上传时间: 2017-04-04
本小节将回顾运算放大器增益带宽乘积 (GBWP) 即 G×BW 概念。在计算 AC闭环增益以前需要 GBWP 这一参数。首先,我们需要 GBWP(有时也称作gbp),用于计算运算放大器闭环截止频率。另外,我们在计算运算放大器开环响应的主极点频率 f0 时也需要 GBWP。在 f0 以下频率,第 2 部分的 DC 增益误差计算方法有效,因为运算放大器的开环增益为恒定;该增益等于 AOL_DC。但是,超出 f0 频率以后,则必须使用 AC计算方法,我们将在后面小节详细讨论。
上传时间: 2014-07-14
The package includes 3 Matlab-interfaces to the c-code: 1. inference.m An interface to the full inference package, includes several methods for approximate inference: Loopy Belief Propagation, Generalized Belief Propagation, Mean-Field approximation, and 4 monte-carlo sampling methods (Metropolis, Gibbs, Wolff, Swendsen-Wang). Use "help inference" from Matlab to see all options for usage. 2. gbp_preprocess.m and gbp.m These 2 interfaces split Generalized Belief Propagation into the pre-process stage (gbp_preprocess.m) and the inference stage (gbp.m), so the user may use only one of them, or changing some parameters in between. Use "help gbp_preprocess" and "help gbp" from Matlab. 3. simulatedAnnealing.m An interface to the simulated-annealing c-code. This code uses Metropolis sampling method, the same one used for inference. Use "help simulatedAnnealing" from Matlab.
标签: Matlab-interfaces inference interface the
上传时间: 2016-08-27
上传时间: 2017-06-14
二极管-整流桥封装Altium Designer AD PCB封装库2D3D元件库文件PCB Library : 二极管-整流桥.PcbLibDate : 2020/12/29Time : 14:46:42Component Count : 48Component Name-----------------------------------------------ABSbr3BR8DBDBSDFN-2DO-15DO-15LDO-15LVDO-15VDO-27DO-27VDO-35DO-35VDO-41DO-41GDO-41GVDO-41VDO-201ADDO-201ADVDO-213AADO-213ABDO-218ABgbpGBUKBLKBPKBUMBFMBMMBSMELF (LL41)MINI_MELF (LL34)R-1R-3R-6RB-15RB-20SMASMBSMCSOD-123SOD-123FSOD-323SOD-523SOD-723SOD-923WOM
标签: 二极管 altium designer
上传时间: 2022-03-12