单片机系统“PC”失控的软件措施Software Measure of GettingO uto fC ontrolfo r“PC"in S ingleC hipC omputerS ystem谧 加 春 王 晓 基 雷 小 华(江 西 理 工 大 学机 电 工 程 学 院 ,赣 州 34 10 00)摘要单片机系统在实际工业现场中可能遇到各种干扰和自身的随机性故障。现场恶劣的环境有可能使计算机系统发生异常,计算机程序指针“PC”失控就是常见的故障之一,如果发生“PC”失控,将导致CPI工作混乱,酿成严重的事故。研究了“PC”失控的原因,并指出软件抗干扰的几种方法,有效保证单片机系统的正常工作。关键词单片机“PC”失控抗干扰Abstract Inp racticalin dustrialfi elds,th ereis v ariousin terferencea fectingo perationo fsi nglec hipc omputersy stemsa ndt hec omputersy stems。fac吨random faults饰themselves. It is very common that the severe environment makes the computer systems abnormal. The program counter "PC"gettingo utof co ntorlis on eo fth ec ommonfa ults.If th isoc curs,C PUw ouldb eru nningo utof or deran din torducesse riousan cient.T hec ausesof " PC"geting out of control, studied in this paper and some countermeasures of anti-interference师software are given to ensure single chip computer systemworking properly.Keywords Single。饰computer Porgramc ounter"P C" Anti-interfeernc 在设 计 和 开发单片机系统时,一般难以周全地预计单片机系统在实际工业现场中可能遇到的各种干扰和自身的随机性故障。因此,除了采取防止和抑制干扰的各项措施外,还应该借助于软件措施克服某些干扰,系统还应具备迅速自行恢复的能力。本文介绍的应对单片机系统PC失控的软件措施,设计灵活,节省硬件资源,能保证测控系统长期可靠地运行。MC S- 5 1单片机以其优良的性能价格比大量应用于工业现场测试和控制领域。但是,现场恶劣的环境有可能使计算机系统发生异常,计算机程序指针PC失控就是常见的故障之一,一旦发生PC“走飞”,计算机系统就会出现工作混乱,酿成严重的事故。为 了 在 CP 失控时尽量减少由此带来的不利影响,并尽快使系统恢复正常,需要采取一定的软件措施和硬件措施。常见的硬件措施有“看门狗”电路。软件措施设置的前提条件是:①在干扰作用下,微机系统硬件部分不会受到任何损坏,或者损坏部分设置有监测状态可供查询;②程序区不会受到干扰侵害。单片机系统的程序和表格以及重要的参数均设置在ROM区,不会因干扰的侵人而改变;③ RAM区中的重要数据不会被破坏,或者虽然被破坏,但是可以重新建立。
上传时间: 2013-11-02
PK51是为8051系列单片机所设计的开发工具,支持所有8051系列衍生产品,,支持带扩展存储器和扩展指令集(例如Dallas390/5240/400,Philips 51MX,Analog Devices MicroConverters)的新设备,以及支持很多公司的一流的设备和IP内核,比如Analog Devices, Atmel, Cypress Semiconductor, Dallas Semiconductor, Goal, Hynix, Infineon, Intel, NXP(founded by Philips), OKI, Silicon Labs,SMSC, STMicroeleectronics,Synopsis, TDK, Temic, Texas Instruments,Winbond等。通过PK51专业级开发工具,可以轻松地了解8051的On-chip peripherals与及其它关键特性。
上传时间: 2013-10-09
The AT89C52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 8Kbytes of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM). The deviceis manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and iscompatible with the industry-standard 80C51 and 80C52 instruction set and pinout.The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by aconventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPUwith Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C52 is a powerful microcomputerwhich provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded controlapplications.
上传时间: 2013-11-10
Introduction to Xilinx Packaging Electronic packages are interconnectable housings for semiconductor devices. The major functions of the electronic packages are to provide electrical interconnections between the IC and the board and to efficiently remove heat generated by the device. Feature sizes are constantly shrinking, resulting in increased number of transistors being packed into the device. Today's submicron technology is also enabling large-scale functional integration and system-on-a-chip solutions. In order to keep pace with these new advancements in silicon technologies, semiconductor packages have also evolved to provide improved device functionality and performance. Feature size at the device level is driving package feature sizes down to the design rules of the early transistors. To meet these demands, electronic packages must be flexible to address high pin counts, reduced pitch and form factor requirements. At the same time,packages must be reliable and cost effective.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
Abstract: This application note discusses the development and deployment of 3G cellular femtocell base stations. The technicalchallenges for last-mile residential connectivity and adding system capacity in dense urban environments are discussed, with 3Gfemtocell base stations as a cost-effective solution. Maxim's 3GPP TS25.104-compliant transceiver solution is presented along withcomplete radio reference designs such as RD2550. For more information on the RD2550, see reference design 5364, "FemtocellRadio Reference Designs Using the MAX2550–MAX2553 Transceivers."
标签: Base-Station Applications Single-Chip Transceiver
上传时间: 2013-11-07
Designing withProgrammable Logicin an Analog WorldProgrammable logic devices revolutionizeddigital design over 25 years ago,promising designers a blank chip todesign literally any function and programit in the field. PLDs can be low-logicdensity devices that use nonvolatilesea-of-gates cells called complexprogrammable logic devices (CPLDs)or they can be high-density devicesbased on SRAM look-up tables (LUTs)
标签: Solutions Analog Altera FPGAs
上传时间: 2013-11-08
The Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC (TEMAC) UltraController-II module is a minimal footprint,embedded network processing engine based on the PowerPC™ 405 (PPC405) processor coreand the TEMAC core embedded within a Virtex™-4 FX Platform FPGA. The TEMACUltraController-II module connects to an external PHY through Gigabit Media IndependentInterface (GMII) and Management Data Input/Output (MDIO) interfaces and supports tri-mode(10/100/1000 Mb/s) Ethernet. Software running from the processor cache reads and writesthrough an On-Chip Memory (OCM) interface to two FIFOs that act as buffers between thedifferent clock domains of the PPC405 OCM and the TEMAC.
上传时间: 2013-10-26
In today’s world of modular networking and telecommunications design, it is becomingincreasingly difficult to keep alignment with the many different and often changing interfaces,both inter-board and intra-board. Each manufacturer has their own spin on the way in whichdevices are connected. To satisfy the needs of our customers, we must be able to support alltheir interface requirements. For us to be able to make products for many customers, we mustadopt a modular approach to the design. This modularity is the one issue that drives the majorproblem of shifting our bits from one modular interface to another.
上传时间: 2013-11-25
多远程二极管温度传感器-Design Considerations for pc thermal management Multiple RDTS (remote diode temperature sensing) provides the most accurate method of sensing an IC’s junction temperature. It overcomes thermal gradient and placement issues encountered when trying to place external sensors. PCB component count decreases when using a device that provides multiple inputs.Better temperature sensing improves product performance and reliability. Disk drive data integrity suffers at elevated temperatures. IBM published an article stating that a 5°C rise in operating temperature causes a 15% increase in the drive’s failure rate. The overall performance of a system can be improved by providing a more accurate temperature measurement of the most critical devices allowing them to run just a few degrees hotter.The LM83 directly senses its own temperature and the temperature of three external PN junctions. One is dedicated to the CPU of choice, the other two go to other parts of your system that need thermal monitoring such as the disk drive or graphics chip. The SMBus-compatible LM83 supports SMBus timeout and logic levels. The LM83 has two interrupt outputs; one for user-programmable limits and WATCHDOG capability (INT), the other is a Critical Temperature Alarm output (T_CRIT_A) for system power supply shutdown.
标签: Considerat Design 远程 二极管
上传时间: 2014-12-21
The C8051F020/1/2/3 devices are fully integrated mixed-signal System-on-a-Chip MCUs with 64 digital I/O pins (C8051F020/2) or 32 digital I/O pins (C8051F021/3). Highlighted features are listed below; refer to Table 1.1 for specific product feature selection.
上传时间: 2013-11-08