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  • 神经网络教程—— Performance Surfaces 􀂇 —— Performance Optimization 􀂇 —— Widrow-Hoff le

    神经网络教程—— Performance Surfaces 􀂇 —— Performance Optimization 􀂇 —— Widrow-Hoff learning

    标签: Performance 1048711 Optimization Widrow-Hoff

    上传时间: 2017-07-17


  • Java email * JMail.java * JMail permet de * 1) Envoyer des emails * 2) Envoyer des emails

    Java email * JMail.java * JMail permet de * 1) Envoyer des emails * 2) Envoyer des emails avec de fausses adresses d envoyeurs * 3) É crire des emails en format HTML * 4) Gérer les multiples contacts que vous avez * 5) Attacher des fichiers illimités, de nombre et de taille illimités * 6) Se connecter à un serveur SMTP sécure (SSL, TLS) * 7) Attacher des URL et leur contenu * 8) Attacher des URL et leur contenu DANS le message * 9) Je travaille sur d autres possibilités

    标签: Envoyer emails JMail des

    上传时间: 2014-12-07


  • The task in this assignment is to implement an airline routing system. Your system should be able t

    The task in this assignment is to implement an airline routing system. Your system should be able to read in a ight network as a graph from a le, where airports are represented as vertices and ights between airports are represented as edges, take as input two airports and calculate the shortest route (ie path) between them.

    标签: system assignment implement airline

    上传时间: 2017-09-07


  • Per gli interessati ai metodi della compressione una vera miniera d oro, oltre 70 algoritmi all int

    Per gli interessati ai metodi della compressione una vera miniera d oro, oltre 70 algoritmi all interno di moduli base indipendenti consentono a questo programma di mostrare il loro utilizzo e le loro performances, ecco elencati alcuni di essi : base64/crc32/fibonacci/mtf/freq/adddif/bwt/fix12/fix128/flatter/ huffman/lzw/lzs/rle/lbe/hash/vbc/scrambler, e tanti tanti altri.

    标签: compressione interessati algoritmi miniera

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • A few years ago I became interested in first person shooter games and in particular how the world le

    A few years ago I became interested in first person shooter games and in particular how the world levels are created and rendered in real time. At the same time I found myself in between jobs and so I embarked on an effort to learn about 3D rendering with the goal of creating my own 3D rendering engine. Since I am a developer and not an artist I didn’t have the skills to create my own models, levels, and textures. So I decided to attempt to write a rendering engine that would render existing game levels. I mainly used information and articles I found on the web about Quake 2, Half Life, WAD and BSP files. In particular I found the Michael Abrash articles that he wrote for Dr. Dobbs magazine while working at Id to be very illuminating.

    标签: interested particular shooter became

    上传时间: 2013-12-13


  • 有限元求解柏松方程。本文采用FORTRAN语言编制程序。程序中大部分变量采用有名公共区存储方式存储

    有限元求解柏松方程。本文采用FORTRAN语言编制程序。程序中大部分变量采用有名公共区存储方式存储,这样可以减少内存占用量。 IFG:生成有限元网格信息,即元素节点局部编码与总体编码对照表,节点实际坐标,边界节点编码与边界点上的已知值 GKD:生成总刚一维存储对角元的地址,计算总刚一维存储长度 FIXP:设置已知节点函数值 GK(NI,NJ,ADJ,AIJ):单元刚度矩阵计算 GF(NI,N,M,le,YI,FE):单元列阵的计算 AK(I,J,AIJ):总刚度矩阵元素迭加 QEB:总刚度矩阵和总列阵合成 BDE:边界条件处理 SOLGS:Gauss-Seidel迭代法求解方程组 UDIFF(NI,NFLAG,UDIF,le,ADJ):标准元素内形状函数导数计算 DIFF:节点上 , 加权平均

    标签: FORTRAN 程序 有限元 方程

    上传时间: 2017-09-12


  • 有限元求解柏松方程。本文采用FORTRAN语言编制程序。程序中大部分变量采用有名公共区存储方式存储

    有限元求解柏松方程。本文采用FORTRAN语言编制程序。程序中大部分变量采用有名公共区存储方式存储,这样可以减少内存占用量。 IFG:生成有限元网格信息,即元素节点局部编码与总体编码对照表,节点实际坐标,边界节点编码与边界点上的已知值 GKD:生成总刚一维存储对角元的地址,计算总刚一维存储长度 FIXP:设置已知节点函数值 GK(NI,NJ,ADJ,AIJ):单元刚度矩阵计算 GF(NI,N,M,le,YI,FE):单元列阵的计算 AK(I,J,AIJ):总刚度矩阵元素迭加 QEB:总刚度矩阵和总列阵合成 BDE:边界条件处理 SOLGS:Gauss-Seidel迭代法求解方程组 UDIFF(NI,NFLAG,UDIF,le,ADJ):标准元素内形状函数导数计算 DIFF:节点上 , 加权平均

    标签: FORTRAN 程序 有限元 方程

    上传时间: 2017-09-12


  • Este código lo uso en un 16f877 y me sirve para poder guardar en la eeprom 24lc256 los valores de la

    Este código lo uso en un 16f877 y me sirve para poder guardar en la eeprom 24lc256 los valores de la fecha y la hora que me entrega un ds1307. Espero le sirva a alguien. Turco

    标签: guardar valores 16f877 eeprom

    上传时间: 2017-09-28


  • DS1302S+中文资料

    实时时钟计数秒,分钟,小时,月份,月份,星期几和年份,并具有le年补偿,有效期至2100年;31 x 8电池支持通用RAM;串行I / O,用于最少的引脚数;2.0V至5.5V完全工作;在2.0V时使用小于300nA的电流;单字节或多字节(突发模式)数据传输,用于读取或写入时钟或RAM数据;8引脚DIP或可选8引脚SO用于表面贴装;TTL兼容(VCC = 5V);可选的工业温度范围:-40°C至+ 85°C[15]。DS1302引脚示意图如图3.7.1所示。

    标签: 1302 DS

    上传时间: 2021-04-20


  • IEC 62368_2014--安規

    THIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTEDCopyright © 2014 IEC, Geneva, SwitzerlandAll rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any formor by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing fromeither IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester. If you have any questions about IECcopyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below oryour local IEC member National Committee for further information.Droits de reproduction réservés. Sauf indication contraire, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduiteni utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopieet les microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'IEC ou du Comité national de l'IEC du pays du demandeur. Si vous avez desquestions sur le copyright de l'IEC ou si vous désirez obtenir des droits supplémentaires sur cette publication, utilisezles coordonnées ci-après ou contactez le Comité national de l'IEC de votre pays de résidence.

    标签: iec标准

    上传时间: 2021-10-21
