iterative UML Development Using VC++ 6
标签: Development iterative Using UML
上传时间: 2017-07-31
A basic Fourier transform identity coupled with an iterative convergence algorithm provides a powerful method to align band-limited signals.
标签: convergence algorithm transform iterative
上传时间: 2017-08-03
Improved EMD Using Doubly-iterative Sifting and High Order Spline Interpolation
标签: Doubly-iterative Interpolation Improved Sifting
上传时间: 2017-08-26
RANSAC (RANdom SAmple Consensus) is an iterative method to estimate parameters of a mathematical model from a set of observed data which contains outliers. Source code is in Document
标签: mathematical parameters Consensus iterative
上传时间: 2017-09-09
sor method matlab for iterative methode
标签: iterative methode method matlab
上传时间: 2017-09-26
OFELI is an object oriented library of C++ classes for development of finite element codes. Its main features are : * Various storage schemes of matrices (dense, sparse, skyline). * Direct methods of solution of linear systems of equations as well as various combinations of iterative solvers and preconditioners. * Shape functions of most "popular" finite elements * Element arrays of most popular problems (Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow, Solid Mechanics, Electromagnetics, ...).
标签: development oriented classes element
上传时间: 2015-03-03
This OpenNL, a library to easily construct and solve sparse linear systems. * OpenNL is supplied with a set of built-in iterative solvers (Conjugate gradient,BICGSTAB, GMRes) and preconditioners (Jacobi, SSOR). * OpenNL can also use other solvers (SuperLU 3.0 is supported as an OpenNL extension,MUMPS will be supported in a future version)
标签: OpenNL construct supplied library
上传时间: 2014-01-07
Analysis and Designwith UML:Benefits of Visual Modeling History of the UML Visual Modeling with UML The Rational iterative Development Proce
上传时间: 2015-09-21
Verilog HDL: Magnitude For a vector (a,b), the magnitude representation is the following: A common approach to implementing these arithmetic functions is to use the Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer (CORDIC) algorithm. The CORDIC algorithm calculates the trigonometric functions of sine, cosine, magnitude, and phase using an iterative process. It is made up of a series of micro-rotations of the vector by a set of predetermined constants, which are powers of two. Using binary arithmetic, this algorithm essentially replaces multipliers with shift and add operations. In a Stratix™ device, it is possible to calculate some of these arithmetic functions directly, without having to implement the CORDIC algorithm.
标签: representation Magnitude the magnitude
上传时间: 2013-12-24
In recent years large scientific interest has been devoted to joint data decoding and parameter estimation techniques. In this paper, iterative turbo decoding joint to channel frequency and phase estimation is proposed. The phase and frequency estimator is embedded into the structure of the turbo decoder itself, taking into consideration both turbo interleaving and puncturing. Results show that the proposed technique outperforms conventional approaches both in terms of detection capabilities and implementation complexity.
标签: scientific parameter interest decoding
上传时间: 2015-12-30