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  • This sample demonstrates the handling of DIF_ calls during device installation and the insertion of

    This sample demonstrates the handling of DIF_ calls during device installation and the insertion of a property page into the install wizard and into the device properties.

    标签: demonstrates installation insertion the

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • 求解网络中的最短路径。假设某个计算机网络有n个站点

    求解网络中的最短路径。假设某个计算机网络有n个站点,依次编号为1,2,…,n;有的站点之间有直接的线路连接(即这两个站点之间没有其它站点),有的站点之间没有直接的线路连接。如果用三元组(i,j,f)来表示该网络中的站点I和站点j之间有直接的线路连接且它们之间的距离为f 当已知该网络各站点之间的直接连接情况由m个三元组(i1,j1,f1),(i2,j2,f2),…,(im,jm,fm)确定时,要求计算出对于网络中任意一个站点g(1≤g≤n)到其余各站点的最短距离。

    标签: 网络 最短路径 站点 计算机网络

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • linux 的引导程序源码The Microsoft® Windows® Software Development Kit (SDK) provides the documentation

    linux 的引导程序源码The Microsoft® Windows® Software Development Kit (SDK) provides the documentation, samples, header files, libraries, and tools you need to develop applications that run on Windows. The applications you develop with this edition of the SDK can run on the x86, x64 and Itanium-based versions of Windows Server 2003 SP1, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP x64 Pro Edition, and Windows 2000. A new custom install allows you to select components you wish to install on a more granular level.

    标签: documentation Development Microsoft reg

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • gcj java applet的web browser 插件

    gcj java applet的web browser 插件,可替代jre 安装步骤: ./configure make make install

    标签: browser applet java gcj

    上传时间: 2014-12-02


  • 科汛网站管理系统 2006 Beta2 SP1 系统安装步骤: 1、安装IIS。 2、双击KS2006_DLL.exe安装科汛组件。 3、双击KS2006_Code.exe

    科汛网站管理系统 2006 Beta2 SP1 系统安装步骤: 1、安装IIS。 2、双击KS2006_DLL.exe安装科汛组件。 3、双击KS2006_Code.exe,按照提示操作,完成科汛代码的安装。 4、修改Conn.Asp文件中的数据库参数。 5、运行Install.Asp。 备注:(默认管理入口http://你的域名/admin/Login.asp 登录账号:admin 密码:admin888)。

    标签: 2006 exe Beta2 Code

    上传时间: 2014-01-20


  • 众所周知

    众所周知,C++Builder本身并不提供串行通讯控件MSComm,但我们却可以通过注册后直接使用它。启动C++Builder5.0后,然后选择C++Builder主菜单中的Component菜单项,单击Import Active Control命令,弹出Import Active窗口,选择Microsoft Comm Control6.0,再选择Install按钮执行安装命令,系统将自动进行编译,编译完成后即完成MSComm控件在C++Builder中的注册,系统默认安装在控件板的Active页,接下来我们就可以像使用C++Builder本身提供的控件那样使用新注册的MSComm控件了。(前提条件是你的机子上安装了Visual Basic,或者有它的库)


    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • 最通用的301P摄像头芯片在LINUX下的驱动程序(首先确保内核已经编译过

    最通用的301P摄像头芯片在LINUX下的驱动程序(首先确保内核已经编译过,然后make,make install即可)

    标签: LINUX 301P 摄像头 内核

    上传时间: 2015-05-19


  • 软件简介: 系统安装步骤: 1、安装IIS。   2、安装动易组件  3、双击PowerEasy2006.exe

    软件简介: 系统安装步骤: 1、安装IIS。   2、安装动易组件  3、双击PowerEasy2006.exe,按照提示一步步操作,完成动易系统文件的解压缩。 4、修改conn.asp文件中的数据库参数。 5、运行install.asp。 6、后台管理帐号:admin  密码:admin

    标签: PowerEasy 2006 IIS exe

    上传时间: 2015-05-24


  • See Appendix B for a description of the programs included on this companion disk. RESOURCE.WRI iden

    See Appendix B for a description of the programs included on this companion disk. RESOURCE.WRI identifies other books and resources for Internet programming. WEBHELP.HLP contains an introduction to the World Wide Web. TCPMAN.HLP provides detailed instructions to help you use the Trumpet Winsock included on this disk. Use the Program Manager s File menu Run option to execute the SETUP.EXE program found on this disk. SETUP.EXE will install the programs on your hard drive and create an Internet Programming group window. Internet编程技术 [配套程序] [涉及平台] VC [作者] void [文件大小] 1032K

    标签: description companion Appendix RESOURCE

    上传时间: 2013-12-04


  • This toolbox contains Matlab code for several graph and mesh partitioning methods, including geometr

    This toolbox contains Matlab code for several graph and mesh partitioning methods, including geometric, spectral, geometric spectral, and coordinate bisection. It also has routines to generate recursive multiway partitions, vertex separators, and nested dissection orderings and it has some sample meshes and mesh generators. The toolbox contains a Matlab interface to Leland and Hendrickson s Chaco partitioning package, but it doesn t contain Chaco itself. The file "chaco/README" tells how to install the interface to Chaco. It also contains a Matlab interface to Karypis et al. s Metis partitioning package, using Robert Bridson s "metismex" code.

    标签: partitioning including contains toolbox

    上传时间: 2015-05-25
