Library of C functions that allows a program to use WinSock 2 functionality if it is available or fall back to WinSock 1.1 if it isn t.
标签: functionality functions available Library
上传时间: 2015-01-18
MFC Black Book Introduction: Are you an MFC programmer? Good. There are two types of MFC programmers. What kind are you? The first kind are the good programmers who write programs that conform to the way MFC wants you to do things. The second bunch are wild-eyed anarchists who insist on getting things done their way. Me, I’m in the second group. If you are in the same boat (or would like to be) this book is for you. This book won’t teach you MFC—not in the traditional sense. You should pick it up with a good understanding of basic MFC programming and a desire to do things differently. This isn’t a Scribble tutorial (although I will review some fundamentals in the first chapter). You will learn how to wring every drop from your MFC programs. You’ll discover how to use, abuse, and abandon the document/view architecture. If you’ve ever wanted custom archives, you’ll find that, too.
标签: MFC Introduction programmer programme
上传时间: 2015-05-30
In order to thoroughly understand what makes Linux tick and why it works so well on a wide variety of systems, you need to delve deep into the heart of the kernel. The kernel handles all interactions between the CPU and the external world, and determines which programs will share processor time, in what order. It manages limited memory so well that hundreds of processes can share the system efficiently, and expertly organizes data transfers so that the CPU isn t kept waiting any longer than necessary for the relatively slow disks.
标签: thoroughly understand variety order
上传时间: 2014-12-07
Visual C++ Windows Shell Programming Welcome to Visual C++ Windows Shell Programming! With this book, you ll learn how to program the Windows Shell, customize its behavior and integrate your applications with it. You ll discover how to use and modify its features to best effect, and the way to call shell API functions whose documentation is scant. Programming the shell isn t difficult, but few books explain the subject in its entirety.
标签: Programming Windows Visual Shell
上传时间: 2014-11-27
/* * The internal form of a hash table. * * The table is an array indexed by the hash of the key collisions * are resolved by hanging a linked list of hash entries off each * element of the array. Although this is a really simple design it * isn t too bad given that pools have a low allocation overhead. */ split from apache for general usage
上传时间: 2014-01-07
三星公司官方 GIVEIO.SYS源代码下载。 In windows NT/2000/XP, any application can’t access the I/O such as the parallel port. So, GIVEIO.SYS enables SJF.exe to access the parallel port without any memory fault. In windows 95/98, GIVEIO.SYS isn’t needed.
标签: application the windows GIVEIO
上传时间: 2014-01-11
Advanced UNIX Programming is the long-awaited (19 years!) update to the 1985 original. Maybe "update" isn t the right word--of the 750-or-so pages in the new book, there are maybe two dozen paragraphs that are unchanged. The original covered about 70 system calls, and the new one covers about 300. (这是Advanced UNIX Programming的附书源码)
标签: update long-awaited Programming the
上传时间: 2013-12-19
Introduction Computer security is undeniably important, and as new vulnerabilities are discovered and exploited, the perceived need for new security solutions grows. "Trusted computing" initiatives propose to solve some of today s security problems through hardware changes to the personal computer. Changing hardware design isn t inherently suspicious, but the leading trusted computing proposals have a high cost: they provide security to users while giving third parties the power to enforce policies on users computers against the users wishes -- they let others pressure you to hand some control over your PC to someone else. This is a "feature" ready-made for abuse by software authors who want to anticompetitively choke off rival software. It needn t be this way: a straightforward change to the plans of trusted computing vendors could leave the security benefits intact while ensuring that a PC owner s
标签: vulnerabilities Introduction discovered undeniably
上传时间: 2014-01-05
The ATL OLE DB Provider templates only seem to support read-only rowsets and making them support updating of data isn t as easy as you d expect! ATL OLE_DB数据库引擎模板支持只读的记录集
标签: support templates read-only Provider
上传时间: 2017-02-03
The ATL OLE DB Provider templates only seem to support read-only rowsets and making them support updating of data isn t as easy as you d expect!
标签: support templates read-only Provider
上传时间: 2013-12-29