#include <stdio.h> #include<math.h> void pid_init() void pid_tune() void pid_setinteg() void pid_bumpless() float pid_calc() void main()
标签: void include pid_setinte pid_init
上传时间: 2016-04-19
JM 的C代码 有关H.264的代码 不懂的可以站短我
上传时间: 2013-12-31
上传时间: 2014-01-20
北京大学ACM比赛题目 Consider an infinite full binary search tree (see the figure below), the numbers in the nodes are 1, 2, 3, .... In a subtree whose root node is X, we can get the minimum number in this subtree by repeating going down the left node until the last level, and we can also find the maximum number by going down the right node. Now you are given some queries as "What are the minimum and maximum numbers in the subtree whose root node is X?" Please try to find answers for there queries.
标签: the Consider infinite numbers
上传时间: 2013-12-16
新一代的多媒体移动标准DVB—H是DVB—T在移动接收方面的扩展。针对移动接收的特点,DVB—H 提出 了几项颇受瞩目的新技术,实现了对手机等手持式移动终端接收地面数字广播电视信号的良好支持。包括降低能耗、无缝切 换、提高移动环境中的抗干扰能力以及灵活的组网方案等。介绍了DVB—H的系统结构,详细讨论了DVB—H标准中数据 链路层的时间分片(time slicing)和多协议封装一前向纠错(MPE—FEC)技术,并给出一些实验环境下的定量分析。
上传时间: 2016-04-22
在软件Proteus中仿真ucos(ARM) 1.移植除了OS_CPU.h,OS_CPU_A.s,OS_CPU_C.C 三个函数外,对中断专门用了一个函数OS_int_A.s 按其中的规则写中断函数即可. 2。应用实例为\ArmUCOS\App\test1\test.mcp,在周立功2104的板子上的ram中就可直接运行(code+data<16K), 注意使用了.a库文件(我习惯这么用) 3. 将所有的文件放到D:\ArmUCOS\下,这样上面的文件能直接编译.
标签: OS_CPU_A OS_CPU_C Proteus OS_CPU
上传时间: 2014-01-02
12864液晶原程序.#include <reg52.h> #include <intrins.h> typedef unsigned char BYTE typedef bit BOOL sbit rs=P2^0 sbit rw=P2^1 sbit e =P2^2 BYTE code dis[]={"www.zansi.com"} delay(BYTE ms) {
标签: include unsigned intrins typedef
上传时间: 2016-04-25
h.261 player with running h.261,p24,h26 file
上传时间: 2013-12-16
PlotSphereIntensity(azimuth, elevation) PlotSphereIntensity(azimuth, elevation, intensity) h = PlotSphereIntensity(...) Plots the intensity (as color) of a number of points on a unit sphere. Input: azimuth (phi), in degrees elevation (theta), in degrees intensity (optional, if not provided, a green sphere is produced) All inputs must be vectors or matrices of the same size. Data does not have to be evenly spaced. When there aren t enough points to draw a smooth sphere, additional points (with color) are interpolated. Output: h - a handle to the patch object The axes are also plotted: positive x axis is red positive y axis is green positive z axis is blue
标签: PlotSphereIntensity elevation azimuth intensity
上传时间: 2014-01-15
H.264 and MPEG-4 Video Compression 一本非常好的讲H。264的书。
标签: Compression 264 Video MPEG
上传时间: 2014-01-20