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  • 高功率PoE PD接口与集成反激式控制器

      To this day, Power over Ethernet (PoE) continues to gainpopularity in today’s networking world. The 12.95Wdelivered to the Powered Device (PD) input supplied bythe Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) is a universal supply.Each PD provides its own DC/DC conversion from anominal 48V supply, thus eliminating the need for a correctvoltage wall adapter. However, higher power devicescan not take advantage of standard PoE because of itspower limitations, and must rely on a large wall adapteras their primary supply. The new LTC4268-1 breaks thispower barrier by allowing for power of up to 35W for suchpower-hungry 2-pair PoE applications. The LTC4268-1provides a complete solution by integrating a high powerPD interface control with an isolated fl yback controller.

    标签: PoE 高功率 PD接口 集成

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • 多相DC/DC控制器精度和带宽限制

      Speed and accuracy don’t always go hand-in-handin DC/DC converter systems—that is, until now. TheLTC3811 is a dual output, fi xed frequency current modeDC/DC switching regulator controller designed for one oftoday’s most demanding power supply applications: highcurrent, low voltage processor core supplies.

    标签: DC 多相 控制器 带宽

    上传时间: 2013-11-21


  • 跟踪和排序功能的紧凑型双通道降压转换器

      Typical industrial and automotive applications requiremultiple high current, low voltage power supply solutionsto drive everything from disc drives to microprocessors.For many of these applications, particularly thosethat have size constraints, the LT3501® dual step-downconverter is an attractive solution because it’s compactand inexpensive compared to a 2-chip solution. The dualconverter accommodates a 3V to 25V input voltage rangeand is capable of supplying up to 3A per channel. Thecircuit in Figure 1 produces 3.3V and 1.8V.

    标签: 排序 双通道 降压转换器

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • DN443 2.2V降压型同步控制器

      Many telecommunications and computing applicationsneed high effi ciency step-down DC/DC converters thatcan operate from a very low input voltage. The highoutput power synchronous controller LT3740 is idealfor these applications, converting input supplies rangingfrom 2.2V to 22V to outputs as low as 0.8V with loadcurrents from 2A to 20A. Applications include distributedpower systems, point-of-load regulation and conversionof logic supplies.

    标签: 443 2.2 DN 降压型

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • 按键开关控制器简化系统设计

      Handheld designers often grapple with ways to de-bounceand control the on/off pushbutton of portable devices.Traditional de-bounce designs use discrete logic, fl ipflops, resistors and capacitors. Other designs includean onboard microprocessor and discrete comparatorswhich continuously consume battery power. For highvoltage multicell battery applications, a high voltageLDO is needed to drive the low voltage devices. All thisextra circuitry not only increases required board spaceand design complexity, but also drains the battery whenthe handheld device is turned off. Linear Technology addressesthis pushbutton interface challenge with a pairof tiny pushbutton controllers.

    标签: 按键开关 控制器 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • DN440多功能TFT LCD偏置电源和白光LED驱动器

      The makers of handheld medical, industrial and consumerdevices use a wide variety of high resolution, small tomedium sized color TFT LCD displays. The power supplydesigners for these displays must contend with shrinkingboard area, tight schedules, and variations in displaytypes and feature requirements. The LTC®3524 simplifi esthe designer’s job by combining a versatile, easily programmed,TFT LCD bias supply and white LED backlightdriver in a low profi le 4mm × 4mm QFN package.

    标签: 440 TFT LCD LED

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • DN436微型全桥压电马达驱动器

      Piezoelectric motors are used in digital cameras for autofocus,zooming and optical image stabilization. Theyare relatively small, lightweight and effi cient, but theyalso require a complicated driving scheme. Traditionally,this challenge has been met with the use ofseparatecircuits, including a step-up converter and an oversizedgeneric full-bridge drive IC. The resulting high componentcount and large board space are especially problematicin the design of cameras for ever shrinking cell phones.The LT®3572 solves these problems by combining astep-up regulator and a dual full-bridge driver in a 4mm× 4mm QFN package. Figure 1 shows a typical LT3572Piezo motor drive circuit. A step-up converter is usedto generate 30V from a low voltage power source suchas a Li-Ion battery or any input power source within thepart’s wide input voltage range of 2.7V to 10V. The highoutput voltage of the step-up converter, adjustable upto 40V, is available for the drivers at the VOUT pin. Thedrivers operate in a full-bridge fashion, where the OUTAand OUTB pins are the same polarity as the PWMA andPWMB pins, respectively, and the OUTA and OUTB pinsare inverted from PWMA and PWMB, respectively. Thestep-up converter and both Piezo drivers have their ownshutdown control. Figure 2 shows a typical layout

    标签: 436 DN 全桥 压电

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • DN465 超低功耗升压转换器

      Industrial remote monitoring systems and keep-alivecircuits spend most of their time in standby mode. Manyof these systems also depend on battery power, so powersupply effi ciency in standby state is very important tomaximize battery life. The LT®8410/-1 high effi ciencyboost converter is ideal for these systems, requiringonly 8.5μA of quiescent current in standby mode. Thedevice integrates high value (12.4M/0.4M) output feedbackresistors, signifi cantly reducing input current whenthe output is in regulation with no load. Other featuresinclude an integrated 40V switch and Schottky diode,output disconnect with current limit, built in soft-start,overvoltage protection and a wide input range, all in atiny 8-pin 2mm × 2mm DFN package.

    标签: 465 DN 超低功耗 升压转换器

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • DN460双输出降压稳压器优化效率

      The LTC3546 is a dual output current mode buck regulatorwith fl exible output current partitioning. Beyondthe advantages normally associated with dual outputregulators (reduced size, cost, EMI and part count, withimproved effi ciency), the LTC3546’s outputs can bepartitioned for either 3A and 1A outputs, or two 2A outputs.This increases its application range and simplifi esmultiple supply rail designs. A confi gurable Burst Mode®clamp for each output sets the current transition levelbetween Burst Mode operation and forced continuousconduction mode to optimize effi ciency over the entireoutput range. An adjustable switching frequency up to4MHz and internal power MOSFET switches allow forsmall and compact footprints.

    标签: 460 DN 输出 优化效率

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • DN452 汽车应用的电源监视器

      The LTC®4151 is a high side power monitor that includesa 12-bit ADC for measuring current and voltage, as wellas the voltage on an auxiliary input. Data is read throughthe widely used I2C interface. An unusual feature in thisdevice is its 7V to 80V operating range, allowing it to coverapplications from 12V automotive to 48V telecom.

    标签: 452 DN 汽车应用 电源监视器

    上传时间: 2013-10-29
