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  • QuickSteps books are recipe books for computer users. They answer the question 揌ow do I...??by prov

    QuickSteps books are recipe books for computer users. They answer the question 揌ow do I...??by providing a quick set of steps to accomplish the most common tasks with a particular program. The sets of steps are the central focus of the book. Sidebar QuickSteps provide information on how to do quickly many small functions or tasks that are in support of the primary functions. Sidebar QuickFacts supply information that you need to know about a subject. Notes, Tips, and Cautions augment the steps, but they are presented in a separate column to not interrupt the fl ow. Brief introductions are present, but there is minimal narrative otherwise. Many illustrations and fi gures, a number with callouts, are also included where they support the steps.

    标签: books QuickSteps computer question

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • In this work an implementation of a geometric nonlinear controller for chaos synchronization in a Fi

    In this work an implementation of a geometric nonlinear controller for chaos synchronization in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is presented. The Lorenz chaotic system is used to show the implementation of chaos synchronization via nonlinear controller implemented in a Xilinx FPGA Virtex-II 2v2000ft896-4. The main idea is to design a nonlinear geometric controller which synchronizes a slave Lorenz system to a master system and then implement them into the FPGA.

    标签: synchronization implementation controller geometric

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • metricmatlab ch­ ¬ ng 4 Ma trË n - c¸ c phÐ p to¸ n vÒ ma trË n

    metricmatlab ch­ ¬ ng 4 Ma trË n - c¸ c phÐ p to¸ n vÒ ma trË n. 4.1 Kh¸ i niÖ m: - Trong MATLAB d÷ liÖ u ® Ó ® ­ a vµ o xö lý d­ íi d¹ ng ma trË n. - Ma trË n A cã n hµ ng, m cét ® ­ î c gä i lµ ma trË n cì n  m. §­ î c ký hiÖ u An  m - PhÇ n tö aij cñ a ma trË n An  m lµ phÇ n tö n» m ë hµ ng thø i, cét j . - Ma trË n ® ¬ n ( sè ® ¬ n lÎ ) lµ ma trË n 1 hµ ng 1 cét. - Ma trË n hµ ng ( 1  m ) sè liÖ u ® ­ î c bè trÝ trª n mét hµ ng. a11 a12 a13 ... a1m - Ma trË n cét ( n  1) sè liÖ u ® ­ î c bè trÝ trª n 1 cét.

    标签: metricmatlab 203 184 tr

    上传时间: 2017-07-29


  • The script requires four fields, X, Y, label, and html. Currently these four fields are the only fi

    The script requires four fields, X, Y, label, and html. Currently these four fields are the only fields converted into XML

    标签: fields four Currently requires

    上传时间: 2013-11-30


  • 采用模块化格式编写的基于PIC单片机的简单计算器

    采用模块化格式编写的基于PIC单片机的简单计算器,采用4*4键盘输入,4位数码管输出,电路图为kb16seg74ok.DSN。 MPLAB V7.1+HI-TECH V8.05+Proteus V7.1

    标签: PIC 模块化 单片机 编写

    上传时间: 2017-08-06


  • The STi7200 is a new generation, high-definition set-top box/DVD decoder chip, and provides very hi

    The STi7200 is a new generation, high-definition set-top box/DVD decoder chip, and provides very high performance for low-cost HD systems. With enhanced performance over the STx7109, it includes both Windows Media Video 9 and H.264 video decoders for new, low bitrate applications. The STi7200 is able to decode two HD programs

    标签: high-definition generation provides decoder

    上传时间: 2013-11-29


  • CC3000

    TheTICC3000moduleisaself-containedwirelessnetworkprocessorthatsimplifiestheimplementationofInternetconnectivity(seeFigure1).TI'sSimpleLink™Wi-Fisolutionminimizesthesoftwarerequirementsofthehostmicrocontroller(MCU)andisthustheidealsolutionforembeddedapplicationsusinganylow-costandlow-powerMCU. TheTICC3000modulereducesdevelopmenttime,lowersmanufacturingcosts,savesboardspace,easescertification,andminimizestheRFexpertiserequired.Thiscompleteplatformsolutionincludessoftwaredrivers,sampleapplications,APIguide,userdocumentation,andaworld-classsupportcommunity. FormoreinformationonTI’swirelessplatformsolutionsforWi-Fi,gotoTI'sWirelessConnectivitywiki(www.ti.com/connectivitywiki)

    标签: CC3000

    上传时间: 2015-05-15


  • PICC使用

    PIC16系列HI-TECH PICC CC语言介绍

    标签: 单片机 PICC

    上传时间: 2015-12-07


  • DSP28335视频教程

    收到货的苏菲his啊回复浩护肤和uhufhfh 分居Hi好伏虎而复活 肌肤恢复  发窘阿佛你  发hi阿尔哈佛i费解啊哈佛维护费奇偶发就

    标签: 是你的永远是你的 不是你的别人也能拿走

    上传时间: 2016-02-29


  • 虚拟机技术


    标签: 虚拟机

    上传时间: 2016-04-11
