This project does not contain a full, runnable application program. instead, the only package ope.account contains two classes which represent basic bank customer and account information.
标签: application runnable instead project
上传时间: 2013-12-25
This project does not contain a full, runnable application program. instead, the only package contains two classes to represent match data for football (and possibly other team sports).
标签: application runnable instead project
上传时间: 2015-09-03
You can call MsgBoxEx instead of MsgBox MsgBoxEx will return the same vbMsgBoxResults as MsgBox, but adds the frm, Left, and Top parameters.
标签: MsgBoxEx MsgBox vbMsgBoxResults instead
上传时间: 2013-12-22
instead of finding the longest common subsequence, let us try to determine the length of the LCS. Then tracking back to find the LCS. Consider a1a2…am and b1b2…bn. Case 1: am=bn. The LCS must contain am, we have to find the LCS of a1a2…am-1 and b1b2…bn-1. Case 2: am≠bn. Wehave to find the LCS of a1a2…am-1 and b1b2…bn, and a1a2…am and b b b b1b2…bn-1 Let A = a1 a2 … am and B = b1 b2 … bn Let Li j denote the length of the longest i,g g common subsequence of a1 a2 … ai and b1 b2 … bj. Li,j = Li-1,j-1 + 1 if ai=bj max{ L L } a≠b i-1,j, i,j-1 if ai≠j L0,0 = L0,j = Li,0 = 0 for 1≤i≤m, 1≤j≤n.
标签: the subsequence determine instead
上传时间: 2013-12-17
The sources of IDAPython, a plugin for IDA for using python for scripting in IDA, instead of IDC.
标签: for IDAPython IDA scripting
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Pattern-MAC (PMAC) protocol, instead of having fixed sleepwakeups, the sleep-wakeup schedules of the sensor nodes are adaptively determined. The schedules are decided based on a node’s own traffic and that of its neighbors.
标签: sleepwakeups sleep-wakeup Pattern-MAC schedules
上传时间: 2017-08-28
This is example for E-Market to use sequential file instead of database.
标签: sequential E-Market database example
上传时间: 2013-12-27
The LT®1943 is a highly integrated, 4-output regulatordesigned to power large TFT LCD panels. The LT1943employs switching regulators—instead of linear regulators—to minimize power dissipation and accommodate awide input voltage range. The wide input range, 4.5V to22V, allows it to accept a variety of power sources,including the commonly used 5V, 12V and 19V AC adaptors.
上传时间: 2013-10-19
Advances in low power electronics now allow placementof battery-powered sensors and other devices in locationsfar from the power grid. Ideally, for true grid independence,the batteries should not need replacement, but instead berecharged using locally available renewable energy, suchas solar power. This Design Note shows how to producea compact battery charger that operates from a small2-cell solar panel. A unique feature of this design is thatthe DC/DC converter uses power point control to extractmaximum power from the solar panel.
上传时间: 2014-01-20
Designing Boards with Atmel AT89C51,AT89C52, AT89C1051, and AT89C2051 for Writing Flash at In-Circuit Test. Recent improvements in chips and testers have made it possible for the tester to begin taking over the role tradi-tionally assigned to the PROM program-mer. instead of having a PROM pro- grammer write nonvolatile memories before assembling the board, the in-cir- cuit tester writes them during in-circuit testing operations. Many Teradyne Z18- series testers are now in use loading code into nonvolatile memories, micro- controllers and in-circuit programmable logic devices. The purpose of this note is to explain how the Z18 approaches the writing task for Atmel AT89C series IC’s, so that designers of boards using these chips can get the best results.
上传时间: 2013-11-17