提供了一种简单的单向“进程间通信”(interprocess communication, I P C)机制。这个机制的名字非常古怪,叫作“邮槽”(M a i l s l o t)。用最简单的话来说,通过 邮槽,客户机进程可将消息传送或广播给一个或多个服务器进程。
标签: communication interprocess 机制 进程间通信
上传时间: 2014-01-26
利用“原始套接字”(Raw Socket),我们可访问位于基层的传输协议。本章专门讲解如 何运用这种原始套接字,来模拟I P的一些实用工具,比如Tr a c e r o u t e和P i n g程序等等。使用原 始套接字,亦可对I P头信息进行实际的操作。本章只关心I P协议;至于如何针对其他协议使 用原始套接字,我们不打算提及。而且,大多数协议(除AT M以外)根本就不支持原始套接 字。所有原始套接字都是使用S O C K _ R AW这个套接字类型来创建的,而且目前只有Wi n s o c k 2提供了对它的支持。因此,无论Microsoft Windows CE 还是老版本的Windows 95 (无 Winsock 2升级)均不能利用原始套接字的能力。
上传时间: 2015-07-08
本附录介绍一些新的A P I函数,有了这些函数,便可在自己的计算机上对I P协议统计情况 进行查询和管理。它们有助于获得下面的能力: ■ I p c o n f i g . e x e(或适用于微软Windows 95的Wi n i p c f g . e x e):显示I P配置信息,允许释放 和更新D H C P分配的I P地址。 ■ N e t s t a t . e x e:显示T C P连接表、U D P监听者表以及I P协议统计情况。 ■ R o u t e . e x e:显示并处理网络路由表。 ■ A r p . e x e:显示并修改供“地址解析协议”(A R P)使用的I P到物理地址翻译表。
标签: 函数
上传时间: 2014-01-12
This book is about the management of business processes. This is certainly not a new topic. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, it has been written about from every possible point of view—economic, sociological, psychological, accountancy, mechanical engineering and business administration. In this book, we examine the management of business processes from the perspective of computing, or—to put it more broadly—of information technology. The reason is that information technology has made huge leaps forward in recent years, resulting in the creation of completely new ways of organizing business processes. The development of generic software packages for managing business processes—so-called workflow management systems (WFMS)—is particularly important in this respect.
标签: This management certainly processes
上传时间: 2013-11-29
加密算法 Test Driver for Crypto++, a C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Primitives: - To generate an RSA key cryptest g - To encrypt and decrypt a string using RSA cryptest r - To calculate MD5, SHS, and RIPEMD-160 message digests: cryptest m file - To encrypt and decrypt a string using DES-EDE in CBC mode: cryptest t - To encrypt or decrypt a file cryptest e|d input output - To share a file into shadows: cryptest s <pieces> <pieces-needed> file (make sure file has no extension, if you re running this under DOS) - To reconstruct a file from shadows: cryptest j output file1 file2 [....] - To gzip a file: cryptest z <compression-level> input output - To gunzip a file: cryptest u input output - To run validation tests: cryptest v - To run benchmarks: cryptest b [time for each benchmark in seconds]
标签: Cryptographic Primitives generate Library
上传时间: 2015-07-16
上传时间: 2014-01-11
MySQL是一个精巧的SQL数据库管理系统,虽然它不是开放源代码的产品,但在某些情况下你可以自由使用。由于它的强大功能、灵活性、丰富的应用编程接口(API)以及精巧的系统结构,受到了广大自由软件爱好者甚至是商业软件用户的青睐,特别是与Apache和PHP/PERL结合,为建立基于数据库的动态网站提供了强大动力。 MySQL有瑞典的T.c.X公司负责开发和维护,MySQL的用户手册很单纯,只有一个集中的<MySQL Reference Manual>,但其内容覆盖了MySQL的所有信息,因此该手册是了解和掌握MySQL的绝佳文献。 虽然对MySQL的开发不能出一份力,但可为它的推广使用尽一份心,面对500多页的参考手册,知道要精确译出它决非易事,但愿几个月的心血能为大家提供一丝微薄的帮助。 由于本人水平有限,文中肯定有不准确的地方,敬请在阅读过程中不吝指出。文中不明之处,请参阅手册原文。 本文的内容针对MySQL 3.23.7alpla,实际上很多内容是通用的。另外,参考手册的几个附录也是很有价值的,但由于时间有限,未能译出,可参见原文。
上传时间: 2013-12-24
The Valgrind distribution has multiple tools. The most popular is the memory checking tool (called Memcheck) which can detect many common memory errors such as: * touching memory you shouldn t (eg. overrunning heap block boundaries) * using values before they have been initialized * incorrect freeing of memory, such as double-freeing heap blocks * memory leaks.
标签: distribution The Valgrind checking
上传时间: 2014-01-14
工程计算MATLAB code to calculate the reorthogonalized sine tapers input: N = the length of the time series data to be tapered p = the number of tapers requested I = the gap structure a vector of length N I(t) = 1 if there is data at time t, t=1, ..., N I(t) = 0 if there is a gap at time t output: X = N-by-p vector of the reorthogonalized sine taper
标签: the reorthogonalized calculate MATLAB
上传时间: 2013-12-17
RedHat9下apache1.3.28+php4.3.3+mysql4.0.15安装过程操作系统: RedHat 9 软件版本: apache_1.3.28.tar.gz, php-4.3.3.tar.gz, mysql-4.0.15.tar.gz 所有操作都假定在root下执行.
上传时间: 2015-07-24