If you learned the Queueing theorem, You certainly remember the basic model, M/M/1. This is the source code of it.
标签: the certainly Queueing remember
上传时间: 2014-05-29
we determin a chaos mode and alyalize the time application to find if its really chaos and will have the character
标签: chaos application and determin
上传时间: 2015-11-28
This is a free program but it works fine, please try to see if that can work on ur machine t
标签: program machine please works
上传时间: 2015-12-03
使用底层技术结束进程。The use of the underlying technology end of the process.
标签: technology underlying the process
上传时间: 2015-12-03
the souce code of thinking in java (1-10),if you want to learn java ,please read it and you will get more
上传时间: 2013-11-28
ucOS_ii,source from disk,Maybe it s useful for you if you would studt ucosii.
上传时间: 2015-12-08
To show Gibbs phenomenon, using FFTs to sum Fourier Give the curve plot at the end of the simulation
标签: the phenomenon simulati Fourier
上传时间: 2014-01-07
#include<iostream> using namespace std int main() { unsigned long x,warcraft,war,l cin> x while(x) { unsigned long *p=new unsigned long[x+1] if(p==NULL) { cerr<<"error!"<<endl abort() } for(warcraft=0 warcraft<=x warcraft++) *(p+warcraft)=0 *p=1 for(warcraft=0 warcraft<x warcraft++) { cout<<*p<<" " war=*p for(l=1 x>1 l++) { if(*(p+l)==0) { cout<<endl *(p+l)=1 break } else { cout<<*(p+l)<<" " *(p+l)=war+*(p+l) war=*(p+l)-war } } } cout<<endl delete [] p cin>>x } return 0 }
标签: namespace iostream unsigned warcraft
上传时间: 2015-12-12
some example which explain kalman clearly,if you know little about kalman,it will be good choice.
标签: kalman example clearly explain
上传时间: 2014-01-22
This package consists of the executable (UCW), a default script file, this file, and the library files. It is important that the header files end up in a include subdirectory of the directory where UCW is found. If you unzip this file using its path information ( use folder names ) this will automatically happen. You can optionally specify the UnderC directory with the environment variable UC_HOME note that this points to the directory containing ucw.exe. If you do this, then you can copy the executable anywhere and it will still be able to find the header files.
标签: file executable the consists
上传时间: 2013-12-17