上传时间: 2013-10-22
上传时间: 2014-01-19
上传时间: 2013-11-04
Abstract: What can be simpler than designing with CMOS and BiCMOS? These technologies are very easy to use butthey still require careful design. This tutorial discusses the odd case of circuits that seem to work but exhibit somepeculiar behaviors—including burning the designer's fingers!
上传时间: 2013-11-03
Abstract: Perfection is relative and application specific. The perfect race car is not the car we use to commute to work. We need products for everyday use that are high quality, affordable, and solidly reliable. There will be times when we must use components that are not perfect, and this is when calibration becomes important. Calibration techniques reduce tolerances in imperfect manufacturing equipment while maintaining affordability.
标签: 校准
上传时间: 2013-10-09
The MAX17600–MAX17605 devices are high-speedMOSFET drivers capable of sinking /sourcing 4A peakcurrents. The devices have various inverting and noninvertingpart options that provide greater flexibility incontrolling the MOSFET. The devices have internal logiccircuitry that prevents shoot-through during output-statchanges. The logic inputs are protected against voltagespikes up to +14V, regardless of VDD voltage. Propagationdelay time is minimized and matched between the dualchannels. The devices have very fast switching time,combined with short propagation delays (12ns typ),making them ideal for high-frequency circuits. Thedevices operate from a +4V to +14V single powersupply and typically consume 1mA of supply current.The MAX17600/MAX17601 have standard TTLinput logic levels, while the MAX17603 /MAX17604/MAX17605 have CMOS-like high-noise margin (HNM)input logic levels. The MAX17600/MAX17603 are dualinverting input drivers, the MAX17601/MAX17604 aredual noninverting input drivers, and the MAX17602 /MAX17605 devices have one noninverting and oneinverting input. These devices are provided with enablepins (ENA, ENB) for better control of driver operation.
上传时间: 2013-12-20
The MAX4968/MAX4968A are 16-channel, high-linearity,high-voltage, bidirectional SPST analog switches with18I (typ) on-resistance. The devices are ideal for use inapplications requiring high-voltage switching controlledby a low-voltage control signal, such as ultrasound imagingand printers. The MAX4968A provides integrated40kI (typ) bleed resistors on each switch terminal todischarge capacitive loads. Using HVCMOS technology,these switches combine high-voltage bilateral MOSswitches and low-power CMOS logic to provide efficientcontrol of high-voltage analog signals.
上传时间: 2013-10-09
在非相参雷达测试系统中,频率合成技术是其中的关键技术.针对雷达测试系统的要求,介绍了一种用DDS激励PLL的X波段频率合成器的设计方案。文中给出了主要的硬件选择及具体电路设计,通过对该频率合成器的相位噪声和捕获时间的分析,及对样机性能的测试,结果表明该X波段频率合成器带宽为800 MHz、输出相位噪声优于-80 dBc/Hz@10 kHz、频率分辨率达0.1 MHz, 可满足雷达测试系统系统的要求。测试表明,该频率合成器能产生低相噪、高分辨率、高稳定度的X波段信号,具有较好的工程应用价值。
上传时间: 2013-10-21
为了克服传统功率MOS 导通电阻与击穿电压之间的矛盾,提出了一种新的理想器件结构,称为超级结器件或Cool2MOS ,CoolMOS 由一系列的P 型和N 型半导体薄层交替排列组成。在截止态时,由于p 型和n 型层中的耗尽区电场产生相互补偿效应,使p 型和n 型层的掺杂浓度可以做的很高而不会引起器件击穿电压的下降。导通时,这种高浓度的掺杂使器件的导通电阻明显降低。由于CoolMOS 的这种独特器件结构,使它的电性能优于传统功率MOS。本文对CoolMOS 导通电阻与击穿电压关系的理论计算表明,对CoolMOS 横向器件: Ron ·A = C ·V 2B ,对纵向器件: Ron ·A = C ·V B ,与纵向DMOS 导通电阻与击穿电压之间Ron ·A = C ·V 2. 5B 的关系相比,CoolMOS 的导通电阻降低了约两个数量级。
上传时间: 2013-10-21
看到不少网友对COOLMOS感兴趣,把自己收集整理的资料、个人理解发出来,与大家共享。个人理解不一定完全正确,仅供参考。COOLMOS(super junction)原理,与普通VDMOS的差异如下: 对于常规VDMOS器件结构,大家都知道Rdson与BV这一对矛盾关系,要想提高BV,都是从减小EPI参杂浓度着手,但是外延层又是正向电流流通的通道,EPI参杂浓度减小了,电阻必然变大,Rdson就大了。所以对于普通VDMOS,两者矛盾不可调和。8 X( ?1 B4 i* q: i但是对于COOLMOS,这个矛盾就不那么明显了。通过设置一个深入EPI的的P区,大大提高了BV,同时对Rdson上不产生影响。为什么有了这个深入衬底的P区,就能大大提高耐压呢?
上传时间: 2014-12-23