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  • 基于DSP28335+IR2110芯片的移相全桥驱动电路设计

    为解决移相全桥电路驱动及相角控制问题,设计了一种数字控制的移相全桥驱动电路.以TPL521为光耦隔离、IR2110为栅极驱动芯片.由DSP产生PWM信号,经过光耦隔离和逻辑电路后送至IR2110进行相角控制.文章对IR2110驱动电路原理进行分析及参数进行设计,对TMS320F28335进行设置并给出部分代码.实验结果表明:通过TMS320F28335可产生的不同相角的PWM波形,满足了移相全桥对不同相角控制的要求.In order to solve the problem of phase-shifted full-bridge circuit driving and phase angle control,a digitally controlled phaseshifted full-bridge driving circuit was designed. TPL521 optocoupler isolation,IR2110 gate driver chip. PWM signals are generated by the DSP and sent to the IR2110 for phase angle control after optocoupler isolation and logic circuits. This text carries on the analysis to the principle of IR2110 drive circuit and parameter design,set up and give out some code to TMS320F28335. The experimental results show that the PWM waveforms with different phase angles generated by TMS320F28335 can meet the requirements of phase-shifted full-bridge control for different phase angles.

    标签: dsp28335 ir2110 芯片

    上传时间: 2022-05-03


  • 基于TMS320F28335的超声波流量计硬件原理图+软件源码

    基于TMS320F28335的超声波流量计硬件原理图+软件源码本文以TMS320F28335 处理器为核心,设计一种用于管道流量测量的超声波流量计。系统硬件由核心板,超声波发射和接收电路,切换电路,超声换能器,基于ADS805 的高速信号采集电路,人机交互以及电源等模块构成。采用时差法进行管道流量测量,时差测量采用SCOT 加权的广义互相关时延估计算法。本论文设计的超声波流量计具有测量速度快、准确性好、成本低等优点。关键字:C2000,超声波,流量,广义互相关算法AbstractA kind of ultrasonic flowmeter using for the pipe flow measurement is designed based onTMS320F28335 in this paper. The system hardware consists of the following parts: the core board,ultrasonic signal transmitter and receiver circuits, switch circuit, ultrasonic transducer, signalacquisition circuit based on ADS805, human-computer interaction module and power supplymodule, etc. The system use the method of time difference for pipeline flow measurement and thetime difference is calculated by the time-delay algorithm of SCOT weighted generalizedcross-correlation. The ultrasonic flowmeter has the features of high testing speed, high precisionand low cost, etc.Keywords: C2000,Ultrasonic, Flow, Generalized Cross-Correlation Algorithm

    标签: tms320f28335 超声波流量计

    上传时间: 2022-05-06


  • 基于STM32的无刷直流电机控制器硬件电路设计及实验研究

    以STM32F103C8T6为核心,设计了无刷直流电机控制器硬件电路。电路主要包括IR2310构成的PWM驱动电路、IRF3808构成的逆变电路、增量式旋转编码构成的速度反馈电路。控制器具有CAN和RS232通信接口,可与计算机或PLC构成速度或位置伺服系统。利用由xPC目标搭建的半实物仿真平台对PI参数进行整定。测试了控制器的速度伺服响应性能,给定速度为2400rpm时,控制器响应时间为0.32s。实验结果表明,系统工作可靠,稳定性好,响应速度快,可以满足上肢康复机器人的机械臂速度控制性能要求。The hardware circuit of Brushless DC motor controller is designed by taking STM32F103C8T6 as the core,which mainly includes PWM driving circuits made up of IR2310,inverter circuit formed by IRF3808,speed feedback circuit composed of incremental rotary encoder and so on.Speed servo control system or position servo control system can be composed of BLDM controller with computer or PLC through CAN communication interface or RS232 serial communication interface.By using the hardware in the loop simulation platform built by xPC target,the PI parameters are set up.The Speed servo response performance of the controller is tested.When the speed is 2 400 rpm,the response time of the controller is 0...

    标签: stm32 无刷直流电机

    上传时间: 2022-05-07


  • CMSIS—DAP下载器源码 在STM32F103C8T6上实现

    说明:  CMSIS—DAP下载器源码,在STM32F103C8T6上实现,支持cortex全系单片机下载调试(CMSIS-DAP downloader source code, implemented on STM32F103C8T6, support cortex full-system MCU download and debug)

    标签: tm32f1 CMSIS-DAP

    上传时间: 2022-05-17


  • 51单片机控制fm1702射频读卡芯片读写mifa...

    说明:  51单片机控制fm1702射频读卡芯片读写mifare1卡全套资料。包括电路图,pcb板图,上、下位机软件及源码,stc单片机下载软件,各种资料文档等。(51 SCM control fm1702 RF reader chip card reader mifare1 a full set of data. Including the circuit diagram, pcb board map, the upper and lower-bit machine software and source code, stc SCM download software, all kinds of information documentation.)

    标签: 51单片机 fm1702 射频芯片

    上传时间: 2022-05-27


  • MSP430 bootloader文档+源码

    说明:  msp430F系列单片机bootloader原理与实现完整版源码、文档及说明(Msp430F series microcontroller bootloader principle and implementation of the full version of the source code, documentation and instructions)

    标签: msp430 IAP

    上传时间: 2022-06-06


  • 音响功放测试方法

    說明:1,测试交流电源(Test AC Power Supply):A.中国(China):AC 220V+/-2%50Hz+/-2%B.美国(United States of America):AC 120V+/-2%60Hz+/-2%。C.英国(Britain):AC 240V+/-2%50Hz+/-2%D.欧洲(Europe):AC 230V+/-2%50Hz+/-2%E.日本(Japan):AC 100V+/-2%60Hz+/-2%F.墨西哥(Mexico):AC 127V+/-2%60Hz+/-2%2,测试温度条件(Test Temperature Conditions):25℃+/-2℃。3,测试以右声道为准(Standard Test Use Right Channell)4,信号由AUX插座输入(Signal From AUX Jack Input)。5,测试以音量最大,音调和平衡在中央位置(电子音调在正常状态)。(Test Volume Setup Max,Equalizer And Balance Setup Center)。6,标准輸出(Standard Output):A.输入1 KHz频率信号(Input 1 KHz Frequency Signal)B.左右声道输入信号测试右声道(L&R Input Signal Test Use R Channel)C.额定输出功率満(Rating Output Power Full)10 W,标准输出定为1w.(Rating Output Power Full 10 w,Standard Output Setup 1 W)D.额定输出功率1W到10w,标准输出定为500 mW(Rating Output Power 1 W To 10 W,Standard Output Setup 500 mW)E.额定输出功率小于1w,标准输出定为50 mW(Rating Output Power Not Full 1 W,Standard Output Setup 50 mW)F.标准輸出电压以V-VPR为准(Standard Output Voltage Use V-V/PR)。G.V-V/PR中P为额定输出功率,R为喇叭标称阻抗。

    标签: 音响功放

    上传时间: 2022-06-18


  • AN222944 HX3PD硬件设计指南和检查表

    AN222944 HX3PD硬件设计指南和检查表硬件(英文名Hardware)是计算机硬件的简称(中国大陆及香港用语,台湾叫作:硬体),是指计算机系统中由电子,机械和光电元件等组成的各种物理装置的总称。这些物理装置按系统结构的要求构成一个有机整体为计算机软件运行提供物质基础。简而言之,硬件的功能是输入并存储程序和数据,以及执行程序把数据加工成可以利用的形式。从外观上来看,微机由主机箱和外部设备组成。主机箱内主要包括CPU、内存、主板、硬盘驱动器、光盘驱动器、各种扩展卡、连接线、电源等;外部设备包括鼠标、键盘等。

    标签: HX3PD

    上传时间: 2022-06-25


  • STM32F1_HAL库使用手册 英文版

    STM32 HAL固件库是Hardware Abstraction Layer的缩写,中文名称是:硬件抽象层。HAL库是ST公司为STM32的MCU最新推出的抽象层嵌入式软件,为更方便的实现跨STM32产品的最大可移植性。HAL库的推出,可以说ST也慢慢的抛弃了原来的标准固件库,这也使得很多老用户不满。但是HAL库推出的同时,也加入了很多第三方的中间件,有RTOS,USB,TCP / IP和图形等等。和标准库对比起来,STM32的HAL库更加的抽象,ST最终的目的是要实现在STM32系列MCU之间无缝移植,甚至在其他MCU也能实现快速移植。

    标签: stm32 hal库

    上传时间: 2022-07-08


  • 高级PID控制算法.

    Simulation can provide a lot of information about what the system is doing. We canadd the effect of different element, like Encoder resolution, ADC sampling rate, etc and understand how does it affect the system. Another benefit is the possibility to slow down the process, to gain insight on what happens of fast systems or, vice versa, speed up slow process.Because National Instruments is a unique company in the fact the we provide a fullhardware solution couple with a full development platform, we can use this tools in very particular ways For example, it is possible to combine the LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module along with the FPGA module to quickly prototype a controller. One of the main benefits of this approach is that there is no need to compile the FPGA code, which allows for a quick algorithm design turnaround and debugging.

    标签: pid控制

    上传时间: 2022-07-20
