The PCI Local bus concept was developed to break the PC data I/O bottleneck and clearly opens the door to increasing system speed and expansion capabilities. The PCI Local bus moves high speed peripherals from the I/O bus and places them closer to the system’s processor bus, providing faster data transfers between the processor and peripherals. The PCI Local bus also addresses the industry’s need for a bus standard which is not directly dependent on the speed, size and type of system processor. It represents the first microprocessor independent bus offering performance more than adequate for the most demanding applications such as full-motion video.
标签: bottleneck developed the concept
上传时间: 2014-12-03
The PCI Local bus concept was developed to break the PC data I/O bottleneck and clearly opens the door to increasing system speed and expansion capabilities. The PCI Local bus moves high speed peripherals from the I/O bus and places them closer to the system’s processor bus, providing faster data transfers between the processor and peripherals. The PCI Local bus also addresses the industry’s need for a bus standard which is not directly dependent on the speed, size and type of system processor. It represents the first microprocessor independent bus offering performance more than adequate for the most demanding applications such as full-motion video. Hardware reference
标签: bottleneck developed the concept
上传时间: 2016-03-18
The PCI Local bus concept was developed to break the PC data I/O bottleneck and clearly opens the door to increasing system speed and expansion capabilities. The PCI Local bus moves high speed peripherals from the I/O bus and places them closer to the system’s processor bus, providing faster data transfers between the processor and peripherals. The PCI Local bus also addresses the industry’s need for a bus standard which is not directly dependent on the speed, size and type of system processor. It represents the first microprocessor independent bus offering performance more than adequate for the most demanding applications such as full-motion video. User Manual
标签: bottleneck developed the concept
上传时间: 2014-01-15
The first edition of this book ranks among the small (very small) number of books that I credit with significantly elevating my skills as a professional software devel-oper. Like the others, it was practical and easy to read, but loaded with important advice. Effective C++, Third Edition, continues that tradition. C++ is a very powerful programming language. If C gives you enough rope to hang yourself, C++ is a hard-ware store with lots of helpful people ready to tie knots for you. Mastering the points discussed in this book will definitely increase your ability to effectively use C++ and reduce your stress level.
标签: small edition credit number
上传时间: 2013-12-29
测试分析报告I/O设备管理 测试分析报告
上传时间: 2016-03-21
基于JAVA的ICQ系统的设计于实现,ICQ是英文"I seek you "的简称,中文意思是我找你。ICQ最大的功能就是即时信息交流,只要记得对方的号码,上网时可以呼他,无论他在哪里,只要他上网打开ICQ,人们就可以随时交流。ICQ源于以色列特拉维夫的Mirabils公司。该公司成立于1996年7月,也就是在这个时候,互联网上最出名,下载使用人数最多的免费软件ICQ诞生了。可能是其不断增加的用户和广阔的前景以及广泛的应用前景和巨大的市场潜力,Mirabils的ICQ最终被美国在线AOL收购。由于ICQ的成功,推动了ICQ的本土化,就中文的ICQ而言,现在已经越来越多,比如著名的深圳腾迅公司推出的OICQ(现在由于版权问题,已改名为QQ2001),还有由TOM.COM推出的Tomq等,这些软件技术都很好,而且简单易用,成为中国网民最喜欢的通信软件。
上传时间: 2014-10-09
the attached utility is a work I ve submitted to the university It shows what a jpeg compression is all about. the function implements the DCT transform, using a matrix operator. note that matlab has a function for the DCT and iDCT transforms that might be more efficient.
标签: compression university the submitted
上传时间: 2014-01-15
fes is descripy yoso cise iec me i message
标签: descripy message cise yoso
上传时间: 2014-01-19
Contents at a Glance Introduction 1 PART I INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION 5 Hour 1 Preparing to Install Linux 7 2 Installing Linux 23 3 Post-Installation Issues 41 PART II LEARNING LINUX BASICS 67 Hour 4 Reading and Navigation Commands 69 5 Manipulation and Searching Commands 93 6 Using the Shell 117 7 Using the X Window System 143 8 Exploring the K Desktop Environment 177 PART III CONNECTING TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD 197 Hour 9 Using Communications Programs 199 10 Connecting to the Internet 223 11 Configuring Internet Email 249 12 Configuring Internet News 269 13 Internet Downloading and Browsing 289
上传时间: 2013-12-27
#include <reg51.h> /*-------------------------------------------- 调用方式:自行I/O 口定义﹫2001/05/12 函数说明:私有函数,各接口定义 --------------------------------------------*/ sbit HD7279_CS=P1^4 // HD7279_CS--P1.4 sbit HD7279_CLK=P1^5 // HD7279_CLK-- P1.5 sbit HD7279_DATA=P1^6 // HD7279_DATA-- P1.2 sbit HD7279_KEY =P1^7 // HD7279_KEY-- P1.3 /*-------------------------------------------- 调用方式: HD7279A 各指令定义﹫2001/05/12 函数说明:私有函数,接口定义 --------------------------------------------* /#define HD7279_RESET 0xa4 //复位 #define HD7279_TEST 0xbf //测试 #define HD7279_RLC 0xa3 //循环左移 #define HD7279_RRC 0xa2 //循环右移 #define HD7279_RL 0xa1 //左移 #define HD7279_RR 0xa0 //右移 #define HD7279_DECODE0 0x80 //译码方式0 #define HD7279_DECODE1 0xc8 //译码方式1
上传时间: 2013-12-31