inteRFace Fiche Technique : Langage de programmation : Visual Basic 5.0 Support : Une version de Windows en 32 bits (Windows 95, OSR1, OSR2 ou Windows 98 ou Windows NT) Auteurs : Matthieu Poulain et Jean-Marc Mangin Date : 10/03/1
标签: programmation inteRFace Technique Langage
上传时间: 2013-12-05
手机流文件的处理程序源代码!The inteRFace to an audio stream player passing audio data from the audio hardware to specified buffers.
标签: audio inteRFace hardware passing
上传时间: 2015-03-31
Intelligent Platform Management inteRFace Specification Second Generation v2.0
标签: Specification Intelligent Generation Management
上传时间: 2015-04-05
This module can be used to inteRFace to the MMC card in MMC or * SPI modes. It supports a multiple card environment. The reset and * identification processes assume multiple cards on the bus. * In MMC mode, the card number is used as the RCA operand in the * commands.
标签: MMC inteRFace multiple supports
上传时间: 2014-01-07
Controller Area Network Programming inteRFace Environment Ver0.8。 CanPie版本0.8. CAN总线通讯编程接口源代码。
标签: Environment Programming Controller inteRFace
上传时间: 2015-04-07
BoboMail is a so called webmail application, which provides mail access through a web inteRFace. It handles MIME messages properly (including HTML mails) and is implemented in Python BoboMail是一个webmail应用程序,它提供通过一个web接口的邮件访问。它可以正确处理MIME消息(包括HTML邮件),用Python实现。
标签: application inteRFace BoboMail provides
上传时间: 2013-12-08
The CC1000 RF transceiver is very easy to inteRFace with a microcontroller. The chip is configured using a three-wire bus, comprising of PCLK, PDATA and PALE signals.
标签: microcontroller transceiver configured The
上传时间: 2014-01-04
项目描述: Trickster Streaming Server is a pure Perl MP3 streaming server with a simple Web inteRFace that allows you to manipulate and browse the queue. The queue management API is done in a fairly simple UNIX manner, and can be easily extended. Trickster Streaming Server是一个具有简单 Web接口的纯 Perl MP3流服务器,它让你操作并浏览队列。这个队列管理 API 用一种相当简单的UNIX方式来做,并能被容易的扩展。
标签: Trickster Streaming inteRFace streaming
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Implementing a Direct Thermocouple inteRFace With the MSP430x4xx and ADS1240
标签: Implementing Thermocouple inteRFace Direct
上传时间: 2015-04-17
CH341 general usb-serial/pp inteRFace.specification document
标签: specification usb-serial inteRFace document
上传时间: 2015-04-19