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  • 基于单片机的除尘控制器的设计

    基于单片机的除尘控制器的设计:介绍通用控制仪的硬件组成和软件设计,阐述了系统的性能指标和功能特点。该产品功能完善,可靠性高,具有很好的应用前景。关键词: 除尘器;通用控制仪;单片机;系统设计 Abstract: The hardware structure and the software design are introduced in this paper, and the performance index and the features of the system are expounded. It has comp rehensive functions, high reliability and good app lication.Key words: dust catcher; universal controller; microcontroller; system design

    标签: 单片机 除尘 控制器

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 一种8位单片机中ALU的改进设计

    文章提出了一种精简指令集8 位单片机中, 算术逻辑单元的工作原理。在此基础上, 对比传统PIC 方案、以及在ALU 内部再次采用流水线作业的332 方案、44 方案, 并用Synopsys 综合工具实现了它们。综合及仿真结果表明, 根据该单片机系统要求, 44 方案速度最高, 比332 方案可提高43.9%, 而面积仅比最小的332 方案增加1.6%。在分析性能差异的根本原因之后, 阐明了该方案的优越性。关键词: 单片机, 精简指令集, 算术逻辑单元, 流水线 Abstract: Work principle for ALU in an 8_bit RISC Singlechip microcomputer is described. The traditional PIC scheme, 332 Pipeline scheme and 44 Pipeline scheme are compared on the base of the principle, which are implemented using Synopsys design tools. Results from synthesis and simulation shows that 44 scheme operates the fast, which is 43.9% faster and only 1.6% larger than 332 scheme. The essential reason why the performance is so different is analyzed.Then the advantage of 44 scheme is clarified.Key words: Singlechip, Microcomputer, RISC, ALU, Pipeline

    标签: ALU 8位单片机

    上传时间: 2013-10-18


  • 一种实用的微机自动配料秤系统

    一种实用的微机自动配料秤系统:介绍一种由单片机构成的配料秤。叙述了秤的传感器、变送器、信号的变换、硬件原理、软件流程以及和DCS 系统构成的单回路调节系统,此系统可广泛地应用于各行业的配料控制中。关键词:配料秤 单片机 单回路调节系统 DCS 系统 Abstract :A proportioning weigher based on single chip computer is introduced. Sensors , transmitters , signal converting , principle of hardware ,software flowchart of proportioning weigher and single loop control system composed with DCS system are emphasized ,this system can be used in proportioning control of various trades extensively.Key Words :Proportioning Weigher ,Single Chip Computer ,Single Loop Control System ,Distributed Control System

    标签: 微机 自动 配料秤

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • 51单片机工程师实例设计程序集-(20种常见应用整编)

    51单片机工程师实例设计程序集-(20种常见应用整编) \7290\                          ;ZLG7290例程*\7290a\                         ;ZLG7290汇编例程*\bell\                          ;蜂鸣器音乐例程*\buzz\                          ;蜂鸣器响例程*\eeprom\                        ;读EEPROM并显示例程*\ex26a_lcd\                     ;16×2LCD模块例程*\ex36a_lcm\                     ;128×64点阵LCD模块例程*\KEY_IO\                        ;直连KEY和LED例程\led_light\                     ;直连LED例程*\lin_park\   ;lin模块的原码及例程。\lin\                           ;LIN总线例程\rs232\                         ;RS232例程(包括PC端和书上了串口例程)\USB1.1\                        ;USB1.1例程(包括PC端)\RS485\                         ;RS485例程\USB2.0\                        ;USB2.0例程(有3个,包括PC端)\TCPIP\                         ;基于ETHERNET的TCPIP例程\RTC\                           ;时钟显示例程\CAN_SELF\                      ;CAN自发自收例程  外中断1\CAN\                           ;CAN例程\USBPACK 2.0\                   ;USB2.0PC例程 注意:带*程序为MON51调试程序。在MON时程序下载后停不下来,可以按一下RSE按钮复位一下。

    标签: 51单片机 工程师 设计程序

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • Control System of Stepp ingMot

    提出了一个由AT89C52单片机控制步进电机的实例。可以通过键盘输入相关数据, 并根据需要, 实时对步进电机工作方式进行设置, 具有实时性和交互性的特点。该系统可应用于步进电机控制的大多数场合。实践表明, 系统性能优于传统的步进电机控制器。关键词: 单片机; 步进电动机; 直流固态继电器; 实时控制Con trol System of Stepp ingMotor Ba sed on AT89C52 ChipM icrocomputerMENGWu2sheng, L ILiang (College of Automatization, Northwestern Polytechnical Unversity, Xipan 710072, China)ABSTRACT: A stepp ing motor control system based on AT89C52 chip microcomputer was described.The data can be inputwith keyboard, and stepp ingmotorwas controlled by these data. According to the demand, users can set the workingmodel of stepp ingmotor in real2time. This system can be widely used in stepp ing motor controlling. The p ractice showed that the performance of this system outdid the tradi tional stepp ing motor controller.KEY WORDS: Chip microcomputer; Stepp ingmotor; DCSSR; Real2time control

    标签: Control System ingMot Stepp

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 87C576微控制器的在线编程

    The 87C576 includes two separate methods of programming theEPROM array, the traditional modified Quick-Pulse method, and anew On-Board Programming technique (OBP).Quick Pulse programming is a method using a number of devicepins in parallel (see Figure 1) and is the traditional way in which87C51 family members have been programmed. The Quick-Pulsemethod supports the following programming functions:– program USER EPROM– verify USER EPROM– program KEY EPROM– program security bits– verify security bits– read signature bytesThe Quick-Pulse method is quite easily suited to standardprogramming equipment as evidenced by the numerous vendors of87C51 compatible programmers on the market today. Onedisadvantage is that this method is not well suited to programming inthe embedded application because of the large number of signallines that must be isolated from the application. In addition, parallelsignals from a programmer would need to be cabled to theapplication’s circuit board, or the application circuit board wouldneed to have logic built-in to perform the programming functions.These requirements have generally made in-circuit programmingusing the modified Quick Pulse method impractical in almost all87C51 family applications.

    标签: 87C576 微控制器 编程

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • CAN与RS232转换节点的设计与实现

    CAN与RS232转换节点的设计与实现 介绍将CAN总线接口与RS232总线接口相互转换的设计方法和2种总线电平转换关系,实现CAN总线与各模块的接口设计,制定了相应的软硬件设计方案,并给出软件设计流程图以及部分硬件设计原理图。为CAN总线与RS232总线互联提供了一种方法,对CAN总线与RS232总线接口设备的互联和广泛应用的实现具有重要意义。关键词:CAN总线;RS-232总线;串行通信Design and Realization of CAN and RS232 Transformation NodeZHOU Wei, CHENG Xiao-hong(Information Institute, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070)【Abstract】This paper introduces one design method of the CAN bus interface and the RS232 bus interface interconversion, emphasizes two kindof bus level transformation relations, realizes the CAN bus and various modules connection design, formulates the design proposal of correspondingsoftware and hardware, and gives the flow chart of software design as well as the partial schematic diagram of hardware design. It providesonemethod for the CAN bus and the RS232 bus interconnection, has the vital significance to widespread application realization of the CAN busand theRS232 bus interface equipment interconnection.【Key words】CAN bus; RS-232 bus; serial communication

    标签: CAN 232 RS 转换

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • 4x4鍵盤的设计与制作

    三種方法讀取鍵值􀂄 使用者設計行列鍵盤介面,一般常採用三種方法讀取鍵值。􀂉 中斷式􀂄 在鍵盤按下時產生一個外部中斷通知CPU,並由中斷處理程式通過不同位址讀資料線上的狀態判斷哪個按鍵被按下。􀂄 本實驗採用中斷式實現使用者鍵盤介面。􀂉 掃描法􀂄 對鍵盤上的某一行送低電位,其他為高電位,然後讀取列值,若列值中有一位是低,表明該行與低電位對應列的鍵被按下。否則掃描下一行。􀂉 反轉法􀂄 先將所有行掃描線輸出低電位,讀列值,若列值有一位是低表明有鍵按下;接著所有列掃描線輸出低電位,再讀行值。􀂄 根據讀到的值組合就可以查表得到鍵碼。4x4鍵盤按4行4列組成如圖電路結構。按鍵按下將會使行列連成通路,這也是見的使用者鍵盤設計電路。 //-----------4X4键盘程序--------------// uchar keboard(void) { uchar xxa,yyb,i,key; if((PINC&0x0f)!=0x0f) //是否有按键按下 {delayms(1); //延时去抖动 if((PINC&0x0f)!=0x0f) //有按下则判断 { xxa=~(PINC|0xf0); //0000xxxx DDRC=0x0f; PORTC=0xf0; delay_1ms(); yyb=~(PINC|0x0f); //xxxx0000 DDRC=0xf0; //复位 PORTC=0x0f; while((PINC&0x0f)!=0x0f) //按键是否放开 { display(data); } i=4; //计算返回码 while(xxa!=0) { xxa=xxa>>1; i--; } if(yyb==0x80) key=i; else if(yyb==0x40) key=4+i; else if(yyb==0x20) key=8+i; else if(yyb==0x10) key=12+i; return key; //返回按下的键盘码 } } else return 17; //没有按键按下 }

    标签: 4x4 鍵盤

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • 基于ADSP-BF561 的数字摄像系统设计

    基于ADSP-BF561的数字摄像系统设计Design of Digital Video Camera System Based on Digital Signal ProcessorADSP-BF561(浙江大学 信息与通信工程研究所,浙江 杭州 310027) 马海杰, 刘云海摘要:介绍了基于ADI双核的数字信号处理芯片ADSP-BF561 的数字摄像系统实现方案。系统包括硬件和软件两部分,硬件主要有ADSP-BF561及其外围电路、音视频模数/数模转换、CF卡/微硬盘接口等部分。软件主要有操作系统及音视频编解码算法等部分。关键词:ADSP-BF561 ;数字摄像机;微硬盘;MPEG-4;A/D;D/A中图分类号:TN948.41文献标识码:AAbstract: An implementation of digital video camera system based on ADI dual core digital signal processor ADSP-BF561 is introduced. The system can be divided into two parts——hardware and software design. The hardware design includes ADSP-BF561 and perpheral apparatus, A/D,D/A, CF card or Microdrive and so on. The software includes operating system , audio and video coding algorithm.Key words: ADSP-BF561; digital video camera; microdrive; MPEG-4;A/D;D/A

    标签: ADSP-BF 561 数字摄像 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • 带通滤波器设计计算

    摘 要:用一种新的思路和方法,先计算低通、再计算高通滤波器的有关参数,然后组合成带通滤波器.关键词:滤波器;参数;新思路中图分类号: TN713. 5  文献识别码:B  文章编号:1008 - 1666 (1999) 04 - 0089 - 03A New Consideration of the Band Filter’s CalculationGuo Wencheng( S hao Yang B usiness and Technology school , S haoyang , Hunan ,422000 )Abstract :This essay deals with a new method of calculating the band filters - first calculatingthe relevant parameters of low - pass filters ,then calculating the ones of high - pass filters.Key words :filter ; parameters ;new considercation八十年代后,信息产业得到了迅猛发展. 带通滤波器在微波通信、广播电视和精密仪器设备中得到了广泛应用. 带通滤波器性能的优劣,对提高接收机信噪比,防止邻近信道干扰,提高设备的技术指标,有着十分重要的意义.我在长期的教学实践中,用切比雪夫型方法设计、计算出宽带滤波器集中参数元件的数据. 该滤波器可运用在检测微波频率的仪器和其他设备中. 再将其思路和计算方法介绍给大家,供参考.

    标签: 带通滤波器设计 计算

    上传时间: 2014-12-28
