Abstract: This document details the Oceanside (MAXREFDES9#) subsystem reference design, a 3.3V to 15V input,±15V (±12V) output, isolated power supply. The Oceanside design includes a high-efficiency step-up controller, a36V H-bridge transformer driver for isolated supplies, a wide input range, and adjustable output low-dropout linearregulator (LDO). Test results and hardware files are included.
上传时间: 2013-10-12
Abstract: Rail splitting is creating an artificial virtual ground as a reference voltage. It is used to set the signalto match the op amp's "sweet spot." An op amp has the most linear- and distortion-free qualities at that sweetspot. Typically, the sweet spot occurs near the center between the single power rail and ground. In the case ofa number of signals, the virtual ground can control channel DC errors when multiplexing or switching thesignals.
上传时间: 2013-10-23
This document presents design techniques and reference circuits that power Virtex™-4 FXRocketIO™ multi-gigabit transceivers (MGTs) operating at data rates below 3.125 Gb/s.When using multiple transceivers, it is sometimes preferred to power them from a switchingpower supply. However, switching power supplies generate noise that affects transceiver
上传时间: 2013-11-18
高的工作电压高达100V N双N沟道MOSFET同步驱动 The D810DCDC is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that can directly step-down voltages from up to 100V, making it ideal for telecom and automotive applications. The D810DCDC uses a constant on-time valley current control architecture to deliver very low duty cycles with accurate cycle-by-cycle current limit, without requiring a sense resistor. A precise internal reference provides 0.5% DC accuracy. A high bandwidth (25MHz) error amplifi er provides very fast line and load transient response. Large 1Ω gate drivers allow the D810DCDC to drive multiple MOSFETs for higher current applications. The operating frequency is selected by an external resistor and is compensated for variations in VIN and can also be synchronized to an external clock for switching-noise sensitive applications. Integrated bias control generates gate drive power from the input supply during start-up and when an output shortcircuit occurs, with the addition of a small external SOT23 MOSFET. When in regulation, power is derived from the output for higher effi ciency.
上传时间: 2013-10-24
DC/DC 升压IC:The FP6291 is a current mode boost DC-DC converter. Its PWM circuitry with built-in 0.25 Ω power MOSFET make this regulator highly power efficient. The internal compensation network also minimizes as much as 6 external component counts. The non-inverting input of error amplifier connects to a 0.6V precision reference voltage and internal soft-start function can reduce the inrush current. The FP6291 is available in the SOT23-6L package and provides space-saving PCB for the application fields.
上传时间: 2013-11-07
While simplicity and high effi ciency (for cool running) areno longer optional features in isolated power supplies, itis traditionally diffi cult to achieve both. Achieving higheffi ciency often requires the use of advanced topologiesand home-brewed secondary synchronous rectifi cationschemes once reserved only for higher power applications.This only adds to the parts count and to the designcomplexity associated with the reference and optocouplercircuits typically used to maintain isolation. Fortunately, abreakthrough IC makes it possible to achieve both high efficiency and simplicity in a synchronous fl yback topology.The LT®3825 simplifi es and improves the performance oflow voltage, high current fl yback supplies by providingprecise synchronous rectifi er timing and eliminating theneed for optocoupler feedback while maintaining excellentregulation and superior loop response.
上传时间: 2013-10-16
Specifying the right reference and applying it correctly isa more difficult task than one might first surmise, consideringthat references are only 2- or 3-terminal devices.Although the word “accuracy” is most often spoken inreference to references, it is dangerous to use this wordtoo freely because it can mean different things to differentpeople. Even more perplexing is the fact that a referenceclassified as a dog in one application is a panacea inanother. This application note will familiarize the readerwith the various aspects of reference “accuracy” andpresent some tips on extracting maximum performancefrom any reference.
标签: 电压基准
上传时间: 2013-10-15
Telecommunication, satellite links and set-top boxes allrequire tuning a high frequency oscillator. The actualtuning element is a varactor diode, a 2-terminal device thatchanges capacitance as a function of reverse bias voltage.1 The oscillator is part of a frequency synthesizingloop, as detailed in Figure 1. A phase locked loop (PLL)compares a divided down representation of the oscillatorwith a frequency reference. The PLL’s output is levelshifted to provide the high voltage necessary to bias thevaractor, which closes a feedback loop by voltage tuningthe oscillator. This loop forces the voltage controlledoscillator (VCO) to operate at a frequency determined bythe frequency reference and the divider’s division ratio.
上传时间: 2013-12-20
Portable, battery-powered operation of electronic apparatushas become increasingly desirable. Medical, remotedata acquisition, power monitoring and other applicationsare good candidates for batteryoperation. In some circumstances,due to space, power or reliability considerations,it is preferable to operate the circuitry from a single 1.5Vcell. Unfortunately, a 1.5V supply eliminates almost alllinear ICs as design candidates. In fact, the LM10 opamp-reference and the LT®1017/LT1018 comparators arethe only IC gain blocks fully specifi ed for 1.5V operation.Further complications are presented by the 600mV dropof silicon transistors and diodes. This limitation consumesa substantial portion of available supply range, makingcircuit design diffi cult. Additionally, any circuit designedfor 1.5V operation mustfunction at end-of-life batteryvoltage, typically 1.3V. (See Box Section, “Componentsfor 1.5V Operation.”)
标签: Circuitry Operation Single Cell
上传时间: 2013-10-30
International reference list 02/2004International referenceJ.JaatinenCompany CountryBerlin GermanyDeutsche Flugsicherung GermanyFrankfurt GermanyGuangzhou ChinaHamburg GermanyHelsinki-Vantaa FinlandKuala Lumpur - Sepang MalaysiaZürich Switzerland
标签: Quality Energy Power Manag
上传时间: 2013-10-30