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  • Reading and Writing iButtons v

    Abstract: This application note explains the hardware of different types of 1-Wire® interfaces and software examples adapted to this hardware with a focus on serial ports. Depending on the types of iButtons required for a project and the type of computer to be used, the most economical interface is easily found. The hardware examples shown are basically two different types: 5V general interface and 12V RS-232 interface. Within the 5V group a common printed circuit board could be used for all circuits described. The variations can be achieved by different populations of components. The same principal is used for the 12V RS-232 interface. The population determines if it is a Read all or a Read/Write all type of interface. There are other possible circuit implementations to create a 1-Wire interface. The circuits described in this application note cover many different configurations. For a custom application, one of the described options can be adapted to meet individual needs.

    标签: iButtons Reading Writing and

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • pwm research and implementatio

    pwm research and implementation on mcs-51

    标签: implementatio research pwm and

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 基于DSP的ATV-ATT中控系统设计

    设计一种应用于某全地形ATV车载武器装置中的中控系统,该系统设计是以TMS320F2812型DSP为核心,采用模块化设计思想,对其硬件部分进行系统设计,能够完成对武器装置高低、回转方向的运动控制,实现静止或行进状态中对目标物的测距,自动瞄准以及按既定发射模式发射弹丸和各项安全性能检测等功能。通过编制相应的软件,对其进行系统调试,验证了该设计运行稳定。 Abstract:  A central control system applied to an ATV vehicle weapons is designed. The system design is based on TMS320F2812 DSP as the core, uses modular design for its hardware parts. The central control system can complete the motion control of the level of weapons and equipment, rotation direction, to achieve a state of static or moving objects on the target ranging, auto-targeting and according to the established target and the projectile and the launch of the security performance testing and other functions. Through the development of appropriate software and to carry out system testing to verify the stability of this design and operation.

    标签: ATV-ATT DSP 中控系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • wp379 AXI4即插即用IP

    In the past decade, the size and complexity of manyFPGA designs exceeds the time and resourcesavailable to most design teams, making the use andreuse of Intellectual Property (IP) imperative.However, integrating numerous IP blocks acquiredfrom both internal and external sources can be adaunting challenge that often extends, rather thanshortens, design time. As today's designs integrateincreasing amounts of functionality, it is vital thatdesigners have access to proven, up-to-date IP fromreliable sources.

    标签: AXI4 379 wp 即插即用

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • The Linux Programming Interface - A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook

    The Linux Programming Interface - A Linux and UNIX System

    标签: Programming Linux Interface Handbook

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • Rf And Microwave Power Amplifier Design(2005)

    The main objective of this book is to present all the relevant informationrequired for RF and micro-wave power amplifier design includingwell-known and novel theoretical approaches and practical design techniquesas well as to suggest optimum design approaches effectively combininganalytical calculations and computer-aided design. This bookcan also be very useful for lecturing to promote the analytical way ofthinking with practical verification by making a bridge between theoryand practice of RF and microwave engineering. As it often happens, anew result is the well-forgotten old one. Therefore, the demonstrationof not only new results based on new technologies or circuit schematicsis given, but some sufficiently old ideas or approaches are also introduced,that could be very useful in modern practice or could contributeto appearance of new ideas or schematic techniques.

    标签: Amplifier Microwave Design Power

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • RF circuit design theory and application(射频电路设计)

    RF circuit design theory and application(射频电路设计)

    标签: application circuit design theory

    上传时间: 2014-12-30


  • Artech.House_2002_Simulation.and.Software.Radio.for.Mobile.Communications


    标签: Communications Simulation Software Artech

    上传时间: 2013-11-01


  • MOTION BUILDER 使用说明书Ver.2

    MOTION BUILDER Ver.2 是用于监控 KV-H20/H20S/H40S/H20G 的参数设定以及当前动作状态的软件。 在 PC 上可以设定复杂的参数,并可以在显示画面上监控正在运行的 KV-H20/H20S/H40S/H20G。 关于 MOTION BUILDER Ver.2 概要、功能与使用方法的详细说明。在安装之前,请仔细阅读本手册,并充分 理解。 注意 1、使用 MOTION BUILDER Ver.2 时,必须在可以使用 KV-H20/H20S/H40S/H20G 上 连接的紧急停止开关的地方使用。 通讯异常时,不接受 MOTION BUILDER Ver.2 的“强制停止”,可能会导致事故指示发生。发生通信异常时,MOTION BUILDER Ver.2 的“强制停止”按钮将不起作用。 2、JOG 过程中,不能采用断开 PLC 的连接电缆等手段停止通讯。 KV-H20/H20S/H40S/H20G 单元的 JOG 继电器会一直保持 ON,机器继续运转,并可能导致事故发生。 3、执行监控或者写入参数(设定)时,不能断开和 PLC 的连接电缆。 否则会发生通讯错误,PC 可能会被重启。KV-H20/H20S/H40S/H20G 内的数据可 能会损坏。 4、在 RUN 过程中,KV-1000/700 进行 JOG 示教时,必须在 PROG 模式下实施。 如果扫描时间较长,则反映的时间变长,且可能发生无法预料的动作。 5、发送到  KV-1000/700  的单元设定信息必须与当前打开的梯形图程序的单元设定信 息一致。如果设定信息不同,则显示错误,且不运行。 6、错误操作或者静电等会引起数据变化或者去失,为了保护数据,请定期进行备份。 指示 关于数据的变化或者消失引起的损失,本公司不负任何责任,请谅解。 7、保存数据时,如果需要保留原来保存的数据,则选择“重命名保存”。 如果“覆盖保存”则会失去原来保存的数据。 运行环境及系统配置 运行 MOTION BUILDER Ver.2 ,必须具备如下环境。 请确认您使用的系统是否符合如下条件、是否备齐了必需的设备。 对应的 PC 机型 •  IBM PC 以及 PC/AT 兼容机(DOS/V) 系统配置 •  CPU Pentium 133 MHz 以上 支持 Windows 的打印 (推荐 Pentium 200 MHz 以上) •  内存容量扩展内存  64MB 以上 •  硬盘可用空间  20MB 以上 •  CD-ROM 驱动器 •  接口  RS-232C 或者 USB

    标签: BUILDER MOTION Ver 使用说明书

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • PCB Design Considerations and Guidelines for 0.4mm and 0.5mm WLPs

    Abstract: Using a wafer-level package (WLP) can reduce the overall size and cost of your solution.However when using a WLP IC, the printed circuit board (PCB) layout can become more complex and, ifnot carefully planned, result in an unreliable design. This article presents some PCB designconsiderations and general recommendations for choosing a 0.4mm- or 0.5mm-pitch WLP for yourapplication.

    标签: Considerations Guidelines and Design

    上传时间: 2013-11-09
