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  • 抓包工具fi

    Fiddler is a free web debugging tool which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Inspect traffic, set breakpoints

    标签: 抓包 网络

    上传时间: 2016-06-03


  • ESP8266 WiFi模块用户手册V1.0

    ESP8266  WiFi模块用户手册V1.0 ESP8266是一款超低功耗的UART-WiFi 透传模块,拥有业内极富竞争力的封装尺寸和超低能耗技术,专为移动设备和物联网应用设计,可将用户的物理设备连接到Wi-Fi 无线网络上,进行互联网或局域网通信,实现联网功能。 ESP8266封装方式多样,天线可支持板载PCB天线,IPEX接口和邮票孔接口三种形式; ESP8266可广泛应用于智能电网、智能交通、智能家具、手持设备、工业控制等领域。     更多资料,请访问安信可开源社区 www.ai-thinker.com

    标签: 8266 WiFi ESP V1 模块 用户手册

    上传时间: 2017-07-07


  • RK411无线模块

    wifi模块,RAK411 是一款完全符合802.11b/g/n 无线协议的Wi-Fi 模块,内部集成完整的TCP/IP 协议栈,支 持ARP、IP、ICMP、TCP 、UDP、DHCP CLIENT、DHCP SERVER、DNS 等多种协议。支持AP 模式, Station 及Ad-hoc。用户可以方便、快速地使用模块实现组网及数据收发。在SPI 接口下,模块最大传输 速率可达2Mbps。

    标签: 411 RK 无线模块

    上传时间: 2018-05-17


  • qq电放费

    真好的 啊 阿hi顺丰his华南师范手机铃声 森林防火师范生老地方看见松岛枫 

    标签: 等丰富的非

    上传时间: 2019-02-27


  • AV安抚afa


    标签: afa

    上传时间: 2019-04-15


  • 标日初级超详细笔记

    1.   日语假名及其发音一览     平  片  罗     平  片  罗     平  片  罗     平  片  罗     平  片  罗    假  假  马     假  假  马     假  假  马     假  假  马     假  假  马    音            音            音            音            音 ______________________________________________________________________________   あ  ア  a       い  イ  i       う  ウ  u       え  エ  e       お  オ  o      か  カ  ka      き  キ  ki      く  ク  ku      け  ケ  ke      こ  コ  ko     さ  サ  sa      し  シ  si/shi  す  ス  su      せ  セ  se      そ  ソ  so     た  タ  ta      ち  チ  chi     つ  ツ  tsu     て  テ  te      と  ト  to     な  ナ  na      に  ニ  ni      ぬ  ヌ  nu      ね  ネ  ne      の  ノ  no     は  ハ  ha      ひ  ヒ  hi      ふ  フ  fu      へ  ヘ  he      ほ  ホ  ho     ま  マ  ma      み  ミ  mi      む  ム  mu      め  メ  me      も  モ  mo     や  ヤ  ya                     ゆ  ユ  yu                     よ  ヨ  yo     ら  ラ  ra      り  リ  ri      る  ル  ru      れ  レ  re      ろ  ロ  ro     わ  ワ  wa                                                    を  ヲ    o/wo     ん  ン  n         が  ガ  ga      ぎ  ギ  gi      ぐ  グ  gu      げ  ゲ  ge      ご  ゴ  go     ざ  ザ  za      じ  ジ  zi/ji   ず  ズ  zu      ぜ  ゼ  ze      ぞ  ゾ  zo     だ  ダ  da      ぢ  ヂ  ji/di   づ  ヅ  zu/du   で  デ  de      ど  ド  do     ば  バ  ba      び  ビ  bi      ぶ  ブ  bu      べ  ベ  be      ぼ  ボ  bo     ぱ  パ  pa      ぴ  ピ  pi      ぷ  プ  pu      ぺ  ペ  pe      ぽ  ポ  po       きゃ キャ kya                  きゅ キュ kyu                  きょ キョ kyo     しゃ シャ sya                  しゅ シュ syu                  しょ ショ syo     ちゃ チャ cya                  ちゅ チュ cyu                  ちょ チョ cyo     にゃ ニャ nya                  にゅ ニュ nyu                  にょ ニョ nyo     ひゃ ヒャ hya                  ひゅ ヒュ hyu                  ひょ ヒョ hyo     みゃ ミャ mya                  みゅ ミュ myu                  みょ ミョ myo     りゃ リャ rya                  りゅ リュ ryu                  りょ リョ ryo     ぎゃ ギャ gya                  ぎゅ ギュ gyu                  ぎょ ギョ gyo じゃ ジャ zya/ja               じゅ ジュ yu/ju                じょ ジョzyo/jo     びゃ ビャ bya                  びゅ ビュ byu                  びょ ビョ byo     ぴゃ ピャ pya                  ぴゅ ピュ pyu                  ぴょ ピョ pyo

    标签: 日语

    上传时间: 2019-07-19


  • 2015_01_3GPP_unlicensed_Dino_Flore

    Licensed spectrum remains 3GPP operators’ top priority to deliver advanced services and user experience Opportunistic use of unlicensed spectrum is becoming an important complement for operators to meet the growing traffic demand Moving forward 3GPP operators will have two options to offload traffic to unlicensed spectrum: 1. Wi-Fi (via LTE/Wi-Fi interworking) 2. LTE over unlicensed It will then be up to each individual operator to choose which approach to use, which will depend on a number of factors

    标签: 3GPP_unlicensed_Dino_Flore 2015 01

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Emerging Technologies in Wireless LANs Theory

    Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) networks have become mainstream over the last few years. What started out as cable replacement for static desktops in indoor networks has been extended to fully mobile broadband applications involving moving vehicles, high-speed trains, and even airplanes. 

    标签: Technologies Emerging Wireless Theory LANs in

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Enhanced+Radio+Access+Technologies

    Following chapter introduces the mobile communication, gives a short history of wireless communication evolution, and highlights some application scenarios predestined for the use of mobile devices. Cellular and wireless based systems related to different generations of mobile communication, including GSM, IS-95, PHS, AMPS, D-AMPS, cdma2000 and WCDMA are also described by this Chapter. Much attention in this chapter is given to express the wireless based networks, such as Wi-Fi and WiBro/WiMax, and wireless broadcasting systems, including DMB, DVB-H, and ISDB-T. We conclude the chapter with the future vision of mobile communication evolution

    标签: Technologies Enhanced Access Radio

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Reconfigurable+Mobile+Radio+Systems

    Digital mobile wireless communication and the Internet have undergone a fantastic growth in the last few years and, despite originating from two different worlds, they are converging. This convergence corresponds to the evolution of mobile systems towards the highest broadband data transmissions (GSM, EDGE/GPRS, UMTS then HSDPA), while the computing world gets equipped with wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi or Wi-Max.

    标签: Reconfigurable Systems Mobile Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01
