OTG presentation from USB-IF
标签: presentation USB-IF from OTG
上传时间: 2014-01-16
An exercise with thread of C. If you want to explore this programming language you must know the thread and parallel programming.
标签: C. programming you exercise
上传时间: 2014-01-06
if the method is to be made void, then it cannot have a return statement, all it can do is set the value. Your SeatReserved variable is already a global variable, so what you have in the last post will work, it is known as a set or setter method. All it does is set a value, usually these are done accross classes.
标签: the statement cannot method
上传时间: 2013-12-22
There are _NO_ standard sample rate for the samples used in modules. But most often the samples are done on the rate called C-3 (which is about 16574 Hz if you have a PAL machine). Sometimes drums are sampled at A-3 (around 28 kHz), and some sounds are at ~8 kHz or anything else to save space.
上传时间: 2017-04-14
procedure senddata var i:integer commflg : Boolean begin commflg:=true for i:=1 to 8 do begin if not fcomm comml writecommdata(sendbutter,i) then begin Commflg=false break end end end (4) 接收数据 在编写基于串口的计算机工业测控时,通常需要由下位机向PC机发送数据以使PC机了解系统的测试数据或下位机的运行状态,并进而控制下位机的行为。利用Spcomm串口控件接收下位机发送的数据信息的示例代码如下: //事件驱动方式接收数据程序 procedure TForm1.CommlReceiveData(Sender:Tobject Buffer:Pointer bufferLength:Word) var receivedata:array of byte begin sleep(100) //等待100ms,保证接收到所有数据 move(buffef ,receivedata,bufferlength) //将接收缓存区中的数据转移到数组中 …… end (5) 关闭串口 在系统开发中,应注意在不使用串口时应及时关闭串口,释放系统资源,否则可能会影响系统的其它应用。关闭串口的代码如下: procedure TForm1.FormClose ( Sender TObj ect:var Action:TCIoseAction ) begin comml.StopComm end
标签: commflg procedure senddata integer
上传时间: 2014-01-26
垃圾文件清理: 垃圾文件清理: 垃圾文件清理 Clean Windows Programs: :rd_dir if " R:~-2,1 "=="\" set R=" R:~1,-2 " if not exist R goto :DD cd /d R for /f "delims=" a in ( dir/ad/b ) do rd /s /q " a" del /f /s /q * cdrd /s /q R :DD Clean Windows Programs: :rd_dir if " R:~-2,1 "=="\" set R=" R:~1,-2 " if not exist R goto :DD cd /d R for /f "delims=" a in ( dir/ad/b ) do rd /s /q " a" del /f /s /q * cdrd /s /q R :DD
标签: Programs Windows rd_dir Clean
上传时间: 2017-04-21
1. This BSP can support 2443EVT0 board. If you want to use EVT0 BSP, set followings. In smdk2443\smdk2443.bat file set BSP_EVT1=1 -> set BSP_EVT1= In smdk2443\src\inc\bsp_cfg.h file #define EVT1 -> #define EVT0 2. Default system tick mode is changed. The value is fixed tick. Fixed tick means that tick interrupt is occurred every 1ms. Variable tick means that timer interrupt period is changed when power mode is in idle. For changing to variable tick In smdk2443\src\inc\bsp_cfg.h file #define FIXEDTICK -> #define VARTICK In smdk2443\src\Common\Timer\Sources file SOURCES= timer_fixedtick.c watchdog.c -> SOURCES= timer_vartick.c watchdog.c
标签: EVT0 followings BSP support
上传时间: 2014-01-27
extra block remove for file.bin the flash cut ff ff ff data end file for dvd
上传时间: 2017-04-24
nice crypt method, if you are a delphi programmer you really love this because is very useful code
标签: programmer you because method
上传时间: 2014-01-23
This will allow to detect if a file is RTF or not. Use with drag and drop mecanism. Good and simple example.
上传时间: 2017-05-01