XThIDe is a GUI that allows the user to hIDe a text message in an image file. The user will be asked for a key that will be used to both encode and decode the text into an image. The key can be of length from 2 to 900 characters. The encryption pattern for a key hell is not a subset of the encryption pattern for hello . See help. Created with version 7.01.
标签: user message XThIDe allows
上传时间: 2013-12-26
encrypt and security way to hIDe data
标签: security encrypt data hIDe
上传时间: 2014-12-21
Hidden any program , and main program can hIDe in taskbar.
标签: program taskbar Hidden main
上传时间: 2014-01-05
隐藏文件例程 隐藏驱动+命令行控制 dd1压缩包里面是驱动源码 console压缩包里面是控制台源码 hIDe.exe是最终产品
上传时间: 2014-01-01
用jquery实现的渐变式下拉菜单jQuery 渐变下拉菜单。使用slideToggle和slideUp来实现.当然,也可以使用hIDe/show, fadeIn/fadeOut等来实现,只是效果不同,实现的方法还是相同的.需要注意的是,要给.dropdown加上position:relative 防止闪烁
标签: slideToggle fadeOut slideUp jquery
上传时间: 2014-01-19
hIDe and Seek v 4.1 数字隐藏工具
上传时间: 2017-07-20
This m file hIDe an image jpeg,png in another jpeg,png image. The height and width of the secret image is in LSB of 1st 32 pixels of 1st row of the cover image.This helps in the recovery of secret image. The secret image must be smaller than cover image.A message box will appear with a number ,that number is the maximum product of width and height of secret image that can be successfully embedded in the cover image. The final png image will appear in workspace with random name.This image contains the secret image.One such png image is in the zip file with name 4447.png it contains an image of res 100x122.
上传时间: 2017-07-25
This is a generic detector that removes some kind of "hIDe folder" viruses
标签: detector generic removes viruses
上传时间: 2017-09-20
先进的窗口管理器。可以在你的桌面上实现冻结、解冻、更名、设置总在最上面、设置不总在最上面、闪烁、最大化、最小化、聚焦、隐藏、显示和中断一个可视或不可视窗口的功能。 An advanced window manager that allows you to freeze, dfreeze, rename, set always on top, set not always on top, flash, maximize, minimize, focus, hIDe, show or terminate an visible or invisible window on your desktop.
上传时间: 2015-03-25
A Java package (library/API) to connect and use the Yahoo Instant Messager and Chat protocols (YMSG), in a reasonably coder-friendly and abstract way. Although methods the API exposes are closely matched to Yahoo IM features, the API attempts to hIDe Download jYMSG API - Yahoo IM Jars
标签: and protocols Messager Instant
上传时间: 2015-09-14