股票交易模拟器 A Stock Exchange simulator to show timers and randon number generators work together. A cool simulation for anyone who might think about playing the stocks and spending money and get a general idea how the system works.
标签: generators simulator Exchange together
上传时间: 2015-04-13
上传时间: 2015-04-26
标签: 密码
上传时间: 2015-06-09
上传时间: 2015-08-20
DES( Data Encryption Standard)算法,于1977年得到美国政府的正式许可,是一种用56位密钥来加密64位数据的方法。 idea是International Data Encryption Algorithm 的缩写,是1990年由瑞士联邦技术学院来学嘉X.J.Lai 和Massey提出的建议标准算法称作PES( Proposed Encryption Standard) 。Lai 和Massey 在1992 年进行了改进强化了抗差分分析的能力改称为idea 它也是对64bit大小的数据块加密的分组加密算法密钥长度为128位它基于“相异代数群上的混合运算”设计思想算法用硬件和软件实现都很容易且比DES在实现上快的多。idea自问世以来,已经经历了大量的详细审查,对密码分析具有很强的抵抗能力,在多种商业产品中被使用。
标签: Encryption Standard Data DES
上传时间: 2015-08-27
1、对于凯撒密文,实现了:1种盲目式搜索,4种启发式搜索,以及利用密钥实现的凯撒加密系统。 2、对于代入法密文,实现了:2种启发式搜索,1种利用密钥的代入法加密系统以及随机生成密钥的代入法加密系统。 3、字典工具,实现了对词库的增加,删除,检查等一系列的操作。 4、7种其他较为经典的加密方法的加密解密工具。包括:DES、Vigenere、idea、Keyword、LFSR、Playfair以及RC4等。
上传时间: 2014-01-06
In 1960, R.E. Kalman published his famous paper describing a recursive solution to the discretedata linear filtering problem [Kalman60]. Since that time, due in large part to advances in digital computing, the Kalman filter has been the subject of extensive research and application, particularly in the area of autonomous or assisted navigation. A very “friendly” introduction to the general idea of the Kalman filter can be found in Chapter 1 of [Maybeck79], while a more complete introductory discussion can be found in [Sorenson70], which also contains some interesting historical narrative.
标签: R.E. discretedata describing published
上传时间: 2015-10-22
This document contains a general overview in the first few sections as well as a more detailed reference in later sections for SVMpython. If you re already familiar with SVMpython, it s possible to get a pretty good idea of how to use the package merely by browsing through svmstruct.py and multiclass.py. This document provides a more in depth view of how to use the package. Note that this is not a conversion of SVMstruct to Python. It is merely an embedding of Python in existing C code. All code other than the user implemented API functions is still in C, including optimization.
标签: document contains detailed overview
上传时间: 2013-12-14
The need for accurate monitoring and analysis of sequential data arises in many scientic, industrial and nancial problems. Although the Kalman lter is effective in the linear-Gaussian case, new methods of dealing with sequential data are required with non-standard models. Recently, there has been renewed interest in simulation-based techniques. The basic idea behind these techniques is that the current state of knowledge is encapsulated in a representative sample from the appropriate posterior distribution. As time goes on, the sample evolves and adapts recursively in accordance with newly acquired data. We give a critical review of recent developments, by reference to oil well monitoring, ion channel monitoring and tracking problems, and propose some alternative algorithms that avoid the weaknesses of the current methods.
标签: monitoring sequential industria accurate
上传时间: 2013-12-17
ICA介绍课件。There has been a wide discussion about the application of Independence Component Analysis (ICA) in Signal Processing, Neural Computation and Finance, first introduced as a novel tool to separate blind sources in a mixed signal. The Basic idea of ICA is to reconstruct from observation sequences the hypothesized independent original sequences
标签: Independence application discussion Component
上传时间: 2016-01-12