The intended use of this help manual is a quick reference guide as it is not fully inclusive of all elements of the PL/SQL Programming Language. Please refer to the PL/SQL User s Guide and Reference for more information.
标签: inclusive reference intended manual
上传时间: 2014-01-26
iContact v0.75 iContact is designed to be an all-inclusive finger-friendly contact manager for Windows Mobile PocketPC phones. It s no secret that it s taken design cues from "other devices".
标签: iContact finger-friendly all-inclusive designed
上传时间: 2016-09-02
Problem Statement You are given a string input. You are to find the longest substring of input such that the reversal of the substring is also a substring of input. In case of a tie, return the string that occurs earliest in input. Definition Class: ReverseSubstring Method: findReversed Parameters: string Returns: string Method signature: string findReversed(string input) (be sure your method is public) Notes The substring and its reversal may overlap partially or completely. The entire original string is itself a valid substring (see example 4). Constraints input will contain between 1 and 50 characters, inclusive. Each character of input will be an uppercase letter ( A - Z ). Examples 0) "XBCDEFYWFEDCBZ" Returns: "BCDEF" We see that the reverse of BCDEF is FEDCB, which appears later in the string. 1)
上传时间: 2015-09-21
Since the 1990s the EU has been pursuing climate change mitigation targets. Following the international commitment to the legally binding greenhouse gas reduction under the Kyoto Protocol, the 2020 policy package consists of a set of binding legislation to ensure that the EU meets its climate and energy targets for the year 2020. The package sets three key targets: 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (from 1990 levels), 20% of EU energy from renewables (as well as a 10% target for renewable fuels) and 20% improvement in energy efficiency. The targets were set by EU leaders in 2007 and enacted in legislation in 2009 3 . They are also headline targets of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
标签: Preparatory Ecodesign Study
上传时间: 2020-06-06