Recovering 3-D structure from motion in noisy 2-D images is a problem addressed by many vision system researchers. By consistently tracking feature points of interest across multiple images using a methodology first described by Lucas-Kanade, a 3-D shape of the scene can be reconstructed using these features points using the factorization method developed by Tomasi-Kanade.
标签: Recovering structure addressed problem
上传时间: 2017-04-17
1. This BSP can support 2443EVT0 board. If you want to use EVT0 BSP, set followings. In smdk2443\smdk2443.bat file set BSP_EVT1=1 -> set BSP_EVT1= In smdk2443\src\inc\bsp_cfg.h file #define EVT1 -> #define EVT0 2. Default system tick mode is changed. The value is fixed tick. Fixed tick means that tick interrupt is occurred every 1ms. Variable tick means that timer interrupt period is changed when power mode is in idle. For changing to variable tick In smdk2443\src\inc\bsp_cfg.h file #define FIXEDTICK -> #define VARTICK In smdk2443\src\Common\Timer\Sources file SOURCES= timer_fixedtick.c watchdog.c -> SOURCES= timer_vartick.c watchdog.c
标签: EVT0 followings BSP support
上传时间: 2014-01-27
The advantages of automation can be exploited in order to solve or to minimize the needs of manual approach. In order to support the development of survey accurate cadastral system, an automatic programming approach will be adopted. Database selection system will conduct several outliers integrity checking, rebuild cadastral spatial topology (cadastral lot) and make selfcorrection procedures based on cadastral survey concepts and mathematical model respective to the cadastral lots selected. This is to ensure that all cadastral lots are kept in a closed polygon and provide accurate and "clean" cadastral information.. This system was developed in windows environment.
标签: advantages automation exploited minimize
上传时间: 2017-04-29
querry by singing is the project presentation to help for those who are doing research in the CBMR system
标签: presentation the research project
上传时间: 2014-01-27
this code written in systemc language and it is a wewest language that important to simulate the system
标签: language important simulate systemc
上传时间: 2017-05-03
The Fat Fs module is a middleware that written in ANSI C. There is no platform dependence, so long as the compiler is in compliance with ANSI C. However it handles the system portable FAT structures. You must take the endian into consideration. It must be changed for your platform first or the compiler will abort with an error.
标签: C. dependence middleware platform
上传时间: 2014-01-12
A Perl-based statistics management system designed for academic competition tournaments. These tournaments, which are called "College Bowl," "quiz bowl," and a variety of other names, involve teams playing against each other in either timed or untime The latest file releases
标签: competition tournaments Perl-based statistics
上传时间: 2017-05-10
A Design and Implementation of The Online Shopping System Abstract: Along with the development of the computer ,the database technique is widespread in the application of Internet, more and more , providing more thoughtful and humanized service for the large network customer. Characteristic services have already become gradually the current as the application of Wed nowadays. This text studied a method of project which composed of characteristic page and dynamic state of technical customer according to the data connection rule, compared with some projects that adopt already on present nets, this project have the advantage of providing customers more simple ,reflective obvious meticulous use and so on..
标签: Implementation development Abstract Shopping
上传时间: 2014-12-04
This SPI-mode SD Card controller is a free SOPC Builder component that can be used in any SOPC Builder system. The included example design runs on the Nios II Embedded Evaluation Kit, Cyclone III edition (NEEK).
标签: SOPC controller component SPI-mode
上传时间: 2013-12-18
This SPI-mode SD Card controller is a free SOPC Builder component that can be used in any SOPC Builder system. The included example design runs on the Nios II Embedded Evaluation Kit, Cyclone III edition (NEEK).
标签: SOPC controller component SPI-mode
上传时间: 2017-05-14