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  • Boost C++ Libraries 1.35.0

    Boost C++ Libraries Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries Boost C++ Libraries 基本上是一個免費的 C++ 的跨平台函式庫集合,基本上應該可以把它視為 C++ STL 的功能再延伸;他最大的特色在於他是一個經過「同行評審」(peer review,可參考維基百科)、開放原始碼的函式庫,而且有許多 Boost 的函式庫是由 C++ 標準委員會的人開發的,同時部分函式庫的功能也已經成為 C++ TR1 (Technical Report 1,參考維基百科)、TR2、或是 C++ 0x 的標準了。 它的官方網站是:http://www.boost.org/,包含了 104 個不同的 library;由於他提供的函式庫非常地多,的內容也非常地多元,根據官方的分類,大致上可以分為下面這二十類: 字串和文字處理(String and text processing) 容器(Containers) Iterators 演算法(Algorithms) Function objects and higher-order programming 泛型(Generic Programming) Template Metaprogramming Preprocessor Metaprogramming Concurrent Programming 數學與數字(Math and numerics) 正確性與測試(Correctness and testing) 資料結構(Data structures) 影像處理(Image processing) 輸入、輸出(Input/Output) Inter-language support 記憶體(Memory) 語法分析(Parsing) 程式介面(Programming Interfaces) 其他雜項 Broken compiler workarounds 其中每一個分類,又都包含了一個或多個函式庫,可以說是功能相當豐富。

    标签: Boost C++ Libraries

    上传时间: 2015-05-15


  • 演算法評估

    演算法評估 用空間和時間評估演算法效能 時間複雜度(Time Complexity) 空間複雜度(Space Complexity) 效能評估 效能分析(Performance Analysis):事前評估 效能評估(Performance Measurement):效能量測 評估時均假設處理的資料量為n到無窮大

    标签: 演算

    上传时间: 2015-06-13


  • 文件Java排课系统的报告

    My JSP 'TeacherMain.jsp' starting page var $=function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function show_menu(num){ for(i=0;i

    标签: C++

    上传时间: 2015-07-03


  • SharpPcap c#抓包实现时时获取网卡信息

    SharpPcap c#抓包实现时时获取网卡信息 SharpPcap tutorial: a step by step guide to using SharpPcap The text of this tutorial is taken directly from WinPcap's official tutorial but is modified to show the C# use of the SharpPcap library. All examples can be downloaded together with SharpPcap source code from SharpPcap 's homepage. The WinPcap library must be installed before attempting to run any of these examples, so please download and install the latest version from WinPcap's download page. SharpPcap was written and tested using .NET v1.1 and Windows 2000/XP. I have no idea about other .NET and Windows versions. If you do try it, please report your results. The following topics are covered in this tutorial: Obtaining the device list Obtaining advanced information about installed devices Opening an adapter and capturing packets Capturing packets without the event handler Filtering the traffic Interpreting the packets Handling offline dump files Sending Packets Gathering Statistics on the network traffic 1. Obtaining the device list

    标签: SharpPcap c#抓包 获取网卡信息

    上传时间: 2015-07-06


  • Linux设备驱动开发详解_宋宝华

    驱动程序沟通着硬件和应用软件,而驱动工程师则沟通着硬件工程师和应用 软件工程师。随着通信、电子行业的迅速发展,全世界每天都会有大量的新芯片 被生产,大量的新电路板被设计,因此,也会有大量设备驱动需要开发。这些设 备驱动,或运行在简单的单任务环境中,或运行在 VxWor ks、Li nux、Wi ndows 等多任务操作系统环境中,发挥着不可替代的作用。

    标签: Linux设备驱动开发详解_宋宝华

    上传时间: 2015-10-31


  • 课程与教学的基本原理

    课程与教学的基本原理,泰勒,经验,活动,我们如何思维。。。。     资料搜索    代码搜索    热门搜索:fpga51单片机protel99se机器人linux 单片机 dsp armProteusmat

    标签: 泰勒

    上传时间: 2015-12-09


  • tas3204

    The TAS3204 is a highly-integrated audio system-on-chip (SOC) consisting of a fully-programmable, 48-bit digital audio processor, a 3:1 stereo analog input MUX, four ADCs, four DACs, and other analog functionality. The TAS3204 is programmable with the graphical PurePath Studio™ suite of DSP code development software. PurePath Studio is a highly intuitive, drag-and-drop environment that minimizes software development effort while allowing the end user to utilize the power and flexibility of the TAS3204’s digital audio processing core. TAS3204 processing capability includes speaker equalization and crossover, volume/bass/treble control, signal mixing/MUXing/splitting, delay compensation, dynamic range compression, and many other basic audio functions. Audio functions such as matrix decoding, stereo widening, surround sound virtualization and psychoacoustic bass boost are also available with either third-party or TI royalty-free algorithms. The TAS3204 contains a custom-designed, fully-programmable 135-MHz, 48-bit digital audio processor. A 76-bit accumulator ensures that the high precision necessary for quality digital audio is maintained during arithmetic operations. Four differential 102 dB DNR ADCs and four differential 105 dB DNR DACs ensure that high quality audio is maintained through the whole signal chain as well as increasing robustness against noise sources such as TDMA interference. The TAS3204 is composed of eight functional blocks: Clocking System Digital Audio Interface Analog Audio Interface Power supply Clocks, digital PLL I2C control interface 8051 MCUcontroller Audio DSP – digital audio processing 特性 Digital Audio Processor Fully Programmable With the Graphical, Drag-and-Drop PurePath Studio™ Software Development Environment 135-MHz Operation 48-Bit Data Path With 76-Bit Accumulator Hardware Single-Cycle Multiplier (28 × 48)

    标签: 3204 tas

    上传时间: 2016-05-06


  • CNC初级教程

    频道 劲爆,看《欢乐颂》第二季 上传 书房 登录 注册 菜单 收藏到书房下载文档 上一页  /386 下一页     全屏    < 返回首页  CNC初级教程/FANUC学校讲义 顶 8 踩 0 浏览 1,196 收藏 89 评论 1 加入豆单 举报 手机观看

    标签: CNC 教程

    上传时间: 2016-05-16


  • 32feet.NET 3.5 Bluetooth coding

    32feet.NET is a shared-source project to make personal area networking technologies such as Bluetooth, Infrared (IrDA) and more, easily accessible from .NET code. Supports desktop, mobile or embedded systems. 32feet.NET is free for commercial or non-commercial use. If you use the binaries you can just use the library as-is, if you make modifications to the source you need to include the 32feet.NET License.txt document and ensure the file headers are not modified/removed. The project currently consists of the following libraries:- Bluetooth IrDA Object Exchange Bluetooth support requires a device with either the Microsoft, Widcomm, BlueSoleil, or Stonestreet One Bluetopia Bluetooth stack. Requires .NET Compact Framework v3.5 or above and Windows CE.NET 4.2 or above, or .NET Framework v3.5 for desktop Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8. A subset of functionality is available for Windows Phone 8 and Windows Embedded Handheld 8 in the InTheHand.Phone.Bluetooth.dll library.

    标签: feet 3.5 NET 32

    上传时间: 2016-07-06


  • 晟矽微GPIO单片机MC30P081

    8 位 RISC CPU 内核 1K*14 位程序存储器空间(OTP),5 级深度硬件堆栈 48 字节 SRAM

    标签: MC30P081

    上传时间: 2016-08-18
