MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALING in matlab by Mark Steyvers 1999 %needs optimization toolbox %Modified by Bruce Land %--Data via globals to anaylsis programs %--3D plotting with color coded groups %--Mapping of MDS space to spike train temporal profiles as described in %Aronov, "Neural coding of spatial phase in V1 of the Macaque" in %press J. Neurophysiology
标签: MULTIDIMENSIONAL optimization Modified Steyvers
上传时间: 2015-08-26
A six people s rushing replies an implement, use some s switches in toggle switch K0 ~ K5 is that ON accomplishes when rushing to reply button , nobody rush to answer, 6 numerical code circulation takes turns at demonstrating 1 ~ 6 (horse races) , who rushes to reply the numerical code stops having a ride on a horse , first, whose serial number, has simultaneous light of 6 numerical codes again afterwards the key presses down. System denies responding to, until this place is OFF batch , the wheel restoring 1 ~ 6 horse races starting time as soon as rushes to answer.
标签: implement switches rushing replies
上传时间: 2013-12-27
中文名:Windows Forms 程序设计 英文名:Windows Forms Programming in c# 作者: Chris Sells 翻译: 荣耀 蒋贤哲 出版社:人民邮电出版社 代码内容: The Table of Contents * Foreword * Preface * Chapter 1 Hello, Windows Forms * Chapter 2 Forms * Chapter 3 Dialogs * Chapter 4 Layout * Chapter 5 Drawing Basics * Chapter 6 Drawing Text * Chapter 7 Advanced Drawing * Chapter 8 Printing * Chapter 9 Components * Chapter 10 Controls * Chapter 11 Design-Time Integration: The Properties Window * Chapter 12 Design-Time Integration: Designers and Smart Tags * Chapter 13 Resources * Chapter 14 Applications * Chapter 15 Settings * Chapter 16 Data Binding Basics * Chapter 17 Applied Data Binding * Chapter 18 Multithreaded User Interfaces * Chapter 19 ClickOnce Deployment * Appendix A Whats New in Windows Forms 2.0 * Appendix C Delegates and Events * Appendix D Component and Control Survey * Appendix E Drag and Drop * Appendix F Document Management * Bibliography * Index
标签: Windows Forms Programming Chris
上传时间: 2013-12-03
full description for book -USB in a nutshe
标签: description nutshe full book
上传时间: 2015-08-28
Address book helps you look up your addresses from the system tray. It is quite useful in that way 慶ause it stays out of the way and is easily accessible when needed. Double clicking on any URL will start the default web browser and take you to that URL. Double clicking on the phone number will dial that number. Every column supports sorting and can be customized to your needs. Preview will display the notes associated with each record. This program can also import Comma Separated Values (*csv) text files of Outlook Express.
标签: addresses Address system useful
上传时间: 2014-07-08
TMS320C6000 Memory Test-spra630a.rar
标签: Test-spra Memory C6000 320C
上传时间: 2015-08-29
TMS320C6000 EMIF to External Flash Memory-spra568a
标签: Memory-spra External C6000 Flash
上传时间: 2013-12-25
question_about_redhat_linux_ in a word!
标签: question_about_redhat_linux word in
上传时间: 2014-01-13
decoding of binary LDPC as in Elec. Letters by MacKay&Neal 13March1997
标签: decoding Letters binary MacKay
上传时间: 2013-12-18
<Spring in action>原版和代码,是学习Spring的好资料,本书分为三大部分和两个附录,每一部分专注于Spring框架的一个领域:核心层、中间层和Web层。第一部分展示了Spring框架的两个核心概念:反向控制(Inversion of Control,IoC)和面向切面编程(Aspect-Oriented Programming,AOP),以便理解Spring的基础原理,这些基础原理在本书各个章节都会用到。第二部分在第1章介绍的IoC和AOP基础之上,展示了如何将这两个概念应用到应用系统的中间层。第三部分走出中间层迈向显示层,在很多J2EE系统中显示层被称为Web层。附录A介绍如何开始自己的Spring应用系统,如何下载Spring以及如何编写Ant配置文件。本书的每一部分既是建立在前一部分的基础上,同时也都是独立存在的,所以,读者不必从头开始就可以深入到各个主题。
上传时间: 2014-01-02