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  • 笔记本电脑的功率调节系统

      Notebook and palmtop systems need a multiplicity ofregulated voltages developed from a single battery. Smallsize, light weight, and high efficiency are mandatory forcompetitive solutions in this area. Small increases inefficiency extend battery life, making the final productmuch more usable with no increase in weight. Additionally,high efficiency minimizes the heat sinks needed onthe power regulating components, further reducing systemweight and size.

    标签: 笔记本电脑 功率调节

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • Switching Regulators for Poets

      The above title is not happenstance and was arrived at afterconsiderable deliberation. As a linear IC manufacturer, it isour goal to encourage users to design and build switchingregulators. A problem is that while everyone agrees thatworking switching regulators are a good thing, everyonealso agrees that they are difficult to get working. Switchingregulators, with their high efficiency and small size, areincreasingly desirable as overall package sizes shrink.Unfortunately, switching regulators are also one of themost difficult linear circuits to design. Mysterious modes,sudden, seemingly inexplicable failures, peculiar regulationcharacteristics and just plain explosions are commonoccurrences. Diodes conduct the wrong way. Things gethot that shouldn’t. Capacitors act like resistors, fusesdon’t blow and transistors do. The output is at ground, andthe ground terminal shows volts of noise.

    标签: Regulators Switching Poets for

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • 电网现场作业管理系统的信息化设计

    为了改变目前电网现场作业管理的变电巡检、变电检修试验、输电线路巡检检修等管理系统各自独立运行,信息不能共享,功能、效率受限,建设和维护成本高的现状,提出了采用B/S+C/S构架模式,将各现场作业管理模块和生产MIS(管理系统)集成为一体的现场作业管理系统的设计方案,做到各子系统和生产MIS软硬资源共享,做到同一数据唯一入口、一处录入多处使用。各子系统设备人员等基础信息来源于生产管理系统,各子系统又是生产管理系统的作业数据、缺陷信息的重要来源。经过研究试用成功和推广应用,目前该系统已在江西电网220 kV及以上变电站全面应用。 Abstract:  In order to improve the status that the substation field inspection system, substation equipments maintenance and testing system, power-line inspection and maintenance system are running independent with each other. They can?蒺t share the resource information which accordingly constrains their functions and efficiency, and their construction and maintenance costs are high. This paper introduces a field standardized work management system based on B/S+C/S mode, integrating all field work management systems based on MIS and share the equipments and employee?蒺s data of MIS,the field work data of the sub systems are the source information of MIS, by which the same single data resouce with one-time input can be utilized in multiple places. After the research and testing, this system is triumphantly using in all 220kV and above substations in Jiangxi grid.

    标签: 电网 信息化 管理系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • 使用新电源模块改进表面贴装可制造性

    The latest generation of Texas Instruments (TI) boardmountedpower modules utilizes a pin interconnect technologythat improves surface-mount manufacturability.These modules are produced as a double-sided surfacemount(DSSMT) subassembly, yielding a case-less constructionwith subcomponents located on both sides of theprinted circuit board (PCB). Products produced in theDSSMT outline use the latest high-efficiency topologiesand magnetic-component packaging. This providescustomers with a high-efficiency, ready-to-use switchingpower module in a compact, space-saving package. Bothnonisolated point-of-load (POL) switching regulators andthe isolated dc/dc converter modules are being producedin the DSSMT outline.TI’s plug-in power product line offers power modules inboth through-hole and surface-mount packages. The surfacemountmodules produced in the DSSMT outline use asolid copper interconnect with an integral solder ball fortheir

    标签: 电源模块 可制造性 表面贴装

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • 环形铁心变压器在金卤灯中的应用

    大家知道,气体放电灯(日光灯﹑高压钠灯﹑高压汞灯,金属卤化物灯等)传统上采用电感式镇流器(Ballast)和灯管串接起来,接入电网电压,另外单独采用启辉器或触发器,以产生必要的高压(超前顶峰式镇流器无需触发器)使灯点亮。当灯点亮后,利用电感镇流器自身的阻抗来控制或限制灯管电流,使灯管稳定工作。这种电感镇流器,一般是采用硅钢片堆栈起来作铁心,缠绕漆包线制作成。工作频率一般是50 Hz/60Hz。这种镇流器相对体积大﹑笨重,且功耗大、效率低。   为了克服电感镇流器的缺点,人们设法提高灯的工作频率。这是因为,工作频率提高一倍,镇流器的体积就缩小到原来的0.707。现在流行起来的电子节能灯,其电子镇流器都是通过AC/DC/AC变换,把市电50 Hz/60 Hz 交流电压,先变成直流电压,再通过逆变器变成几十kHz 的交流电压,从而用铁氧体磁芯取代了硅钢片,实现了电子镇流器的轻量化,产生了一体化电子节能灯,并使其功耗降低,光效提高。  但是,对于高强度气体放电(High Intensity Discharge缩写HID)灯(高压钠灯,高压汞灯,金属卤化物灯等),特别是金属卤化物灯(金卤灯)其工作频率升高(一般升高到800 Hz 以上),灯电弧容易产生声共振现象。其表现为灯电弧发生扭曲,有时呈月芽形,有时摆动不稳定,使灯光闪烁,严重时会引起电弧管损坏发生爆裂。  于是,人们想出了许多办法,也产生了许多专利技术。这些办法或者用来防止声共振的发生,或者用来减弱、抑制声共振的发生。这些办法一般都采用了最新的电子技术、集成电路和控制技术,技术难度大,造价高。

    标签: 环形 变压器 中的应用 金卤灯

    上传时间: 2014-03-24


  • SKS-100 Single Output Switchin

    Features:   High efficiency, high reliability, low cost  AC input range selected by switch  100% full load burn-in test  Protections: Short circuit / Over load  Fixed switching frequency at 25KHz  Cooling by free air convection  1 year warranty   Dimensions: 199*98*38mm (L*W*H)    

    标签: Switchin Output Single SKS

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • P89LPC912英文资料

    The P89LPC912/913/914 are single-chip microcontrollers in low-cost 14-pin packages, based on a high performance processor architecture that executes instructions in two to four clocks, six times the rate of standard 80C51 devices. Many system level functions have been incorporated into the P89LPC912/913/914 in order to reduce component count, board space, and system cost.

    标签: P89 LPC 912 89

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • 基于89C52的二极管特性测试器的设计

      利用单片机具有的智能程序控制的特点,设计了基于STC89C52单片机的"二极管特性测试器",可对二极管一般特性进行快速测试。通过稳定线性电流源给二极管加载恒定电流,然后由高精度模数转换器测试其压降,以此为基础可判断二极管好坏、检测二极管极性和测试二极管伏安特性等,避免了用万用表测试只能测得极性而不知其特性这一缺点。可用于电子设计制作过程中对二极管进行快速测试,以确定被测二极管是否满足电路的设计要求。   Abstract:   By making good use of the intelligent control function of the Micro Controller Unit (MCU), the diode trait tester was designed based on the STC89C52,which could be used to test the trait of a diode rapidly. By loading constant current to diode through the stable linear current source, and measuring the voltage drop of the diode by high-precision analogue-to-digital converter (ADC), it can judge whether the diode is good or not, distinguish the polarity of the diode, and test the trait that the diode, which can avoid the fault of using a multimeter can only measure the polarity but not the trait. This device can be used to test the trait of a diode quickly,and to make sure that whether a diode can be used in the electronic design or not.

    标签: 89C52 二极管 特性测试器

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • 常用PIC系列单片机速查表

    常用PIC系列产品特性一览表 器件  存储器 类型 字数 EEPROM 数据 存储器 RAM I/O 引脚数  ADC (-Bit) 比较 器 运 放 定时器/WDT 串行接口 最高 速度 MHz 封装 PDIP /SOIC ICSP CCP / ECCP 输出电流 (per I/O) 振荡器 频率 (MHz) 参考 电压 VREF LCD PWM 堆栈 深度 High Voltage Wakeup On Change PIC16C432 OTP 2048x14   128 12   2  1-8bit/1-WDT   20 20 √   25 mA  4       0 0 PIC16C433 OTP 2048x14   128 6 4/8    1-8bit/1-WDT   10 18 √   25 mA         0 0 PIC16C505 OTP 1024x12   72 12      1-8bit/1-WDT   20 14 √   25 mA  4       0 0 PIC16C54 OTP 512x12   25 12      1-8bit/1-WDT   20 18/20    20 mA          0 0 PIC16C54A OTP 512x12   25 12      1-8bit/1-WDT   20 18/20    20 mA         0 0 PIC16C54C OTP 512x12   25 12      1-8bit/1-WDT   40 18/20    20 mA          0 0 PIC16C55 OTP 512x12   24 20      1-8bit/1-WDT   20 28    20 mA          0 0 PIC16C554 OTP 512x14   80 13      1-8bit/1-WDT   20 18/20 √   25 mA          0 0 PIC16C558 OTP 2048x14   128 13      1-8bit/1-WDT   20 18/20 √   25 mA          0 0 PIC16C55A OTP 512x12   24 20      1-8bit/1-WDT   40 28    20 mA          0 0 PIC16C56 OTP 1024x12   25 12      1-8bit/1-WDT   20 18/20    20 mA          0 0 PIC16C56A OTP 1024x12   25 12      1-8bit/1-WDT   40 18/20    20 mA         0 0 PIC16C57 OTP 2048x12   72 20      1-8bit/1-WDT   20 28    20 mA          0 0 PIC16C57C OTP 2048x12   72 20      1-8bit/1-WDT   40 28    20 mA          0 0 PIC16C58B OTP 2048x12   73 12      1-8bit/1-WDT   40 18/20    20 mA          0 0 PIC16C620 OTP 512x14   80 13   2  1-8bit/1-WDT   20 18/20 √   25 mA   √      0 0 PIC16C620A OTP 512x14   96 13   2  1-8bit/1-WDT   40 18/20 √   25 mA   √      0 0 PIC16C621 OTP 1024x14   80 13   2  1-8bit/1-WDT   20 18/20 √   25 mA    √      0 0 PIC16C621A OTP 1024x14   96 13   2  1-8bit/1-WDT   40 18/20 √   25 mA   √      0 0 PIC16C622 OTP 2048x14   128 13   2  1-8bit/1-WDT   20 18/20 √   25 mA   √      0 0 PIC16C622A OTP 2048x14   128 13   2  1-8bit/1-WDT   40 18/20/40 √   25 mA   √      0 0 PIC16C62A OTP 2048x14   128 22      2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT I²C/ SPI 20 28/ √ 1 25 mA     1   0 0 PIC16C62B OTP 2048x14   128 22      2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT I²C /SPI 20 28 √ 1 25 mA     1   0 0 PIC16C63 OTP 4096x14   192 22      2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT USART/I²C /SPI 20 28 √ 2 25 mA     2   0 0 PIC16C63A OTP 4096x14   192 22      2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT USART/I²C/SPI 20 28 √ 2 25 mA     2   0 0 PIC16C642 OTP 4096x14   176 22   2  1-8bit/1-WDT   20 28 √   25 mA   √      0 0 PIC16C64A OTP 2048x14   128 33      2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT I²C /SPI 20 40/44 √ 1 25 mA     1   0 0 PIC16C65A OTP 4096x14   192 33      2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT USART/I²C/SPI 20 40/44 √ 2 25 mA     2   0 0 PIC16C65B OTP 4096x14   192 33      2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT USART/I²C/SPI 20 40/44 √ 2 25 mA     2   0 0 PIC16C66 OTP 8192x14   368 22      2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT USART/I²C/SPI 20 28 √ 2 25 mA     2   0 0 PIC16C662 OTP 4096x14   176 33   2  1-8bit/1-WDT   20 40/44 √   25 mA   √      0 0 PIC16C67 OTP 8192x14   368 33      2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT USART/I²C /SPI 20 40/44 √ 2 25 mA     2   0 0 PIC16C71 OTP 1024x14   36 13 4/8    1-8bit/1-WDT   20 18 √   25 mA         0 0 PIC16C710 OTP 512x14   36 13 4/8    1-8bit/1-WDT   20 18/20 √   25 mA         0 0 PIC16C711 OTP 1024x14   68 13 4/8    1-8bit/1-WDT   20 18/20 √   25 mA         

    标签: PIC 单片机 速查

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • 基于单片机的颜色自适应识别电路

      为解决电致变色器件的颜色变化受外界环境颜色控制的问题,设计了一种基于单片机的便携式颜色自适应识别电路。与传统颜色识别电路相比较,该电路利用数字式的颜色传感器来获取外界环境颜色,产生的数字颜色信号易于单片机进行处理。在电路中,下位机部分主要负责获取电致变色器件变色参数及控制电致变色器件的颜色变化;而上位机部分主要负责把下位机获取的电致变色器件变色参数进行电压到颜色的曲线拟合,并通过蓝牙通信把拟合曲线参数传递给下位机。结果表明,该电路能自动根据环境颜色提供-4~4 V范围步进为0.1 V的电压来驱动电致变色器件的颜色显示,与传统的颜色识别电路设计相比,识别的精度和速度都得到了明显改善。   Abstract:   In this paper, a portable adaptive circuit for color identification(PACCI) based on MCU was designed. Compared to the traditional color identification circuit, the PACCI adopts digital sensor to detect the color data from external environment and further generate digital color data, which can be processed easily by MCU. In PACCI, the slave is mainly responsible for detecting the color parameters of the corresponding elcreochromic device and further driving it. For the master, which is mainly responsible for the color curve fitting based on the parameters of the electrochromic device, and transmits the fitting parameters to the slave through the bluetooth device. The results show that the PACCI can provide the basis voltage range from -4V to 4V automatically based on the colors of external environment with step as 0.1V to drive the corresponding electrochromic device. Compared to the traditional color recognition circuit, the recognition accuracy and speed of PACCI have been improved significantly.

    标签: 单片机 识别电路

    上传时间: 2013-11-09
