Barometric Altimeter and inertial Measurement Unit presentation. Very easy learning.
标签: presentation Measurement Barometric Altimeter
上传时间: 2013-12-25
提出了一种基于微加速度计的无线惯性鼠标的设计方案。该方案以微加速度计ADXL213 作为信号检测元件,并采用低功耗处理器MSP430F135 和RF 芯片nRF401 进行信号处
标签: micro-accelerometer inertial wireless Design
上传时间: 2013-04-24
Abstract: Standard PCB design and mounting processes can adversely influence MEMS inertial sensors.This application note contains guidelines for the layout, soldering, and mounting of MEMS inertialsensors in LGA packages in order to reduce stresses and improve functionality.
上传时间: 2014-01-15
This paper deals with the issue of incorporating pseudolite measurements into an integrated Global Positioning System/ inertial Navigation System ~GPS/INS! positioning and attitude system with a view to improving signal availability, solution reliability, and accuracy in a localized area
标签: incorporating measurements integrated pseudolite
上传时间: 2013-12-10
This paper provides a rigorous comprehensive approach to the design of the principal software algorithmsutilized inmodern-day strapdown inertial navigationsystems: integration of angular rate into attitude, acceleration transformation/integration into velocity, and integration of velocity into position.
标签: comprehensive principal the approach
上传时间: 2016-10-18
This diskette (version 1.0) contains demonstration programs and source codes in MATLAB (v.5.2) for algorithms listed in the textbook Global Positioning Systems, inertial Navigation, and Integration, by M. S. Grewal, Lawrence Weill, and A. P. Andrews, published by John Wiley and Sons, 2000. Contents: MATLAB (Version 5.2) Demonstrations & Scripts Chapter4 ephemeris.m calculates the GPS satellite position in ECEF coordinates from its ephemeris parameters. Chapter5 Klobuchar_fix.m calculates the ionospheric delay. Chapter6 (shows the quaternion utilities)
标签: demonstration diskette contains programs
上传时间: 2016-10-20
Thanks to the advances in micromachining fabrication technologies and significant cost reduction due to mass production, miniature sensors of angular rate, or gyroscopes, found their way into the everyday life of every user of modern gadgets, such as smart phones, tablets or even wristwatches. Often without realising, many of us are carrying in our pockets fully equipped with all necessary sensors complete inertial navigation systems that not so long ago were available only for advanced vehicles in sea, land, air or space. Accelerometers and gyroscopes are found in specifications of any gadget supposed to react to user movements. And one of the most commonly used type of gyroscopes used to developed these systems is Coriolis vibratory gyroscope (CVG).
标签: Gyroscopes Vibratory Coriolis
上传时间: 2020-06-06
This paper presents a new type of electromagnetic damper with rotating inertial mass that has been devel oped to control the vibrations of structures subjected to earthquakes. The electromagnetic inertial mass damper (EIMD) consists of a ball screw that converts axial oscillation of the rod end into rotational motion of the internal flflywheel and an electric generator that is turned by the rotation of the inner rod. The EIMD is able to generate a large inertial force created by the rotating flflywheel and a variable damping force devel oped by the electric generator. Device performance tests of reduced-scale and full-scale EIMDs were under taken to verify the basic characteristics of the damper and the validity of the derived theoretical formulae. Shaking table tests of a three-story structure with EIMDs and earthquake response analyses of a building with EIMDs were conducted to demonstrate the seismic response control performance of the EIMD. The EIMD is able to reduce story drifts as well as accelerations and surpasses conventional types of dampers in reducing acceleration responses.
标签: electromagnetic response Seismic control using
上传时间: 2021-11-04