IA4421 通用ism频段FSK收发器
上传时间: 2013-06-01
专辑类-超声-红外-激光-无线-通讯相关专辑-183册-1.48G IA4421-通用ism频段FSK收发器-38页-2.9M.pdf
上传时间: 2013-06-09
Abstract: Many industrial/scientific/medical (ism) band radio frequency (RF) products use crystal oscillators to generate areference for the phase-locked loop (PLL)-based local oscillator (LO). This tutorial provides a basic description of theism-RF Crystal Calculator, which can be used to calculate various impacts on crystal frequency accuracy and startupmargin for such an LO.
上传时间: 2013-11-15
上传时间: 2013-11-10
Abstract: Many industrial/scientific/medical (ism) band radio frequency (RF) receivers use an external Sallen-Key datafilter and a data slicer to generate the baseband digital output. This tutorial describes the ism-RF Baseband Calculator,which can be used to calculate the filter capacitor values and the data slicer RC components, while providing a visualexample of the baseband signals.
上传时间: 2013-11-04
Abstract: With industrial/scientific/medical (ism) band radio frequency (RF) products, often times users are new to the structure of Maxim's low pin-count transmitters andfully integrated superheterodyne receivers. This tutorial provides simple steps that can be taken to get the best performance out of these transmitters and receivers whileproviding techniques to measure the overall capability of the design.
上传时间: 2013-11-02
Abstract: This application note illustrates the flexibility of the MAX7060 ASK/FSK transmitter. While the currently available evaluationkit (EV kit) has been optimized for the device's use in a specific frequency band (i.e., 288MHz to 390MHz), this document addresseshow the EV kit circuitry can be modified for improved operation at 433.92MHz, a frequency commonly used in Europe. Twoalternative match and filter configurations are presented: one for optimizing drain efficiency, the other for achieving higher transmitpower. Features and capabilities of earlier Maxim industrial, scientific, and medical radio-frequency (ism-RF) transmitters areprovided, allowing comparison of the MAX7060 to its predecessors. Several design guidelines and cautions for using the MAX7060are discussed.
上传时间: 2013-11-14
High Performance ism Band Transceiver IC ADF7025的资料,英文的,射频的兄弟有用
标签: Performance Transceiver High Band
上传时间: 2015-10-31
(1) 315、433、868、915Mh的ism 和SRD频段 (2) 最高工作速率500kbps,支持2-FSK、GFSK和MSK调制方式 (3) 高灵敏度(1.2kbps下-110dDm,1%数据包误码率) (4) 内置硬件CRC 检错和点对多点通信地址控制 (5) 较低的电流消耗(RX中,15.6mA,2.4kbps,433MHz) (6) 可编程控制的输出功率,对所有的支持频率可达+10dBm (7) 支持低功率电磁波激活功能 (8) 支持传输前自动清理信道访问(CCA),即载波侦听系统 (9) 快速频率变动合成器带来的合适的频率跳跃系统 (10) 模块可软件设地址,软件编程非常方便 (11) 标准DIP间距接口,便于嵌入式应用 (12) 单独的64字节RX和TX数据FIFO
上传时间: 2016-06-21
模块引脚和电气参数说明 NewMsg-RF905模块使用Nordic公司的nRF905芯片开发而成。 NewMsg RF905单片无线收发器工作在433/868/915MHZ的ism 频段由一个完全集成的频率调制器一个带解调器的接收器一个功率 放大器一个晶体震荡器和一个调节器组成ShockBurst工作模式的特 点是自动产生前导码和CRC可以很容易通过SPI接口进行编程配 置电流消耗很低在发射功率为+10dBm时发射电流为30mA接收电流 为12.5mA.进入POWERDOWN模式可以很容易实现节电.
标签: 905 NewMsg-RF NewMsg Nordic
上传时间: 2014-01-14