Q: 我应该怎样处理内存泄漏? A: 很简单,只要写“不漏”的代码就完事了啊。显然,如果你的代码到处是new、delete、指针运算,那你想让它“不漏”都难。不管你有多么小心谨慎,君为人,非神也,错误在所难免。最终你会被自己越来越复杂的代码逼疯的——你将投身于与内存泄漏的奋斗之中,对bug们不离不弃,直至山峰没有棱角,地球不再转动。而能让你避免这样困境的技巧也不复杂:你只要倚重隐含在幕后的分配机制——构造和析构,让C++的强大的类系统来助你一臂之力就OK了。标准库中的那些容器就是很好的实例。它们让你不必化费大量的时间精力也能轻松惬意地管理内存。我们来看看下面的示例代码——设想一下,如果没有了string和vector,世界将会怎样?如果不用它们,你能第一次就写出毫无内存错误的同样功能代码吗?
标签: 内存泄漏
上传时间: 2017-01-25
AutoSitePasswords is a users admin tool for Apache web server. AutoSitePasswords keeps the users database and allows to append, edit, delete and search the users records. AutoSitePasswords allows to generate the random login/password serieses. AutoSitePasswords makes the Apache passwords files. The users passwords may be encrypted by MD5 algorithm. The passwords files may be automatic uploaded to FTP server.
标签: AutoSitePasswords users Apache server
上传时间: 2013-12-18
业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状况、客房利用率、实时房态。-system design focus of this chapter describe the development of small PowerBuilder 9.0 Rooms Management System process, through the study of this chapter, readers should be familiar with PowerBuilder 9.0 TreeView control and the right mouse button menu of use, master GroupBox, SingleLineEdit, CommandButton, RadioButton, PictureButton controls such as the similarities and differences to further understanding of data objects window displays various occasions the application. System to complete the task Macr system maintenance include : corporate information, the operator management, change passwords, management succession, dictionary management. Macr basic information : Rooms management system for the basic information management (including new, modify or delete), which is the basic informat
上传时间: 2017-02-09
业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状况、客房利用率、实时房态。-system design focus of this chapter describe the development of small PowerBuilder 9.0 Rooms Management System process, through the study of this chapter, readers should be familiar with PowerBuilder 9.0 TreeView control and the right mouse button menu of use, master GroupBox, SingleLineEdit, CommandButton, RadioButton, PictureButton controls such as the similarities and differences to further understanding of data objects window displays various occasions the application. System to complete the task Macr system maintenance include : corporate information, the operator management, change passwords, management succession, dictionary management. Macr basic information : Rooms management system for the basic information management (including new, modify or delete), which is the basic informat
上传时间: 2013-12-05
业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状况、客房利用率、实时房态。-system design focus of this chapter describe the development of small PowerBuilder 9.0 Rooms Management System process, through the study of this chapter, readers should be familiar with PowerBuilder 9.0 TreeView control and the right mouse button menu of use, master GroupBox, SingleLineEdit, CommandButton, RadioButton, PictureButton controls such as the similarities and differences to further understanding of data objects window displays various occasions the application. System to complete the task Macr system maintenance include : corporate information, the operator management, change passwords, management succession, dictionary management. Macr basic information : Rooms management system for the basic information management (including new, modify or delete), which is the basic informat
上传时间: 2013-12-20
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\VC++多媒体特效制作百例\CHAR09\Hide
标签: SettingsAdministrator Documents CHAR Hide
上传时间: 2017-03-05
ScienceOps has answers. Rapid Custom Algorithm development www.ScienceOps.com Simpleware From 3D scan to CAD, FE/CFD, and RP Join our Webinar on March 12th www.simpleware.com Steganography Software Hide Secrets Using this Powerful Steganography Software. $39 InvisibleSecrets.com Develop VoIP softphone SIP softphone SDK (activeX & DLL) Add VoIP in your app/webpages. www.vaxvoip.com
标签: ScienceOps development Simpleware Algorithm
上传时间: 2017-04-13
This is a binary search tree with void* pointer in data segment in order you to search store and delete O(n) worst case, O(log(n)) agerage case data.
标签: search pointer segment binary
上传时间: 2013-12-22
[ Common Function Lib ] ## Function List LogWrite : LogWrite Function by two Parameter LogDelete100Day : Auto Delete after 100 Day
标签: Function LogWrite LogDelete1 Parameter
上传时间: 2013-12-26
Jpeg Steganography Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
标签: Steganography describe package automat
上传时间: 2013-12-17