KmdTut是一份以Win32汇编语言来开发Kernel mode驱动程序的教程
上传时间: 2013-12-26
Sample code that demostrates how to use shared events in Kernel mode.
标签: demostrates Sample Kernel events
上传时间: 2013-12-26
Complete PCAUSA samples including various kernel mode TDI code, TDI filters/redirectors and NDIS filters.
标签: redirectors including TDI Complete
上传时间: 2013-12-07
Sample Drivers for the Kernel Mode Driver Framework
标签: Framework Drivers Sample Driver
上传时间: 2015-11-21
KmdTut是一份以Win32汇编语言来开发Kernel mode驱动程序的教程,读者可以从下载最新的英文版本,为了使用本教程,你还需要下载Kernel mode驱动程序开发包KmdKit,更多信息请参考很不幸,是俄文的,倒ing~~~)
上传时间: 2014-12-01
Architecture of the kernel-Mode Driver Framework.doc KMDF驱动开发
标签: Architecture kernel-Mode Framework Driver
上传时间: 2016-03-30
KmdTut是一份以Win32汇编语言来开发Kernel mode驱动程序的教程,读者可以从下载最新的英文版本,为了使用本教程,你还需要下载Kernel mode驱动程序开发包KmdKit,更多信息请参考很不幸,是俄文的,倒ing~~~) 0.2 关于KmdKit KmdKit的全称是Kernel Mode Driver development Kit for assembly language programmers,即内核模式驱动程序汇编开发包,KmdKit中包括了用宏汇编编译器开发驱动程序需要用到的所有东西。 你可以从或者下载到最新版本的KmdKit。
上传时间: 2014-01-11
switch config tool for configuring kernel mode switch phy driver in openwrt. uses generic netlink for kernel to use communication.
标签: switch configuring generic openwrt
上传时间: 2017-01-04
kernel mode code for configuring switches. can attach to phy abstraction layer. communicates with user land tool swconfig through generic netlink
标签: communicates abstraction configuring switches
上传时间: 2017-01-04
LinCAN is a Linux kernel module that implements a CAN driver capable of working with multiple cards, even with different chips and IO methods. Each communication object can be accessed from multiple applications concurrently. It supports RT-Linux, 2.2, 2.4, and 2.6 with fully implemented select, poll, fasync, O_NONBLOCK, and O_SYNC semantics and multithreaded read/write capabilities. It works with the common Intel i82527, Philips 82c200, and Philips SJA1000 (in standard and PeliCAN mode) CAN controllers. LinCAN project is part of a set of CAN/CANopen related components developed as part of OCERA framework.
标签: implements multiple capable working
上传时间: 2015-10-14