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  • 基于PIC18F1320微控制器的信号采集系统

      便携式信号采集在机器健康诊断系统中有较高的应用价值。机器健康诊断的信号特点是包括低频信号。本文研究是为了实现简易而且低成本的低频便携式信号采集。以Microchip公司单片机PIC18F1320为核心设计信号采集电路,实现了信号的采集和保存。系统采用串行电可擦除芯片24LC32A保存数据,经过有线通信,信号数据由串行口通过MAX232芯片输送到微型计算机接收和保存,最后绘制出信号波形。 微型计算机程序采用Visual Basic编程。研究成功采样频率为3 kHz的复杂信号,证明该方案符合设计要求。   Abstract:   Portable signal acquisition is useful in machine health monitoring systems. The signal characteristics of machine health monitoring includes low frequency signals. The goal of this study is to realize simple, inexpensive and portable low frequency signal sampling. This paper provides the project of signal acquisition system design based on PIC18F1320 microcontroller manufactured by the Microchip Technology Incorporation to achieve signal sampling and storage. The system adopted EEPROM 24LC32A to store the signal data. The microcomputer received data via wired link with the MAX232 IC through the serial port. The microcomputer program, programmed in Visual Basic, received the data, stored it and plotted the signal. The study successfully samples 3kHz complicated signals and thus meets the design requirement.

    标签: F1320 1320 PIC 18F

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • ReBEL is a Matlabtoolkit of functions and scripts, designed to facilitate sequential Bayesian infer

    ReBEL is a Matlabtoolkit of functions and scripts, designed to facilitate sequential Bayesian inference (estimation) in general state space models. This software consolidates research on new methods for recursive Bayesian estimation and Kalman filtering by Rudolph van der Merwe and Eric A. Wan. The code is developed and maintained by Rudolph van der Merwe at the OGI School of Science & Engineering at OHSU (Oregon health & Science University).

    标签: Matlabtoolkit facilitate sequential functions

    上传时间: 2015-08-31


  • * first open client.cpp and search for that USER_MSG_INTERCEPT(TeamInfo) over it u add this

    * first open client.cpp and search for that USER_MSG_INTERCEPT(TeamInfo) over it u add this Code: USER_MSG_INTERCEPT(health) { BEGIN_READ(pbuf,iSize) me.ihealth = READ_BYTE() return USER_MSG_CALL(health) } * then we search for int HookUserMsg (char *szMsgName, pfnUserMsgHook pfn) and add this Code: REDIRECT_MESSAGE( health ) *k now we have the health registered and can read it out i stop this hear know cuz i must thanks panzer and w00t.nl that they helped me with it first time! *ok now we go to int HUD_Redraw (float x, int y) and packing this draw code in it Code:

    标签: USER_MSG_INTERCEPT TeamInfo client search

    上传时间: 2016-01-22


  • ieee投稿须知

    ieee投稿须知,The IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine publishes high quality applications & infrastructure papers that reflect global information technology advances in medicine and biology and will further address the implementation and management of the broad spectrum of health care innovations arising from these developments world-wide

    标签: ieee

    上传时间: 2016-08-29


  • This document defines Version 1.0 of the wire protocol used by management software to 6 monitor the

    This document defines Version 1.0 of the wire protocol used by management software to 6 monitor the operating status and health of EPCglobal compliant RFID Readers.

    标签: management the document protocol

    上传时间: 2016-11-27


  • learning English The following appeared in a memorandum written by the vice president of Nature s Wa

    learning English The following appeared in a memorandum written by the vice president of Nature s Way, a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products. "Previous experience has shown that our stores are most profitable in areas where residents are highly concerned with leading healthy lives. We should therefore build our next new store in Plainsville, which has many such residents. Plainsville merchants report that sales of running shoes and exercise clothing are at all-time highs. The local health club, which nearly closed five years ago due to lack of business, has more members than ever, and the weight training and aerobics classes are always full. We can even anticipate a new generation of customers: Plainsville s schoolchildren are required to participate in a fitness for life program, which emphasizes the benefits of regular exercise at an early age.

    标签: memorandum following president learning

    上传时间: 2017-03-06


  • RFID+Security

    Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a type of automatic identification systems which has gained popularity in recent years for being fast and reliable in keeping track of the individual objects. In RFID systems, contactless object identification is achieved using radio signals without the need for physical contact as the case with other existing identification technologies such as barcodes. Therefore, a huge number of items can be identified in a short amount of time with high reliability and low cost which makes the RFID technology very attractive for a wide range of applications such as supply chain management, e-health, monitoring humans, pets, animals, and many other objects, toll control, and electrical tagging. Furthermore, RFID technology eliminates the human error and reduces the total cost of the products.

    标签: Security RFID

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • RFID+Technologies+for+Internet+of+Things

    Internet of Things (IoT) [26] is a new networking paradigm for cyber-physical systems that allow physical objects to collect and exchange data. In the IoT, physical objects and cyber-agents can be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, which enables the integration between the physical world and computer-based systems and therefore extends the Internet into the real world. IoT can find numerous applications in smart housing, environmental monitoring, medical and health care systems, agriculture, transportation, etc. Because of its significant application potential, IoT has attracted a lot of attention from both academic research and industrial development.

    标签: Technologies Internet Things RFID for of

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • GWEN地波网络

    Assessment of the Possible health Effects of Ground Wave Emergency Network (1993)

    标签: gwen 地波网络

    上传时间: 2022-02-18


  • BMS的主动均衡和被动均衡详解.

    BMS定义·BMS:Battery management system SYSTEM),其作用是对锂离子电池电压、电流、温度、容量、电池SOC荷电状态计量、电池与车体的绝缘状态等多种电池参数以CAN通讯的方式与车控电脑实时进行信息交换,确保电池的能量发挥到极致,使驾驶者能够随时掌握电池的工作状态,以保证电池的安全。BMS不仅是数字化智能电池系统的中枢神经,也是新能源汽车必不可少的关键部件·SOC:State of Charge,电池(组)荷电状态;·SOH:State of health,电池健康度BMS功能·1)电池工作状态监控:主要指在电池的工作过程中,对电池的电压,温度,工作电流,电池电,绝缘阻抗,继电器状态等一系列电池相关参数进行实时监测或计算,并根据这些参数判断目前电池的状态,以进行相应的操作,防正电池的过充或过放。·2)电池充放电管理:在电池的充电或放电的过程中,根据环境状态,电池状态等相关参数对电池的充电或放电进行管理,设置电池的最佳充电或放电曲线(如充电电流,充电上限电压值,放电下限电压值等),实现电池过充,进蔽,垃流,是流,短路等保护3)单体电池间均衡:即为单体电池均衡充电,使电池组中各个电池都达到均衡一致的状态。均衡器是电池管理系统的核心部件。

    标签: bms 主动均衡 被动均衡

    上传时间: 2022-07-02
