安装方法: 1.查找你机器的“网络标识”(计算机名称)。方法是,鼠标在桌面上点 我的电脑--->属性(右键)--->计算机名--->完整的计算机名称,把名称抄下备用,不要最后那个“点”。 2.进入安装包内MAGNiTUDE文件夹,用记事本打开nx6.lic, 将第1行中的this_host用你机子的计算机名替换,例如我的机子完整的计算机名称NET 则改为SERVER NET ID=20080618 28000(原来为SERVER this_host ID=20080618 28000),改好后存盘备用。 首先你找到MAGNiTUDE下的UG6.LIC并用记事本打开,把里面的his_host改成你的计算机名,注意一个字母都不能错,然后另存一个地方,等会儿要用。接下来安装 1.双击打开launch.exe 2. 选择第2项“Install License Server安装 3.在这里可以选择安装介面的语言。默认为中文简体。 4. 在安装过程中会提示你寻找license文件,点击NEXT会出错,这时使用浏览(Browse)来找到你刚才改过的那个LIC文件就可以了。继续安装直到结束,目录路径不要 改变,机器默认就行,(建议默认,也可放在其它的盘,但路径不能用中文)。 (可以先不进行括号中的内容,为了防止语言出现错误,建议运行DEMO32,然后选择文件类型为所有,找到你改过的LIC文件,再进行下面的步骤。) 5. 选择第2项“Install NX进行主程序安装。 6. 直接点击下一步。并选择典型方式安装,下一步,会出现语言选择画面,请选 择 Simplified Chinese(简体中文版),默认为英文版。按提示一步一步安装直到结束。 安装路 径可以改变。 7.打开MAGNiTUDE文件夹。 8. 进入MAGNiTUDE文件夹,把UGS\NX6.0文件夹的几个子文件夹复制到安装NX6.0主程序相应的目录 下,覆盖。假如安装到D:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6.0 把NX6.0文件夹内的所有文件夹复制到D:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6.0文件夹相应的文件 进行覆盖就可以。 9. 进入开始-程序-UGS NX6.0-NX6.0打开6.0程序。 注:如果打不开,请按以下步骤操作 进入开始-程序-UGS NX6.0-NX6.0许可程序,打开lmtools,启动服务程序。选择 Start/stop/reread,点一下Stop Server, 再点Start Server,最下面一行显示Server Start Successful. 就OK,然后打开桌面NX6.0。 经过我的实践,绝对可行!
上传时间: 2013-11-09
UG8.0破解版下载地址_UG8.0安装教程 里面包含了,下载地址和视频教程安装 ug8.0安装方法 一、安装 1.将文件夹……\NX_8.0.0.25_Win64\NX_8.0.0.25_Win64_crack_SSQ\UGSLicensing中的NX8.0.lic复制到硬盘任意一个英文文件夹下面 2.用记事本打开NX8.0.lic,将第一行的“this_host”改成本记算机的名称如“LBDZ-20111018GA”保存备用 3.开始安装UG,双击运行launch.exe 4.弹出NX8.0安装介面,先安装许可证文件 Install license Server,指定安装路径,下一步 5.指定使用许可证文件的路径指向第2步备用的NX8.0.lic,下一步,点安装……完成许可证安装 6.返回NX8.0安装介面,安装主程序 Install NX,安装类型选典型(安装所有程序),下一步 7.指定安装路径,下一步,下一步 8.NX语言选择 简体中文,下一点,点安装……完成NX安装 ug8.0安装方法 二、破解 1.在破解文件夹NX_8.0.0.25_Win64_crack_SSQ中找到DRAFTINGPLUS、NXCAE_EXTRAS、NXNASTRAN、NXPLOT、UGII这5个文件夹,将之替换到安装目录D:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 8.0\ 2.在破解文件夹UGSLicensing中找到ugslmd.exe文件,将之替换到许可证安装目录D:\Program Files (x86)\UGS\UGSLicensing ug8.0安装方法 三、配置许可许 1.点开始--程序--Siemens NX 8.0--NX许可工具--Lmtools,启动许可证服务器 2.点Config Services选项卡,如果只装有一个版本的UG默认设置即可,点Save Service保存服务,点是 3.然后点Start/Stop/Reread选项卡,(中间应该出现一个许可证服务器),勾选“Force Server Shutdown”, 4.选点Stop Server停止服务器,再点Start Server启动服务器,下面显示Server Start Successful表示启动成功,配置完毕 (如果装有其它版本的UG,配置过程稍有不同,第2步需要手动设置) ug8.0安装方法 四、启动UG8.0 OK!
上传时间: 2013-10-12
安装方法: 1.查找你机器的“网络标识”(计算机名称)。方法是,鼠标在桌面上点 我的电脑--->属性(右键)--->计算机名--->完整的计算机名称,把名称抄下备用,不要最后那个“点”。 2.进入安装包内MAGNiTUDE文件夹,用记事本打开nx6.lic, 将第1行中的this_host用你机子的计算机名替换,例如我的机子完整的计算机名称NET 则改为SERVER NET ID=20080618 28000(原来为SERVER this_host ID=20080618 28000),改好后存盘备用。 首先你找到MAGNiTUDE下的UG6.LIC并用记事本打开,把里面的his_host改成你的计算机名,注意一个字母都不能错,然后另存一个地方,等会儿要用。接下来安装 1.双击打开launch.exe 2. 选择第2项“Install License Server安装 3.在这里可以选择安装介面的语言。默认为中文简体。 4. 在安装过程中会提示你寻找license文件,点击NEXT会出错,这时使用浏览(Browse)来找到你刚才改过的那个LIC文件就可以了。继续安装直到结束,目录路径不要 改变,机器默认就行,(建议默认,也可放在其它的盘,但路径不能用中文)。 (可以先不进行括号中的内容,为了防止语言出现错误,建议运行DEMO32,然后选择文件类型为所有,找到你改过的LIC文件,再进行下面的步骤。) 5. 选择第2项“Install NX进行主程序安装。 6. 直接点击下一步。并选择典型方式安装,下一步,会出现语言选择画面,请选 择 Simplified Chinese(简体中文版),默认为英文版。按提示一步一步安装直到结束。 安装路 径可以改变。 7.打开MAGNiTUDE文件夹。 8. 进入MAGNiTUDE文件夹,把UGS\NX6.0文件夹的几个子文件夹复制到安装NX6.0主程序相应的目录 下,覆盖。假如安装到D:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6.0 把NX6.0文件夹内的所有文件夹复制到D:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6.0文件夹相应的文件 进行覆盖就可以。 9. 进入开始-程序-UGS NX6.0-NX6.0打开6.0程序。 注:如果打不开,请按以下步骤操作 进入开始-程序-UGS NX6.0-NX6.0许可程序,打开lmtools,启动服务程序。选择 Start/stop/reread,点一下Stop Server, 再点Start Server,最下面一行显示Server Start Successful. 就OK,然后打开桌面NX6.0。 经过我的实践,绝对可行!
上传时间: 2013-11-12
UG8.0破解版下载地址_UG8.0安装教程 里面包含了,下载地址和视频教程安装 ug8.0安装方法 一、安装 1.将文件夹……\NX_8.0.0.25_Win64\NX_8.0.0.25_Win64_crack_SSQ\UGSLicensing中的NX8.0.lic复制到硬盘任意一个英文文件夹下面 2.用记事本打开NX8.0.lic,将第一行的“this_host”改成本记算机的名称如“LBDZ-20111018GA”保存备用 3.开始安装UG,双击运行launch.exe 4.弹出NX8.0安装介面,先安装许可证文件 Install license Server,指定安装路径,下一步 5.指定使用许可证文件的路径指向第2步备用的NX8.0.lic,下一步,点安装……完成许可证安装 6.返回NX8.0安装介面,安装主程序 Install NX,安装类型选典型(安装所有程序),下一步 7.指定安装路径,下一步,下一步 8.NX语言选择 简体中文,下一点,点安装……完成NX安装 ug8.0安装方法 二、破解 1.在破解文件夹NX_8.0.0.25_Win64_crack_SSQ中找到DRAFTINGPLUS、NXCAE_EXTRAS、NXNASTRAN、NXPLOT、UGII这5个文件夹,将之替换到安装目录D:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 8.0\ 2.在破解文件夹UGSLicensing中找到ugslmd.exe文件,将之替换到许可证安装目录D:\Program Files (x86)\UGS\UGSLicensing ug8.0安装方法 三、配置许可许 1.点开始--程序--Siemens NX 8.0--NX许可工具--Lmtools,启动许可证服务器 2.点Config Services选项卡,如果只装有一个版本的UG默认设置即可,点Save Service保存服务,点是 3.然后点Start/Stop/Reread选项卡,(中间应该出现一个许可证服务器),勾选“Force Server Shutdown”, 4.选点Stop Server停止服务器,再点Start Server启动服务器,下面显示Server Start Successful表示启动成功,配置完毕 (如果装有其它版本的UG,配置过程稍有不同,第2步需要手动设置) ug8.0安装方法 四、启动UG8.0 OK!
上传时间: 2013-11-19
The Xilinx Zynq-7000 Extensible Processing Platform (EPP) redefines the possibilities for embedded systems, giving system and software architects and developers a flexible platform to launch their new solutions and traditional ASIC and ASSP users an alternative that aligns with today’s programmable imperative. The new class of product elegantly combines an industrystandard ARMprocessor-based system with Xilinx 28nm programmable logic—in a single device. The processor boots first, prior to configuration of the programmable logic. This, along with a streamlined workflow, saves time and effort and lets software developers and hardware designers start development simultaneously.
上传时间: 2013-10-09
Prakash Rashinkar has over 15 years experience in system design and verificationof embedded systems for communication satellites, launch vehicles and spacecraftground systems, high-performance computing, switching, multimedia, and wirelessapplications. Prakash graduated with an MSEE from Regional Engineering College,Warangal, in India. He lead the team that was responsible for delivering themethodologies for SOC verification at Cadence Design Systems. Prakash is anactive member of the VSIA Functional Verification DWG. He is currently Architectin the Vertical Markets and Design Environments Group at Cadence.
上传时间: 2013-11-19
This document is intended to serve as an introduction to Wavelet processing through a set of Matlab experiments. These experiments will gives an overview of three fundamental tasks in signal and image processing : signal, denoising and compression. These scripts are selfs contents (needed additional Matlab functions can be downloaded while reading the lectures). Each one of these five lectures should take between 1h and 2h in order to tests the various features of the scripts. One should copy/paste the provided code into a file names e.g. tp1.m, and launch the script directly from Matlab comand line > tp1 . Some of the scripts contains "holes" that you should try to fill on your own. I also provide the complete correction of these lectures as a set of Matlab scripts, but you should try as much as possible to avoid using them.
标签: introduction processing document intended
上传时间: 2016-03-22
Just what is a regular expression, anyway? Take the tutorial to get the long answer. The short answer is that a regular expression is a compact way of describing complex patterns in texts. You can use them to search for patterns and, once found, to modify the patterns in complex ways. You can also use them to launch programmatic actions that depend on patterns. A tongue-in-cheek comment by programmers is worth thinking about: "Sometimes you have a programming problem and it seems like the best solution is to use regular expressions now you have two problems." Regular expressions are amazingly powerful and deeply expressive. That is the very reason writing them is just as error-prone as writing any other complex programming code. It is always better to solve a genuinely simple problem in a simple way when you go beyond simple, think about regular expressions. Tutorial: Using regular expressions
标签: expression the tutorial regular
上传时间: 2013-12-19
This guide describes Freescale’s BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit configuration tool used for ZigBee, 802.15.4, or SMAC application development. The guide describes system requirements, installation, and how to launch BeeKit. The book then guides users through a simple step-by-step process of how to open and load a demonstration project through the CodeWarrior IDE without further modification. This allows for a quick evaluation of Freescale’s ZigBee technology.
标签: configuration Connectivity Freescale describes
上传时间: 2013-12-24
This application includes a demo server and client program. You could write your own server launcher and client application by using the SimpleScreenCaptureServer class and the SimpleRemoteScreenCaptureClient class. Usage: 1. Type the following command to launch the server program. java -jar SimpleCaptureScreenServerDemo.jar portnumber 2. Type the following command to launch the client program. It s a swing-based UI. java -jar RemoteScreenCaptureClientUI.jar 3. Select Run/Connect menu. Input your server address and port number. You could just double-click on the RemoteScreenCaptureClientUI.jar to launch the client program if you are using Windows. This program is written just for fun. :lol: :lol: :lol:
标签: server application includes launcher
上传时间: 2016-10-06