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  • DN387 级联7A点的负载单片降压转换器

      Easy-to-use and compact point-of-load power suppliesare necessary in systems with widely distributed, highcurrent, low voltage loads. The LTC®3415 provides acompact, simple and versatile solution. It includes a pairof integrated complementary power MOSFETs (32mΩtop and 25mΩ bottom) and requires no external senseresistor. A complete design requires an inductor andinput/output capacitors, and that’s it. The result is a fast,constant frequency, 7A current mode DC/DC switchingregulator.

    标签: 387 DN 级联 负载

    上传时间: 2013-10-18


  • 具有宽输入范围的微型单片降压型稳压器

      Automotive batteries, industrial power supplies, distributedsupplies and wall transformers are all sources ofwide-ranging high voltage inputs. The easiest way to stepdown these sources is with a high voltage monolithicstep-down regulator that can directly accept a wide inputrange and produce a well-regulated output. The LT®3493accepts inputs from 3.6V to 36V and LT3481 acceptsinputs from 3.6V to 34V. Both provide excellent lineand load regulation and dynamic response. The LT3481offers a high effi ciency solution over a wide load range andkeeps the output ripple low during Burst Mode® operationwhile the LT3493 provides a tiny solution with minimalexternal components. The LT3493 operates at 750kHzand the LT3481 has adjustable frequency from 300kHzto 2.8MHz. High frequency operation enables the use ofsmall, low cost inductors and ceramic capacitors.

    标签: 输入 降压型稳压器

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • 多相DC/DC控制器精度和带宽限制

      Speed and accuracy don’t always go hand-in-handin DC/DC converter systems—that is, until now. TheLTC3811 is a dual output, fi xed frequency current modeDC/DC switching regulator controller designed for one oftoday’s most demanding power supply applications: highcurrent, low voltage processor core supplies.

    标签: DC 多相 控制器 带宽

    上传时间: 2013-11-21


  • DN460双输出降压稳压器优化效率

      The LTC3546 is a dual output current mode buck regulatorwith fl exible output current partitioning. Beyondthe advantages normally associated with dual outputregulators (reduced size, cost, EMI and part count, withimproved effi ciency), the LTC3546’s outputs can bepartitioned for either 3A and 1A outputs, or two 2A outputs.This increases its application range and simplifi esmultiple supply rail designs. A confi gurable Burst Mode®clamp for each output sets the current transition levelbetween Burst Mode operation and forced continuousconduction mode to optimize effi ciency over the entireoutput range. An adjustable switching frequency up to4MHz and internal power MOSFET switches allow forsmall and compact footprints.

    标签: 460 DN 输出 优化效率

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • DN457宽输入电压范围同步降压稳压器

      The LTC®3610 is a high power monolithic synchronousstep-down DC/DC regulator that can deliver up to 12Aof continuous output current from a 4V to 24V (28Vmaximum) input supply. It is a member of a high currentmonolithic regulator family (see Table 1) that featuresintegrated low RDS(ON) N-channel top and bottomMOSFETs. This results in a high effi ciency and highpower density solution with few external components.This regulator family uses a constant on-time valleycurrent mode architecture that is capable of operatingat very low duty cycles at high frequency and with veryfast transient response. All are available in low profi le(0.9mm max) QFN packages.

    标签: 457 DN 同步降压

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • 超低功率转换器的控制方案消除开关噪声

      An essential component of a noise-free audio device isa clean power supply, but few switching regulators canoperate at high efficiency while keeping the switchingfrequency out of the audio band. The LTC®3620 fills thisvoid. It is a high efficiency 15mA buck regulator with aprogrammable minimum switching frequency, making itpossible to virtually eliminate audible switching noise. Theinternal synchronous switches and low quiescent currentof this buck regulator provide the ability to maintain highefficiency, while its small footprint makes it ideal for tiny,low power audio applications.

    标签: 超低功率 控制 开关噪声 方案

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • 风力发电变频器

    风力发电变频器_变频器的英文译名是VFD(Variable-frequency Drive),这可能是现代科技由中文反向译为英文的为数不多实例之一.

    标签: 风力发电 变频器

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • 开关稳压器的偏置低噪声变容

      Telecommunication, satellite links and set-top boxes allrequire tuning a high frequency oscillator. The actualtuning element is a varactor diode, a 2-terminal device thatchanges capacitance as a function of reverse bias voltage.1 The oscillator is part of a frequency synthesizingloop, as detailed in Figure 1. A phase locked loop (PLL)compares a divided down representation of the oscillatorwith a frequency reference. The PLL’s output is levelshifted to provide the high voltage necessary to bias thevaractor, which closes a feedback loop by voltage tuningthe oscillator. This loop forces the voltage controlledoscillator (VCO) to operate at a frequency determined bythe frequency reference and the divider’s division ratio.

    标签: 开关稳压器 低噪声 变容

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • SKS-100 Single Output Switchin

    Features:   High efficiency, high reliability, low cost  AC input range selected by switch  100% full load burn-in test  Protections: Short circuit / Over load  Fixed switching frequency at 25KHz  Cooling by free air convection  1 year warranty   Dimensions: 199*98*38mm (L*W*H)    

    标签: Switchin Output Single SKS

    上传时间: 2013-10-30



    应用 APPLICATIONS·电视机、录像机、音频设备、显示器、复印机、打印装置、游戏机及计算机等。·用于开关电源线性滤波器。·削除 TV、VTR、VCR及监听器泄漏杂音。·用于OA 设备、通信设备和其它器件。·TV set, recorder, sound-frequency equipment, show-scope, photocopy-scope, typewrite equipment, recreation-scope, computer etc.·For line filters of switching power supplies.·Eliminates incoming/leaking noise of TVs, VTRs/VCRs and audio equipment .·For OA equipment, communications equipment and other electronic devices.

    标签: FILTERS POWER LINE 电源滤波器

    上传时间: 2013-10-23
