44b0 base IAR 4.20a IDE, only the basic test, can run to C-main, usr can add owner app in it
上传时间: 2016-02-02
CHAPT03\CHAPT03.CPP 16-Bit test program for class PC8250 CHAPT03\CHAPT03.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program CHAPT03\CHAPT03.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C
标签: CHAPT 03 executable Bit
上传时间: 2016-02-03
CHAPT04\CHAPT04.CPP 16-Bit test program for the Digi Classic board CHAPT04\CHAPT04.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program CHAPT04\CHAPT04.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C++ CHAPT04\CLASSIC.CPP Implementation of the ClassicHandler class CHAPT04\CLASSIC.H Declaration of the ClassicHandler class
上传时间: 2013-11-30
CHAPT05\CHAPT05.CPP 16-Bit test program for the initelligent Digi board. CHAPT05\CHAPT05.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program CHAPT05\CHAPT05.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C++ CHAPT05\DIGI.CPP Implementation of the Digiboard class CHAPT05\DIGI.H Declaration of the Digiboard cla
标签: CHAPT 05 initelligent Bit
上传时间: 2016-02-03
CHAPT06\CHAPT06.CPP 16-Bit test program for the BiosPort class CHAPT06\CHAPT06.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program CHAPT06\CHAPT06.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C++ CHAPT06\BIOSPORT.CPP Implementation of the BiosPort class CHAPT06\BIOSPORT.H Declaration of the BiosPort cla
标签: CHAPT 06 executable Bit
上传时间: 2016-02-03
CHAPT07\CHAPT07.CPP 16-Bit test program for the Fossil class CHAPT07\CHAPT07.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program. CHAPT07\CHAPT07.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C++ CHAPT07\BIOSPORT.CPP A copy of the file from Chapter 6 CHAPT07\BIOSPORT.H A copy of the file from Chapter 6
标签: CHAPT 07 executable Bit
上传时间: 2013-12-09
CHAPT08\TESTTERM.CPP 16-Bit test program for the terminal emulation classes CHAPT08\TESTTERM.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program. CHAPT08\TESTTERM.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C++.
标签: TESTTERM CHAPT emulation terminal
上传时间: 2016-02-03
CHAPT09\TERMW16.CPP 16-Bit test program for the Win16Port class. CHAPT09\TERMW16.DEF A file needed by the linker for this program. CHAPT09\TERMW16.EXE 16-Bit exeuctable of the test program. CHAPT09\TERMW16B.MAK A makefile for Borland C++. CHAPT09\TERMW16M.MAK A makefile for Microsoft C++.
上传时间: 2016-02-03
CHAPT12\Chapt12.cpp Part of the 32-bit test progrma for the Win32Port class. CHAPT12\Chapt12.dsp The Visual C++ project file for the program. CHAPT12\Chapt12.dsw The Visual C++ workspace file for the program. CHAPT12\Chapt12.h The header file for the app s application class CHAPT12\Chapt12.ico The icon used in Chapt12.exe CHAPT12\Chapt12.rc The resource file use in the test program. CHAPT12\Chapt12Dlg.cpp The implementation of the dialog class CHAPT12\Chapt12Dlg.h The declarations of the dialog class CHAPT12\MyWin32Port.h Definition for a class derived from Win32Port. CHAPT12\resource.h The resource IDs
上传时间: 2013-12-17
sun jp,test application, s un jp,test application,
标签: application test jp sun
上传时间: 2016-02-05