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  • 如何选择正确的CMOS模拟开关

    Abstract: With the large number of analog switches on the market today, there are many performance criteria for a product designer to consider. This application note reviews the basic construction of

    标签: CMOS 如何选择 模拟开关

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • 视频差分放大器带来低电压应用的多功能性

      The LT®6552 is a specialized dual-differencing 75MHzoperational amplifier ideal for rejecting common modenoise as a video line receiver. The input pairs are designedto operate with equal but opposite large-signal differencesand provide exceptional high frequency commonmode rejection (CMRR of 65dB at 10MHz), therebyforming an extremely versatile gain block structure thatminimizes component count in most situations. The dualinput pairs are free to take on independent common modelevels, while the two voltage differentials are summedinternally to form a net input signal.

    标签: 视频 差分放大器 低电压 多功能

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • 小面积和大面积光电二极管的低噪声放大器

      Photodiodes can be broken into two categories: largearea photodiodes with their attendant high capacitance(30pF to 3000pF) and smaller area photodiodes withrelatively low capacitance (10pF or less). For optimalsignal-to-noise performance, a transimpedance amplifi erconsisting of an inverting op amp and a feedback resistoris most commonly used to convert the photodiode currentinto voltage. In low noise amplifi er design, large areaphotodiode amplifi ers require more attention to reducingop amp input voltage noise, while small area photodiodeamplifi ers require more attention to reducing op amp inputcurrent noise and parasitic capacitances.

    标签: 光电二极管 低噪声放大器

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • 寄生电容在升压变压器中的设计应用

    One of the most critical components in a step-up design like Figure 1 is the transformer. Transformers have parasitic components that can cause them to deviate from their ideal characteristics, and the parasitic capacitance associated with the secondary can cause large resonating current spikes on the leading edge of the switch current waveform.

    标签: 寄生电容 升压变压器 中的设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-22


  • Active Filters

    Power conversion by virtue of its basic role produces harmonics due to theslicing of either voltages or currents. To a large extent the pollution in theutility supply and the deterioration of the power quality has been generatedor created by non-linear converters. It is therefore ironic that power convertersshould now be used to clean up the pollution that they helped to create inthe first place.In a utility system, it is desirable to prevent harmonic currents (which resultin EMI and resonance problems) and limit reactive power flows (whichresult in transmission losses).Traditionally, shunt passive filters, comprised of tuned LC elements andcapacitor banks, were used to filter the harmonics and to compensate forreactive current due to non-linear loads. However, in practical applicationsthese methods have many disadvantages.

    标签: Filters Active

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • 如何保护印刷电路板(PCB)

    Abstract: Large steel buildings, automobiles, mountains, even people survive real atmospheric lightning.

    标签: PCB 保护 印刷电路板

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • LTP5900 Hardware Integration Guide

    The LTP5900 includes sufficient power supply filtering and decoupling capacitancesuch that additional filtering should not be necessary for most battery-powereddesigns. Care must be taken to avoid large transient voltages on the supply as theM2510 steps up its current consumption (see the section on Supply Design below).  

    标签: Integration Hardware Guide 5900

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • 使用H桥变压器驱动器,充电超级电容器

    Abstract: With its small size and large load (10W) capability, the MAX13256 H-bridge transformer driver is an attractive solution forcharging supercapacitors (supercaps). However, a large capacitance on the output of the circuit can force the driver into fault modeat startup, due to the high initial charge current. This application note presents a solution that allows users to charge a largecapacitance without going into fault.

    标签: H桥变压器 驱动器 充电 超级电容器

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • 四路输出开关转换器提供TFT LCD面板的电源

      The LT®1943 is a highly integrated, 4-output regulatordesigned to power large TFT LCD panels. The LT1943employs switching regulators—instead of linear regulators—to minimize power dissipation and accommodate awide input voltage range. The wide input range, 4.5V to22V, allows it to accept a variety of power sources,including the commonly used 5V, 12V and 19V AC adaptors.

    标签: TFT LCD 四路输出 开关转换器

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • 100-15V TO 12V DCDC 原理图 PCB BOM表

    高的工作电压高达100V N双N沟道MOSFET同步驱动 The D810DCDC is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that can directly step-down voltages from up to 100V, making it ideal for telecom and automotive applications. The D810DCDC uses a constant on-time valley current control architecture to deliver very low duty cycles with accurate cycle-by-cycle current limit, without requiring a sense resistor. A precise internal reference provides 0.5% DC accuracy. A high bandwidth (25MHz) error amplifi er provides very fast line and load transient response. Large 1Ω gate drivers allow the D810DCDC to drive multiple MOSFETs for higher current applications. The operating frequency is selected by an external resistor and is compensated for variations in VIN and can also be synchronized to an external clock for switching-noise sensitive applications. Integrated bias control generates gate drive power from the input supply during start-up and when an output shortcircuit occurs, with the addition of a small external SOT23 MOSFET. When in regulation, power is derived from the output for higher effi ciency.

    标签: DCDC 100 12V BOM

    上传时间: 2013-10-24
