2 export QTDIR=$PWD export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$QTDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./configure -no-xft -thread -gif -system-jpeg -sm -shared [make] make -C tools/qvfb make -C tools/qembed
标签: Embedded Qt Makefile tmake
上传时间: 2013-12-22
//获得当前的模式 oldmode = vga_getcurrentmode[] //初始化 vga_init[] //判断是否支持该模式 if[vga_hasmode[mode]] vga_setmode[mode] else { printf["No such mode\n"] exit[1] } //取得信息 width = vga_getxdim[] height = vga_getydim[] colors = vga_getcolors[] //绘图 for[i=0 i<colors i++]{ vga_setcolor[i] vga_drawline[0, i, width-1, i] }
标签: vga_getcurrentmode vga_init oldmode vga_ha
上传时间: 2014-12-19
//获得当前的模式 oldmode = vga_getcurrentmode[] //初始化 vga_init[] //判断是否支持该模式 if[vga_hasmode[mode]] vga_setmode[mode] else { printf["No such mode\n"] exit[1] } //获得当前的模式 mode = vga_getcurrentmode[] info = vga_getmodeinfo[mode]
标签: vga_getcurrentmode vga_init oldmode vga_ha
上传时间: 2017-03-24
Managing Humans is a selection of the best essays from Michael Lopps web site, Rands In Repose. Drawing on Lopp s management experiences at Apple, Netscape, Symantec, and Borland, this book is full of stories based on companies in the Silicon Valley where people have been known to yell at each other. It is a place full of dysfunctional bright people who are in an incredible hurry to find the next big thing so they can strike it rich and then do it all over again. Among these people are managers, a strange breed of people who through a mystical organizational ritual have been given power over your future and your bank account. Whether you re an aspiring manager, a current manager, or just wondering what the heck a manager does all day, there is a story in this book that will speak to you. You will learn: * What to do when people start yelling at each other * How to perform a diving save when the best engineer insists on resigning * How to say "No" to the person who signs your paycheck
标签: selection Managing Michael Humans
上传时间: 2014-11-28
Use the crypto module to encrypt sensitive data using a key you generated yourself... This is quite handy with INI files which you can use to get and set data for you applications. You can also check out some dates related to passwords and expiry dates. Send emails using Microsoft Email client. No need to cater for SMTP nor Exchange mail accounts. If you can send email with your outlook, you can send email with your application. Get some windows info with the sysinfoctrls member.
标签: generated sensitive yourself encrypt
上传时间: 2017-04-04