Delphi三层数据库连接池 (1) Connection Pool for Delphi release notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document contains: - Short description of the product - Other text files - TRIAL version limitations - Delphi - versions supported - installATion of Connection Pool for Delphi - installATion of Connection Pool for Delphi help file - Ordering information - Support and Web resources - Thanks To
上传时间: 2019-12-12
The contemporary view of the Smart City is very much static and infrastructure- centric, focusing on installATion and subsequent management of Edge devices and analytics of data provided by these devices. While this still allows a more efficient management of the city’s infrastructure, optimizations and savings in different do- mains, the existing architectures are currently designed as single-purpose, vertically siloed solutions. This hinders active involvement of a variety of stakeholders (e.g., citizens and businesses) who naturally form part of the city’s ecosystem and have an inherent interest in jointly coordinating and influencing city-level activities.
标签: Internet Systems Cities People Things Smart The and of
上传时间: 2020-05-26
Free Space Optical Communication (FSOC) is an effective alternative technology to meet the Next Generation Network (NGN) demands as well as highly secured (mili- tary) communications. FSOC includes various advantages like last mile access, easy installATion, free of Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI)/Electro Magnetic Compatibil- ity (EMC) and license free access etc. In FSOC, the optical beam propagation in the turbulentatmosphereisseverelyaffectedbyvariousfactorssuspendedinthechannel, geographicallocationoftheinstallATionsite,terraintypeandmeteorologicalchanges. Therefore a rigorous experimental study over a longer period becomes significant to analyze the quality and reliability of the FSOC channel and the maximum data rate that the system can operate since data transmission is completely season dependent.
标签: Communication Optical System Space Free
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Microwave radio network design is a subset of activities that constitute the overall transmission network design. Transmission networks are sometimes called transport networks, access networks, or connectivity networks. For many wireless carriers, microwave is becoming a popu- lar preference over wireline (leased lines) transport for many reasons, especially as microwave radio equipment costs decrease and installATion becomes simpler. Low monthly operating costs can undercut those of typical single (and especially multiple) T1/E1 expenses, proving it to be more economical over the long term—usually two to four years. Network operators also like the fact that they can own and control microwave radio networks instead of relying on other service providers for network components.
标签: Transmission Microwave Networks
上传时间: 2020-05-28
Phenomenon is an overused and overloaded term, but somehow it seems appropriate for Arduino—an endeavor that has caught the attention of an astonishingly wide range of people and provided opportunities for those who might otherwise have never picked up a soldering iron or written a single line of code. From dyed-in-the-wool hardware hackers to web page developers, robotics enthusiasts to installATion artists, textile students to musicians: all can be found in the Arduino community. The versatility of the platform encompassing both hardware and software, combined with its inherent openness, has captured the imagination of tens of thousands of developers.
标签: Practical Projects Arduino Cool
上传时间: 2020-06-09
1. Preface2. The concept2.2. Prescience 2.3. Reading guide 2.4. Abbreviations 2.5. Version management3. Hardware3.2. ESP32 3.3.2. Hardware schema 3.3.3. DHT22 and level shifter 3.3.4. Geekcreit® ESP32 Development Board4. Software4.2. Installatie van GIT 4.3. Installatation of the ESP32 Core 4.4. installATion of the Xtensa and ESP32 Tools 4.5. Python 4.5.1. Install Python 4.5.2. installATion of pySerial and EspTool 4.6. Test the software installATion5. The ESP32 IoT project 5.1.1. WiFi connection 5.1.2. Setup date and time 5.1.3. MQTT connection 5.1.4. Determining temperature and humidity 5.2. IOT_ESP32_Project source6. Test6.2. ESP32, NodeJS, MongoDB en Mosca 6.2.1. Start MongoDB 6.2.2. Start NodeJS Express serve and Mosca broker 6.2.3. Start the ESP32 6.2.4. Start an Chrome browser
上传时间: 2022-04-05