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  • This is a book about a revolution that quietly began a few years ago. It is about change in a funct

    This is a book about a revolution that quietly began a few years ago. It is about change in a function that you may not have given much thought to: your payment function. It may not be very different today from what it was 5 or 10 years ago. But here’s a guarantee: It will be very different 5 or 10 years from now. And best of all, it will cost less!

    标签: about revolution quietly change

    上传时间: 2017-08-07


  • This is our version of tetris, with "guidelines" as an option. These will allow you to easily se whe

    This is our version of tetris, with "guidelines" as an option. These will allow you to easily se where the pieces will fall, be highlighing the columns that the falling piece is at the given moment. Enjoy!

    标签: guidelines version easily option

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • To identify distinguishable clusters of data in an n-dimensional pixel

    To identify distinguishable clusters of data in an n-dimensional pixel value image. given: Samples of multi-spectral satellite images

    标签: distinguishable n-dimensional identify clusters

    上传时间: 2017-08-08


  • WordCloud is a visual depiction of how many times a word is used, or its frequency if you will, with

    WordCloud is a visual depiction of how many times a word is used, or its frequency if you will, within a given set of words. It does this by: reading in plain text, filtering out "stop words", counting how many times a word is used, and displaying results in a Squarified Treemap.

    标签: WordCloud depiction frequency visual

    上传时间: 2017-09-03


  • LatentSVM论文

    The object detector described below has been initially proposed by P.F. Felzenszwalb in [Felzenszwalb2010]. It is based on a Dalal-Triggs detector that uses a single filter on histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) features to represent an object category. This detector uses a sliding window approach, where a filter is applied at all positions and scales of an image. The first innovation is enriching the Dalal-Triggs model using a star-structured part-based model defined by a “root” filter (analogous to the Dalal-Triggs filter) plus a set of parts filters and associated deformation models. The score of one of star models at a particular position and scale within an image is the score of the root filter at the given location plus the sum over parts of the maximum, over placements of that part, of the part filter score on its location minus a deformation cost easuring the deviation of the part from its ideal location relative to the root. Both root and part filter scores are defined by the dot product between a filter (a set of weights) and a subwindow of a feature pyramid computed from the input image. Another improvement is a representation of the class of models by a mixture of star models. The score of a mixture model at a particular position and scale is the maximum over components, of the score of that component model at the given location.

    标签: 计算机视觉

    上传时间: 2015-03-15


  • a sub-cell WENO reconstruction method

    We introduce a sub-cell WENO reconstruction method to evaluate spatial derivatives in the high-order ADER scheme. The basic idea in our reconstruction is to use only r stencils to reconstruct the point-wise values of solutions and spatial derivatives for the 2r-1 th order ADER scheme in one dimension, while in two dimensions, the dimension-by-dimension sub-cell reconstruction approach for spatial derivatives is employed. Compared with the original ADER scheme of Toro and Titarev (2002) [2] that uses the direct derivatives of reconstructed polynomials for solutions to evaluate spatial derivatives, our method not only reduces greatly the computational costs of the ADER scheme on a given mesh, but also avoids possible numerical oscillations near discontinuities, as demonstrated by a number of one- and two-dimensional numerical tests. All these tests show that the 5th-order ADER scheme based on our sub-cell reconstruction method achieves the desired accuracy, and is essentially non-oscillatory and computationally cheaper for problems with discontinuities.

    标签: 高精度格式

    上传时间: 2016-01-13


  • C语言算法排序问题

    1.Describe a Θ(n lg n)-time algorithm that, given a set S of n integers and another integer x, determines whether or not there exist two elements in S whose sum is exactly x. (Implement exercise 2.3-7.)

    标签: 算法 排序

    上传时间: 2017-04-01


  • c语言算法排序

    1.Describe a Θ(n lg n)-time algorithm that, given a set S of n integers and another integer x, determines whether or not there exist two elements in S whose sum is exactly x. (Implement exercise 2.3-7.) #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void merge(int arr[],int low,int mid,int high){      int i,k;      int *tmp=(int*)malloc((high-low+1)*sizeof(int));      int left_low=low;      int left_high=mid;      int right_low=mid+1;      int right_high=high;      for(k=0;left_low<=left_high&&right_low<=right_high;k++)      {      if(arr[left_low]<=arr[right_low]){                                        tmp[k]=arr[left_low++];                                        }      else{           tmp[k]=arr[right_low++];           } }             if(left_low<=left_high){                              for(i=left_low;i<=left_high;i++){                                                               tmp[k++]=arr[i];                                                               }                              }       if(right_low<=right_high){                              for(i=right_low;i<=right_high;i++)                                                                tmp[k++]=arr[i];                                                        }                              for(i=0;i<high-low+1;i++)                                                       arr[low+i]=tmp[i];       } void merge_sort(int a[],int p,int r){      int q;      if(p<r){              q=(p+r)/2;              merge_sort(a,p,q);              merge_sort(a,q+1,r);              merge(a,p,q,r);              }      } int main(){     int a[8]={3,5,8,6,4,1,1};     int i,j;     int x=10;     merge_sort(a,0,6);     printf("after Merging-Sort:\n");     for(i=0;i<7;i++){                      printf("%d",a[i]);                      }     printf("\n");     i=0;j=6;     do{                                    if(a[i]+a[j]==x){                                  printf("exist");                                  break;                                  }                  if(a[i]+a[j]>x)                                 j--;                  if(a[i]+a[j]<x)                                 i++;                       }while(i<=j);     if(i>j)              printf("not exist");     system("pause");     return 0;     }

    标签: c语言 算法 排序

    上传时间: 2017-04-01


  • 基于多尺度字典的图像超分辨率重建

    Reconstruction- and example-based super-resolution (SR) methods are promising for restoring a high-resolution (HR) image from low-resolution (LR) image(s). Under large magnification, reconstruction-based methods usually fail to hallucinate visual details while example-based methods sometimes introduce unexpected details. given a generic LR image, to reconstruct a photo-realistic SR image and to suppress artifacts in the reconstructed SR image, we introduce a multi-scale dictionary to a novel SR method that simultaneously integrates local and non-local priors. The local prior suppresses artifacts by using steering kernel regression to predict the target pixel from a small local area. The non-local prior enriches visual details by taking a weighted average of a large neighborhood as an estimate of the target pixel. Essentially, these two priors are complementary to each other. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can produce high quality SR recovery both quantitatively and perceptually.

    标签: Super-resolution Multi-scale Dictionary Single Image for

    上传时间: 2019-03-28


  • Enhanced+Radio+Access+Technologies

    Following chapter introduces the mobile communication, gives a short history of wireless communication evolution, and highlights some application scenarios predestined for the use of mobile devices. Cellular and wireless based systems related to different generations of mobile communication, including GSM, IS-95, PHS, AMPS, D-AMPS, cdma2000 and WCDMA are also described by this Chapter. Much attention in this chapter is given to express the wireless based networks, such as Wi-Fi and WiBro/WiMax, and wireless broadcasting systems, including DMB, DVB-H, and ISDB-T. We conclude the chapter with the future vision of mobile communication evolution

    标签: Technologies Enhanced Access Radio

    上传时间: 2020-05-27
