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  • IW3617 230V 调光设计参考.pdf

    General Design Specification:1. AC Input Range 180-264Vac, isolated ac-dc offline, 12LEDS,Output 700mA2. Intelligent wall dimmer detections(Leading-edge dimmer , Trailing-edgedimmer , No-dimmer)3. Multiple dimming control scheme4. Wide dimming range from 1% up to 100%5. No visible flicker6. Resonant control to achieve high efficiency7. High Power Factor, 0.9 without dimmer8. Temperature degrade control to adjust the LED9. Primary-only Sensing eliminates opto-isolator feedback and simplifies design

    标签: iw3617

    上传时间: 2021-12-03


  • 台湾固纬GW GPC-6030D可调电源

    GPC 系列直流电源供应器是一部携带式可调整的多功能仪器,特别设计应用在电源操作的放大器,逻辑线路,正负电压误差非常小的精密仪器系统的追踪上,或需要用到三组独立电源的单体线路上,可称得上是一部非常实用又方便的仪器。GPC 系列主要由两组相同、独立、可调整的直流电源供应器组成,从前面板的 TRACKING 选择开关可选择三种模式:独立输出、串联输出和并联输出。在独立模式(INDEP)状态时,二组主控(MASTER)、副控(SLAVE)输出电压、电流为独立分离输出,而其输出端子到机壳或主控(MASTER)输出端子到副控(SLAVE)输出端子的隔离度(isolated)有 300V。当在追踪模式(TRACKING)状态时,主控输出端与副控输出端会自动的连接成串联模式(SERIES)或并联模式(PARALLEL),不需另外从输出端接任何导线;在串联模式时,调整主控输出电压(+)即有等量的副控电压(-)输出;并联模式时,调整主控输出电流,则主控输出端即有二倍的电流量输出。

    标签: 电源

    上传时间: 2022-02-08


  • Agilent 34401A Service Guide.pdf

    Agilent 34401A Service Guide.pdfIEC Measurement Category II includes electrical devices connected to mains at an outlet on a branch circuit. Such devices include most small appliances, test equipment, and other devices that plug into a branch outlet or socket. The 34401A may be used to make measurements with the HI and LO inputs connected to mains in such devices, or to the branch outlet itself (up to 300 VAC). However, the 34401A may not be used with its HI and LO inputs connected to mains in permanently installed electrical devices such as the main circuit-breaker panel, sub-panel disconnect boxes, or permanently wired motors. Such devices and circuits are subject to overvoltages that may exceed the protection limits of the 34401A. Note: Voltages above 300 VAC may be measured only in circuits that are isolated from mains. However, transient overvoltages are also present on circuits that are isolated from mains. The Agilent 34401A are designed to safely withstand occasional transient overvoltages up to 2500 Vpk. Do not use this equipment to measure circuits where transient overvoltages could exceed this level. Additional Notices Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC This product complies with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) marking requirement. The affixed product label (see below) indicates that you must not discard this electrical/electronic product in domestic household waste. Product Category: With reference to the equipment types in the WEEE directive Annex 1, this product is classified as a "Monitoring and Control instrumentation" product. Do not dispose in domestic household waste. To return unwanted products, contact your local Agilent office, or see www.agilent.com/environment/product for more information. Agilent 34138A Test Lead Set The Agilent 34401A is compatible with the Agilent 34138A Test Lead Set described below. Test Lead Ratings Test Leads - 1000V, 15A Fine Tip Probe Attachments - 300V, 3A Mini Grabber Attachment - 300V, 3A SMT Grabber Attachments - 300V, 3A Operation The Fine Tip, Mini Grabber, and SMT Grabber attachments plug onto the probe end of the Test Leads. Maintenance If any portion of the Test Lead Set is worn or damaged, do not use. Replace with a new Agilent 3413

    标签: agilent

    上传时间: 2022-02-20


  • 用于10kVIGBT固体开关的脉冲变压器设计

    由于高重复频率固体开关在加速器、雷达发射机、高功率微波和污染控制等领域存在的潜在优势,美国、英国、日本和韩国等都对固体开关技术进行了大量研究,从而成为近年脉冲功率界研究的重点1。从固体元件电路结构上,固体开关可以分成两种类型:串联结构和累加器结构。采用串联结构的固体开关生产厂家中,比较著名的有LLNL(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)和DTI(Diverfisied Technology Inc.),采用累加器结构的厂家中,比较著名的是LLNIL.和美国的First Point Scientific Ine.B32A我们已经研制成功了采用光纤控制的10kV绝缘栅双极型晶体管(isolated Gate Bipolar Transistor,IGBT)固体开关,尽管在该固体开关中采用的光纤收发器比较便宜,但光纤控制部分还是比较昂贵的。在一定的应用环境,如脉冲宽度为几微秒到十几微秒,可以采用脉冲变压器来控制IGBT。从文献[1]表明:只要脉冲同步和缓冲电路设计适当,即可确保固体开关中不会出现过压。尽管脉冲变压器隔离控制在同步精度和驱动波形一致性方面不如光纤控制,但还是可以用来控制IGBT固体开关。采用脉冲变压器控制IGBT的主要优点是价格便宜,但其存在的主要问题是输出脉冲宽度范围比较有限和绝缘性能如何保证的问题。在脉冲变压器控制的IGBT固体开关中,脉冲变压器设计非常重要,因此下面只讨论脉冲变压器的绝缘问题和IGBT固体开关的实验结果。

    标签: 脉冲变压器

    上传时间: 2022-06-22
