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  • 本书分为四大篇。第一篇提出学习MFC程序设计之前的必要基础

    本书分为四大篇。第一篇提出学习MFC程序设计之前的必要基础,包括Widnows程序的基本观念以及C++的高阶议题。“学前基础”是相当主观的认定,不过,甚于我个人的学习经验以及教学经验,我的挑选应该颇具说服力。第二篇介绍Visual C++整合环境开发工具。本篇只不过是提纲挈领而已,并不企图取代 Visual C++使用手册。然而对于软件使用的老手,此篇或已足以让您掌握Visual C++整合环境。工具的使用虽然谈不上学问,但在视觉化软件开发过程中扮演极重角色,切莫小觑它。 第三篇介绍application framework的观念,以及MFC骨干程序,所谓骨干程序,是指Visual C++的工具AppWizard所产生出来的程序码。当然,AppWizard会根据你的选项做出不同的程序码,我所据以解说的,是大众化选项下的产品。 第四篇以微软公司附于Visual C++光碟片上的一个范例程序Scribble为主轴,一步一步加上新的功能。并在其间深入介绍Runtime Type Information(RTTI)、Dynamic Creation、Persistence(Serialization)、Message Mapping、Command Routing等核心技术。这些技术正是其他书籍最缺乏的部分。此篇之最后数章则脱离Scribble程序,另成一格。 本书内含光盘一片,书中所有原始码与可执行文件尽在其中。

    标签: MFC 程序设计

    上传时间: 2016-03-03


  • Application Note Abstract This Application Note introduces a complete and detailed PSoC® project

    Application Note Abstract This Application Note introduces a complete and detailed PSoC® project. Telephone Call Logger keeps the detailed record of approximately 945 phone calls (7-digit number is assumed to be one phone call) including date, start time and the duration of the phone call in the PSoC device. Users can get this detailed report into the PC environment by using free software, which is included in the project file. When records reach near full capacity of the Flash memory, an LED will turn on to show that it is necessary to backup the data. Software gets the data from PSoC, organizes it and prepares a printable version. Additionally, it sends the date and time information to the PSoC. The external parts in this project can be obtained easily in the market.

    标签: Application Note introduces Abstract

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • These are the examples from the book Java Examples in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition, by David Flanagan.

    These are the examples from the book Java Examples in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition, by David Flanagan. See the file index.html for more information.

    标签: the Examples Flanagan Nutshell

    上传时间: 2016-03-08


  • This document represents the first stage in a process of taking the National Strategy for Police Inf

    This document represents the first stage in a process of taking the National Strategy for Police Information Systems (NSPIS) forward. It defines the mechanisms to ensure that we (and our partners) have access to the right information, in the right form, in the right time at an appropriate cost. The Strategy will ensure the Police Service has a collective understanding of the value of information and that we are able to exploit National Information Assets in support of local policing.

    标签: represents the National Strategy

    上传时间: 2016-03-08


  • This document is intended for consumption by: • Web Server and Application Server vendors that

    This document is intended for consumption by: • Web Server and Application Server vendors that want to provide Servlet Engines that conform with this specification. • Web Authoring Tool developers that want to generate Web Applications that conform to this specification • Sophisticated Servlet authors who want to understand the underlying mechanisms of Servlet technology. Please note that this specification is not a User’s Guide and is not intended to be used as such.

    标签: Server Application consumption document

    上传时间: 2016-03-11


  • 【下载说明】 这里提供给大家的是《Embedded Linux: Hardware, Software, and Interfacing》(嵌入式 Linux---硬件、软件与接口)一书的英文原版C

    【下载说明】 这里提供给大家的是《Embedded Linux: Hardware, Software, and Interfacing》(嵌入式 Linux---硬件、软件与接口)一书的英文原版CHM格式下载。 【作者简介】 Craig Hollabaugh has been fascinated by electronics since he bought an AM radio in elementary school. He was first exposed to Unix during a cross-country talk session in 1985. Later, he administered networked Sun and DEC workstations while pursuing a doctoral degree in electrical engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. 【内容提要】 本书通过一个冬季旅游胜地自动化管理项目实例,从软件、硬件和接口的观点介绍嵌入式Linux。引入项目需求后,作者讲述了开发环境的建立,接着用一系列软硬件接口实例展示了如何使用异步串行通信、PC并口、USB、内存I/O、同步串行通信以及中断,等等。最后介绍了将前面所有的工作有机地组织在一起的系统集成过程。本书以实际应用为导向,书中整个项目的实施过程和软硬件接口实例都具实践指导意义。

    标签: Linux Interfacing Embedded Hardware

    上传时间: 2014-01-22


  • The Funambol J2ME Mail Client aims to be a light, easy to use, free email client for J2ME devices.

    The Funambol J2ME Mail Client aims to be a light, easy to use, free email client for J2ME devices. The first release comes with a simple but effective UI, and a storage limited to the internal RMS only. This makes the application compatible with most of the phones around (minimum requirements are: MIDP2.0, CLDC 1.0, 512k of Storage). The mail synchronization using SyncML 1.2 over HTTP, thus removing any problem related to the access to IMAP or POP ports. The mail client synchonizes its address book with the one on the server, Its design is modular and can be extended in future with other mail protocols, a more sophisticated UI and access to the phone s AddressBook or filesystem for the devices allowing this. See the javadoc for more information on the structure of the library.

    标签: J2ME Funambol devices Client

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • Computes BER v EbNo curve for convolutional encoding / soft decision Viterbi decoding scheme assum

    Computes BER v EbNo curve for convolutional encoding / soft decision Viterbi decoding scheme assuming BPSK. Brute force Monte Carlo approach is unsatisfactory (takes too long) to find the BER curve. The computation uses a quasi-analytic (QA) technique that relies on the estimation (approximate one) of the information-bits Weight Enumerating Function (WEF) using A simulation of the convolutional encoder. Once the WEF is estimated, the analytic formula for the BER is used.

    标签: convolutional Computes encoding decision

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • This project aim was to build wireless software modem for data communication between two computers

    This project aim was to build wireless software modem for data communication between two computers using an acoustic interface in the voice frequency range (20Hz– 20,000Hz). The transmitting antenna is a speaker (frequency response of: 90Hz – 20,000Hz) and the receiving antenna is a microphone (frequency response of: 100Hz – 16,000Hz). The test files used as information files were text files. This goal was attained both in an incoherent scheme and in a coherent scheme. Build under Matlab code, our modem uses OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) modulation, synchronization by LMS sequence, channel estimation (no equalizer) via pilot tones. The symbols are either PSK or ASK for a constellation size of 2 or 4. To optimize the probability of error, these symbols were mapped using Gray mapping. Report

    标签: communication computers software wireless

    上传时间: 2014-05-29


  • To use the ATLTrace tool: Debug an MFC or ATL project select Start from the Debug menu. Selec

    To use the ATLTrace tool: Debug an MFC or ATL project select Start from the Debug menu. Select MFC/ATL Trace Tool in the Tools menu. Expand the tree control list in the Trace List window. Here you will see the running application, any modules within that application, and the trace categories for each module. Customize, for each process, module, and category, which information is displayed in the output window. The Trace level control in the Process group is related to the ATLTRACE2 level only those ATLTRACE2 messages with a level equal to or greater than the setting in the Trace level control will be displayed in the output window. Select Apply to put your settings into effect. You can save your settings, and load them the next time you debug the application use the Save and Load buttons.

    标签: Debug the ATLTrace project

    上传时间: 2014-01-15
