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  • Qt是Linux系统中最流行的开发工具之一

    Qt是Linux系统中最流行的开发工具之一,它是开发XWindow系统下应用程序的利器。本书全面介绍了Troll Tech公司基于C++的CUI开发工具——Qt。不仅介绍了如何编写XWindow系统下的应用程序,还详细描述了Qt的开发环境、编程方法、关键技术和编程实例。最后,介绍了如何应用KED本身提供的接口进行XWindow系统编程。本书由中国第一家专业化的Linux发行商(中国)软件技术有限公司编写,适合初、中级程序员以及广大计算机编程的爱好者阅读。

    标签: Linux 开发工具

    上传时间: 2016-03-24


  • EclipseTrader is a stock exchange analysis system, featuring shares pricing watch, intraday and hi

    EclipseTrader is a stock exchange analysis system, featuring shares pricing watch, intraday and history charts with technical analysis indicators, level II/market depth view, news watching, automated trading systems, integrated trading.

    标签: EclipseTrader featuring exchange analysis

    上传时间: 2016-04-13


  • 问题描述:有时

    问题描述:有时,表单数据太多,无法在同一个页面显示,需要分页完成(如用户注册表单)。这时,既可以为每一个表单创建一个ActionForm,也可以只创建一个ActionForm,它和多个表单对应。这里讨论如何用一个ActionForm对应表单。 程序完整解释可以到我的空间查看: http://hi.baidu.com/circle%5Fanda


    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • 给定一块宽度为W的矩形板

    给定一块宽度为W的矩形板,矩形板的高度不受限制。现需要从板上分别切割出n个高度为hi,宽度为wi的矩形零件。切割的规则是零件的高度方向与矩形板的高度方向保持一致。问如何切割使得所使用的矩形板的高度h最小? 里面附有详细报告

    标签: 矩形

    上传时间: 2016-05-07


  • a2demo源码


    标签: a2demo 源码

    上传时间: 2016-05-17


  • 世界上第一款博客内容加密软件面世了!现在绝大多数博客没有提供访问授权功能


    标签: 博客 加密软件 访问 授权

    上传时间: 2014-01-27


  • Extension packages to Bayes Blocks library, reported in "Nonlinear independent factor analysis by hi

    Extension packages to Bayes Blocks library, reported in "Nonlinear independent factor analysis by hierarchical models" (Valpola, Ö stman and Karhunen, 2003).

    标签: independent Extension Nonlinear packages

    上传时间: 2016-12-16


  • measure through the cross-entropy of test data. In addition, we introduce two novel smoothing tech

    measure through the cross-entropy of test data. In addition, we introduce two novel smoothing techniques, one a variation of Jelinek-Mercer smoothing and one a very simple linear interpolation technique, both of which outperform existing methods.

    标签: cross-entropy introduce smoothing addition

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • PIC单片机模拟串口 11.0592时钟 支持2400波特及以下稳定收发 一位起始

    PIC单片机模拟串口 11.0592时钟 支持2400波特及以下稳定收发 一位起始,八位或九位数据,无校验,一位停止位 占用时钟1,和RB端口电平变化中断 HI-PICC编译平台 模拟收发管脚在m_usart.h中定义 PIC16F877A最小系统验证可用

    标签: 11.0592 2400 PIC 单片机

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • Wavelet Subband coding for speaker recognition The fn will calculated subband energes as given in

    Wavelet Subband coding for speaker recognition The fn will calculated subband energes as given in the att tech paper of ruhi sarikaya and others. the fn also calculates the DCT part. using this fn and other algo for pattern classification(VQ,GMM) speaker identification could be achived. the progress in extraction is also indicated by progress bar.

    标签: recognition calculated Wavelet Subband

    上传时间: 2013-12-08
